tw: explicit sexual content


Xi Zirui is only faintly aware of being carried to Han Yu's rooms. The world seems to spin dazedly around him, disorienting and too much.

He only feels better with his face hidden in Han Yu's chest, his reassuring and comforting scent all around him.

Han Yu sits at the foot of his bed with Xi Zirui cradled in his arms, a little while later some servants come in carrying all the food Han Yu made for Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui's stomach twists painfully, the hunger he has felt the whole day is unbearable, all of a sudden.

His stomach groans and Han Yu smirks, charmed.


"Let's eat," he says, helping Xi Zirui sit down in front of the table.

Completely uncaring of propriety, Xi Zirui digs in into the food with gusto, using both chopsticks and his fingers to shove food inside his mouth.

He doesn't fully understand what's happening to him, why he feels so ravenous but eating doesn't seem to slake his hunger.

Han Yu eats some of the food too, stopping at intervals to watch Xi Zirui, an indulgent smile curling on his lips.

"Is it delicious?" he asks, wiping down the sauce running down Xi Zirui's chin.

Xi Zirui looks up at him with wide eyes, shivering slightly at that brief contact. "Delicious," he nods. "But I'm still hungry."


Han Yu chuckles. "That's a different kind of hunger now."

What's that supposed to mean?

Han Yu mentioned something about Xi Zirui's season of rain, what is that again? If only his mind didn't feel so slow and syrupy, maybe he could hold on to a thought for more than five seconds.

"Let's take a bath," Han Yu says, and helps Xi Zirui to his feet, holding on to his hand as he leads him to the next room.

Xi Zirui is hyper-aware of Han Yu's long, slender fingers around his own, his entire field-of-vision narrowed down to all the little points of contact between them.The next room over is a smaller chamber with a large opening cut into the floor, leaving the lake waters below exposed.

Han Yu makes his way to the two golden taps at the edge of the pool and opens one of them, which starts releasing a stream of heated, scented water into the lake below.

Xi Zirui feels hands on his shoulders and belatedly realizes that Han Yu is now behind him, helping him divest himself of his robes.

He tilts his head backwards to look Han Yu in the eyes. "What's happening to me?" he asks, overwhelmed by the confusing whirlwind of emotions and feelings coursing through his body.

The feverish feeling that had abated momentarily after Bai Mi gave him that tea is now back with a vengeance. It makes Xi Zirui feel like his skin is too small for his body. Like there's a itch somewhere he can't scratch.

Han Yu gives him a confused look. "It's your season of rain, this can't be the first time you go through it."

Xi Zirui still isn't sure what that is, but Han Yu is probably right that it has indeed happened before, it's just that Xi Zirui is as new to this body as he is to this world.

"I don't know," Xi Zirui admits, pulling his robes the rest of the way off, feeling suddenly too constricted in the layers of silk.

Han Yu clicks his tongue. "How can no one have told you?" He looks angry now, it makes Xi Zirui upset to see him like that. "It's a perfectly normal thing kunjun go through, either as part of a cycle, or..." he stops and smirks, pleased with his own train of thought. Xi Zirui likes that look much better than the anger.

Han Yu tilts Xi Zirui's head back with two fingers under his chin, looking hungrily into his dazed eyes. "Or when they meet a particularly compatible qianjun."

Xi Zirui's breath comes up short and fast. "What does that mean?" 'Why aren't you kissing me?' is what he really wants to ask.

A hand slides down his waist and pulls the ties on the sides of his pants loose, making them slide to the floor. Han Yu's touch feels like a brand on Xi Zirui's heated skin, raising goosebumps in its wake.

His clever fingers delve in between Xi Zirui's cheeks, making him gasp and cling to the front of Han Yu's robes. He's burning up, and Han Yu is only stoking the fire.

Xi Zirui is shocked when Han Yu's fingers meet with wetness. Han Yu isn't, and his smirk grows as he spreads the wetness around, working it into Xi Zirui's tight rim, making it soften for him.

"It means that your body knows I'm the only one for you," Han Yu says, purring the words against Xi Zirui's hear. "And it wants us to mate."

Xi Zirui is openly panting against Han Yu. "Do you want that?"

Some of the fierceness disappears from Han Yu's eyes, replaced with tenderness. He takes Xi Zirui's hand and brings it down to the large erection straining against the front of his robes. "What do you think?" he asks, whispering the words into Xi Zirui's head. "It hasn't started yet, but your season is going to trigger my rut."

Those words send a shiver down Xi Zirui's spine, even if he can't fully understand them.

He scrabbles at Han Yu's robes, desperate to bare more of his smooth skin, to see all of him.Han Yu doesn't make him wait, divesting himself of his robes all the way off, until both of them are naked.

Xi Zirui can't take his gaze off Han Yu's perfect body, no matter how many times he has seen it before, it always takes his breath away.

"Let's cool off first," Han Yu says, his gaze equally hungry as it sweeps through Xi Zirui's body. "We're going to be here a while, there's no rush."

He takes Xi Zirui by the hand until the edge of the pool and then lets go to jump inside.

Water drips in thin rivulets down his slender horns and the planes of his face when the breaks the surface, smiling up at Xi Zirui in invitation.

Xi Zirui jumps in after him without a second thought. He feels Han Yu's arms coming around his waist more than the cool kiss of the water on his skin.

He's pulled down below the waters, where the warmth from the heated tap no longer reaches them, until only the small square of light cut into the floor of Han Yu's bathroom is visible when he looks up, and all around him is the darkness of the lake and the wooden structure of the palace built above it.

He panics for a moment, wondering how he's going to breathe, until he remembers he's a fish spirit and breathing under water is no problem for him.

Han Yu pulls him deeper into the depths, his hair fanning behind his head like a dark halo, Xi Zirui swims after him, following the glow of his skin in the dark waters.

They meet in a heated kiss in the depths, where he water is cooler and darker, enveloping them like a blanket.

Everything is silent, Xi Zirui can only hear the furious drumming of blood in his veins, and what he thinks is Han Yu's heartbeat when he puts his hand to his chest.

His legs wrap around Han Yu's waist of their own accord. Every second he isn't touching Han Yu feels like a waste. This isn't enough, though. He scrambles between them to wrap his hands around Han Yu's hard length.

He looks pleadingly into Han Yu's eyes, trying to angle himself in a way that makes Han Yu's cock rub against his entrance.

Han Yu's nostrils flare, a stream of bubbles coming out of them and the corner of his lips. He reaches between Xi Zirui's cheeks, bypassing his straining cock, to shove two fingers inside him.

Xi Zirui lets out a silent yelp and clings to Han Yu's neck desperately, canting his hips downwards into Han Yu's hand, fucking himself on his fingers.

It's so good, but it isn't enough. He wants more, needs more.

He feels so comfortable here, in the depths of the lake, just him and Han Yu, as if everyone else in the world has disappeared and it's just the two of them left.

That's probably why Han Yu brought them here, so they could have the most privacy possible, put a definite barrier between them and the unpleasant memory of Su Xueyi's presence.

But as much as the water is inviting and welcoming, it's also soft and languid -- and that's not what Xi Zirui wants.

He doesn't want to be fucked slowly in the swaying motions of the slow current.

He wants Han Yu to make him forget his own name, and finally put out the fire burning under his skin.

With great effort, he breaks free from Han Yu's hold, and using the last remaining shred of his self-control, swims up towards that distant square of light. Trusting that Han Yu will follow him, and will know, without even having to be told, just what Xi Zirui needs from him.
