The last and final challenge is meant to test Han Yu's and Su Xueyi's fitness to be Xi Zirui's mate.

It sounds intimidating to Xi Zirui when he hears it put in these terms, but as Bai Mi explains it, he's relieved to learn it won't be anything more than an attempt at impressing him.

With Jin Ranyu and Cao Fei also there, to weight in on things, and make it extra awkward for everyone.

Bai Mi tells them they have four hours to come up with something to present to Xi Zirui that will showcase their abilities to provide for him as his qianjun.

It's all very odd, and extremely condescending, but there's also not a lot Xi Zirui can do about it, besides wait.

Some of the guests grow bored, most of them disperse with ideas of showing up later to find out the result of the mating dispute.

Bored out of his mind as well, Xi Zirui sets off on his own to find Han Yu, maybe even nudge him in the right direction.



Xi Zirui walks around for a while, poking his head in every room until eventually stumbling on Han Yu in the palace kitchens of all places.

He doesn't see Xi Zirui come in, and he's able to sneak up behind him and cover his eyes with his hands.

"Guess who?" Xi Zirui asks, plastering himself to Han Yu's back and indulging his juvenile side.

Han Yu makes a show of taking a big lungful of air, scenting it dramatically before declaring, "Smelling this foul? Can only be Bai Mi."

Xi Zirui clicks his tongue, getting himself ready to snark him right back, when Han Yu twists around and picks him up by the waist. He turns with Xi Zirui in his arms an deposits him on the counter.


He knees his way in between Xi Zirui's legs and pulls him close by the hipbone, until Xi Zirui's ass is almost off the counter and he has to wrap one of his legs around Han Yu's waist for balance, his robes falling open on the side to reveal the pants of his inner robes.

Han Yu grins, like he has Xi Zirui exactly where he wants him. "Did you come here to impart on me the urgency of doing a good job?"

Xi Zirui runs his thumb from the arch of Han Yu's cupid bow all the way to his plump lower lip, thinking about following the same path with his tongue. "Does his Highness need encouragement?"

Han Yu turns his gaze upwards and bites his lower lip, in a show of great concentration. "I could do with a little taste of what I'm set to win."

Looping his arms around his neck, Xi Zirui brings Han Yu's face closer to his. He tilts his face upwards as if to kiss him, but at the last minute drops a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"There. A little sample of things to come," he says, grinning like a fool.

Xi Zirui is fully aware that he's lucky Han Yu's taste in men is as bad as his own, no one else would be able to put up with his antics.

Han Yu returns Xi Zirui's grin with one of his own and with one of his hands reaches across the counter, behind Xi Zirui's back.

He brings his fingers around and slips his index and middle finger between Xi Zirui's lips.

Initially startled, Xi Zirui soon notices the burst of flavor across his tongue, and licks Han Yu's fingers clean.

"Good?" Han Yu asks, slipping his fingers out of Xi Zirui's mouth.Xi Zirui hums. "Spicy," he says, running the tip of his tongue over his tingling upper lip. "Is his Highness trying to get me hot?"

Han Yu nudges Xi Zirui's legs further apart. "Do I need to?"

Now that he mentions it, Xi Zirui has been feeling unusually warm lately, almost tipsy, a feeling that only increases when he's near Han Yu.

He wonders what that's all about.

His mind goes slow and little foggy, he's too distracted by Han Yu's eyes and the pale column of his throat to come up with something to say.

Han Yu noses along Xi Zirui's neck, inhaling deeply. "I don't think I do."

"What?" Xi Zirui asks, looking up in confusion at Han Yu his mouth falling slightly open.

Han Yu is giving him a complicated look, his fingers tightening on Xi Zirui's hips, making him feel even boozier.

"You should go find Bai Mi, she'll know what to do."

Xi Zirui really doesn't want to do that. He tightens his arms around Han Yu's neck petulantly.

Bai Mi is a qianjun, and the idea of being near any of them besides Han Yu makes Xi Zirui feel sick.

Han Yu pulls Xi Zirui's arms down and steps away from the cradle of his spread legs. "You really need to go now, it's for the best."

As if pulled by an invisible thread he leans into Xi Zirui to smooth a gentle hand down his cheek. "Go find Bai Mi."

It's not a command but Xi Zirui finds that he doesn't want to put up a fight, not against Han Yu.

He drops down the counter and makes his way out the kitchen, stopping at the doorstep to give Han Yu one last sullen look from above his shoulder.


It's Bai Mi who ends up finding him.

"Finally, I've been looking for you all over," her scowl morphs into a look of alarm as soon as she reaches his side. "Oh that's just terrible timing."

She groans and pulls him by the sleeve towards a nearby room, being careful not to touch his skin.

She exchanges a few words with a servant who comes by minutes later with a cup of steaming tea.

"Drink this," Bai Mi says, handing the cup to Xi Zirui. "That should hold it off long enough for you not to cause a scene."

Xi Zirui has no idea what she's talking about, but he still drinks down the tea.

His head grows progressively clearer with each sip, which is a relief, although the prickly warm sensation under his skin seems to have gotten worse.

Bai Mi sighs. "It will have to do."---

It's finally time to judge the last challenge and Xi Zirui just wants to be done with the whole thing.

The way he's been fiddling with his robes has been drawing a lot of attention, and everyone's eyes on him feel like an invasion of privacy.

Don't they know that only Han Yu is allowed to look at him?

Ni Ni chimes, "Host, don't be alarm--"

Xi Zirui doesn't have time for her right now and vehemently shuts her off.

Han Yu's and Su Xueyi's creations are brought in by scores of servants and displayed in front of the gathered audience.

Han Yu has made an assortment of fragrant dishes fit for a feast. The smell alone makes Xi Zirui's mouth water.

Su Xueyi's creation is covered with a silk cloth, which he pulls down with a theatrical wave, revealing a baby's crib.


"The challengers might present their gifts," Bai Mi says.

Su Xueyi is first, making his crib sway with a gentle push. "I've made a crib for our first child. With me, Rui-er will never lack for anything. I'll provide for him and all our future children."

He gives a contemptuous smirk at the spread of food Han Yu has made and steps back.

Han Yu winks at Xi Zirui. "I've made Rui-er food because it's getting late and I'm sure he's hungry."

Xi Zirui grins at him from across the distance that separates them.

He's right, Xi Zirui is starving.

"All I want to do is be by your side, take care of you as I'm sure you'll take care of me," Han Yu says, his eyes curving into sweet crescents as he speaks. "I think I've waited long enough, and maybe you have too."

His words make no sense to anyone besides Xi Zirui, but they don't need to.

Xi Zirui loves him so much.

His Han Yu always knows what to say.

"There's no need for any votes, I choose Han Yu," Xi Zirui says stepping forward, reaching out to touch him.

Han Yu meets him halfway and wraps him up in a hug, his fresh scent enveloping Xi Zirui, making him feel tipsy all over again.

He goes boneless in Han Yu's arms. "Hi," he says, touching Han Yu's sharp jaw with the tip of his finger.

Su Xueyi looks at the two of them with pure hatred in his eyes. He tries step in but two guards stop him.

"Young master Su should admit defeat," Bai Mi says, holding back Su Xueyi by the shoulder. "If the voting went anything like the last one he would lose anyway."

Xi Zirui is sure Su Xueyi has some counterargument, but he doesn't hear any of it because in the next moment Han Yu sweeps him off his feet and carries him out of the room in his arms.

And then he's too busy being flooded with Han Yu's delicious scent all over again to hear any of the shocked gasps coming from the guests.

Han Yu looks down at Xi Zirui in his arms, his gaze heated. "Your season of rain couldn't have come at a better time."
