tw: extremely explicit babymaking sex scenes; thread with caution


Xi Zirui crawls up from out of the lake first, heaving his wet body into the wooden floor, a large puddle forming under him.

Han Yu follows him up, hoisting himself over Xi Zirui's body like a menacing wave, crashing into him with the intensity of a storm.

Xi Zirui lets himself be swept up in the current, spreading his legs around Han Yu's hips to make room for him, wrapping his arms around his neck to keep him close and baring his neck to his teeth.

Han Yu's teeth skim over his trembling throat, merely nipping at the skin, but not biting. Xi Zirui wishes he would, wishes he would sink his teeth into Xi Zirui's flesh to make him feel it.

"Mine," Han Yu says, running his hands down Xi Zirui's body, thumbing a nipple, scoring his nails down his abdomen, and then finally wrapping one hand around Xi Zirui's cock and pumping once, twice, saying, "Mine," again with a fierceness in his eyes that steals Xi Zirui's breath away.


"Yours," Xi Zirui answers, opening himself up for Han Yu's gaze, to his touch.

His skin still burns, Han Yu's touch is the only thing that soothes it, but Xi Zirui is greedy, and wants more than that. "Please fuck me," he keens, driving his hips up into the sweet friction of Han Yu's fist.

Han Yu leans down to lick into his mouth, thrusting his clever tongue past the seam of Xi Zirui's lips and fucking it inside. Xi Zirui moans into the kiss and wraps his right leg around Han Yu's waist trying to pull him closer to where he wants him.

"Beg me again," Han Yu says, pulling away from the kiss to whisper the words into Xi Zirui's skin.

Xi Zirui has no problem complying. "Fuck me, fuck me, please," he asks, in a frantic litany.

Han Yu pins Xi Zirui in place with his hands around his waist and drives his cock inside him in one languid thrust that makes Xi Zirui's eyes roll back in his skull.


"Fuck, you're so wet," Han Yu says his voice ragged, as he drives his hips into Xi Zirui's body.

His cock carves a path for itself inside Xi Zirui, making him let out punched out little moans with each searing thrust.

Xi Zirui clings to his back, his blunt nails scoring crescent moons up and down Han Yu's smooth shoulder blades with each harsh thrust that jostles him across the wooden floor, impaled as he is on Han Yu's cock.

"So, wet, so tight, just for me," Han Yu says, his hands sliding down from Xi Zirui's waist to pet his heaving abdomen. "Ready for me to breed."

Xi Zirui tightens around Han Yu like a vice, his spine arching like a drawn bow.

His breath catches in his throat, and he scrabbles to find purchase on Han Yu's shoulders so he can fuck himself harder on his cock, getting him deeper inside.

"Like that, like that," he says, when Han Yu's next thrust slams into his prostate head on, making him let out a loud squeal. "Gege is fucking me so well," Xi Zirui says, slipping into an endearment form the very first world, that's how much Han Yu's cock is addling his mind. Han Yu chuckles, his hand slides from Xi Zirui's abdomen all the way up his chest, to tighten around his throat. "Gege is going to fuck babies into you," Han Yu croons, his fingers squeezing gently.

The orgasm slams into Xi Zirui without warning, making his vision go white. Ropes of cum shoot up his stomach and chest, some hitting him in the chin.

Han Yu lets out a drawn out moan as soon as Xi Zirui tightens around him, but he doesn't stop fucking him, driving his cock into him through the contractions of his orgasm, making Xi Zirui pant and whimper at the oversensitiveness.

Every time Xi Zirui thinks Han Yu can't fuck him deeper he's proven wrong. He's letting out little wet noises from the back of his throat, mewling and ruined as Han Yu keeps him in place so he can continue to fuck into his tender hole.

Xi Zirui has never felt this filthy and used up, and he loves every minute of it. He could come a second time from the possessive look on Han Yu's eyes alone.

"Gege is going to knot you now," Han Yu says, his breathing growing ragged.

That's when Xi Zirui feels the distinctive thickness at the base of his cock, trying to batter its way beyond his slick rim and into his squelching insides.

Xi Zirui whines, "it's not going to fit, gege," he squirms in place, impaled on Han Yu's cock, seeking more contact even through all his protests. "Why is it so big?" Xi Zirui asks, contemplating punishing Han Yu in some way for it.

Han Yu laughs, loud and delighted. He spreads his fingers over Xi Zirui's tummy. "For you, all for you and your greedy hole," he says, and sinks his sharp teeth into a burning spot in Xi Zirui's neck.

A second orgasm Xi Zirui never even sees coming, leaves him panting and moaning weakly as Han Yu feeds the last of his knot into his sloppy hole, coming with a tortured groan as the aftershocks of Xi Zirui's second orgasm milk him.

His mind swimming, delirious with pleasure, Xi Zirui looks down at his stomach and thinks he sees it swelling up with all the cum Han Yu is pouring into him. "Oh, It's like gege knocked me up already," he says before the world around hims goes dark at the edges.


Awareness comes in increments. The first thing he feels is Han Yu's fresh scent, the second is the very much hard cock still inside him.

He moves around a little before Han Yu's arms come around his waist to steady him. "Easy, we're still tied."

Right, the knot. Xi Zirui clenches experimentally around it and gets a hiss from Han Yu for his efforts.

His mind has cleared up marginally. He still feels like he's burning up, and like his skin is too small to contain all of him, but some of the mindless haze of lust has cleared up.

Which allows him to contemplate his actions from moments ago with sudden clarity.

He smacks Han Yu on the arm.

"What was that for?" Han Yu asks, rubbing the spot that was just hit.

"I was acting like a mindless slut," Xi Zirui says, pouting about it.Normally, this is not something he would be against, but only with the express purpose of driving Han Yu wild, and possibly making him cry.

Somehow he feels wronged that he meant every single one of the completely whorish things he said.

Han Yu chuckles and pecks him on the lips. "And how is that my fault?"

Xi Zirui glares at him. "You drove me to it."

Staying mad would be easier if Han Yu's smile wasn't the most breathtaking thing Xi Zirui had ever seen.

"It's the season," Han Yu says, rubbing Xi Zirui's stomach. "It makes you act on instinct, you can get revenge when the rain breaks."

"I'll hold you to that," Xi Zirui says, and looks down at where Han Yu's hand is petting him in smooth circles.

His abdomen is now distended with a small bump where previously there was nothing.

Xi Zirui's breath catches, and he joins his fingers with Han Yu's.

"Am I pregnant now?" Xi Zirui asks, his voice trembling. Just saying the word feels surreal, he can't imagine actually having a child growing inside of him.

Then again, supposedly he's a god, maybe that's normal for them? Who knows? As usual Ni Ni is silent -- not that Xi Zirui would like to hear from her at a time like this, while he's still seated on Han Yu's cock.

"Right now you're just full of cum," Han Yu says, smug, making Xi Zirui bounce in his lap, jostling everything he has dutifully poured inside him. "Only time will tell if it takes."

Xi Zirui smacks him on the arm again. "Shameless," he says, his cheeks flaming.

Han Yu smirks and brings Xi Zirui's face down into a heated kiss. "I hope it does. I want to see you round with my children."

He keeps using plural and it's not very reassuring. Just one child is fine. Singular.

Still, Xi Zirui's mind must still be addled because he nods, returning Han Yu's silly grin. "Me too."

His hands slide down Han Yu's sculpted chest, teasing his nipples. He grinds down on his lap experimentally. "We should go again to make sure it takes."

"Don't you want to eat something? I don't want you to tire yourself out," Han Yu says, trailing his fingers down Xi Zirui's thigh.

It's only then that Xi Zirui notices that they're sitting on the floor near the table with all the food Han Yu made.

Han Yu must have carried him into the bedroom while he was unconscious.

The mental image of Han Yu carrying him in his arms while he was still impaled on his cock sends a delicious shiver down Xi Zirui's spine.

Forget eating. "I can eat after you give me a reason to work up an appetite," he shakes his head with a smirk. "I haven't even broken a sweat."

Han Yu growls and tumbles Xi Zirui on his back, silencing his delighted laughter with a demanding kiss.

Xi Zirui loves getting his way.
