"T... Tristan Lee, would you like to spend a lifetime with me?"

Justin's voice was shaky as those words left his mouth. He felt his body turn cold because he was nervous about what Tristan's answer will be, and he was also under a lot of pressure since he was put in an unexpected situation.

Tears started forming in Tristan's eyes without him realizing it as he felt his heart tighten as if it was being squeezed. He was overwhelmed with happiness at the moment that he couldn't think clearly.

Who wouldn't be that happy? The love of his life just proposed to him and asked him to spend a lifetime with him.

His tears started rolling down his cheeks, startling Justin in the process. When Tristan realized he was crying, he immediately covered the upper part of his face with his hand and tried to stop himself from crying even more.

'This is a surprise. I did not expect for this to happen...' the alpha thought as he sobbed.

Although Justin wanted to stand up and embrace him because he was crying, he stayed kneeling on one knee and waited for Tristan's response to his marriage proposal.


"I'm g... gonna stay like this until you answer me," Justin said, his face still bright red. He felt other people's eyes on them, given that they were in a public space where someone kneeling on the ground with a ring in his hand would catch someone's attention.

When Tristan realized that he hasn't answered yet, he removed his hand from his face and smiled at Justin.

It was a warm smile.

He looked at him with dewy eyes, fresh from crying, with his love and adoration for him reflected in them. The look he had on his face was more than enough to make someone's heart skip a beat, but just a beat wasn't the effect on Justin.

His heart was racing and pounding so hard that he could hear his heartbeat making the sound of galloping horses.

"Yes... Yes, of course. I'd love to," Tristan said as he stretched his arm to help Justin stand up.


The nervousness that Justin was feeling earlier was replaced with relief. His body that was cold from nervousness just a few seconds ago was now burning hot as his blood rushed to his entire face and on his neck.

"Th... Thank god..." the omega mumbled under his shaky breath and smiled as he looked at Tristan's smiling face. He accepted the alpha's hand and as he was about to stand up, his knees wobbled and so he fell to the ground.He was too relieved that he felt like his entire body was melting.

Justin laughed to cover his embarrassment and said, "J... Just give me a sec. I can't really stand right now." Tristan chuckled at what he said. Instead of letting him sit on the concrete ground next to his melting ice cream, he lifted Justin up and made him sit on the bench.

Tristan put his hand in front of Justin. The omega stared at his hand, wondering what it was about, and realized that Tristan wanted him to put the ring on his finger.

Justin smiled and slowly took the ring from the ring box.

'Once I put this on his finger, we'd already be engaged,' Justin thought as he felt all giddy inside.

He slowly put the ring on Tristan's finger and when he was done, he looked up to see Tristan's face.

His eyes have turned into a crescent as they smiled with his lips that was smiling widely. He was smiling from ear to ear, delighted about their engagement.

"I love this so much," Tristan said as he looked at the ring. "Don't you think it looks good on me?" he continued as he showed his hand with a ring on his finger.

Justin giggled and said, "Uh-huh. It looks good on you." Tristan beamed and said, "And I think you'd look great with a ring on your finger, too."

He knelt on the ground, and Justin looked at him with shock evident on his face. "I was actually planning on doing this later when we're about ti eat dinner, but it seems like you beat me to it," Tristan chuckled as he slowly took the ring box from his pocket.

He then opened it and inside was a silver ring with a small diamond in the middle. It had almost the same design as that Justin bought for Tristan, but the way the diamond was shaped and the thickness of the ring was different. The ring that Tristan bought for him was slightly thinner than what Justin bought. Looking at it, it almost seemed like they were together when they were choosing rings because of their similarity in looks.

"Justin Vincent Alvarez, my rest, my calm peace, my whole, my everything, and my dearest darling... Will you accept me as your partner for the rest of your life?" Tristan said as he looked directly into Justin's eyes.

His green eyes sparkled as they stared into his, making Justin's heart flutter.

It was then when Justin fully understood why Tristan suddenly cried earlier. He was now bursting in tears from the overwhelming happiness he feels at the moment.

He did not think that being proposed to would feel like this. Of course, he knew he would be happy, but he did not think it would be to the point where he feels like he could really die at the moment and not have a single regret at all.

"O... Of course, you dummy..." Justin responded with an unsteady voice as he sobbed.

'What's with him? Why is he so loveable? I love him so damn much...' Justin thought as he watched Tristan put the ring on his finger.

The way things turned out was not what they expected to be. The two of then constructed a scenario inside their heads where they are proposing to the other, but neither of those scenarios happened.

Although this was how things escalated from having a few droplers of melted ice cream on Justin's shorts, the two of them were so happy to the point that they couldn't stop smiling.

The people who passed by and saw what happened between the two were also smiling as they watched the couple looking so happy and content with each other.

It was like they were witnessing something out of a movie or novel that they also felt happy for the two without knowing them personally.

Now that the two of them are already engaged with each other, the only process left is their wedding which would take place in two months, at least according to Tristan's plan.

Tristan took another handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Justin's tears with it.

He initially brought two handkerchiefs with him. One for his personal use if he ever sees the need to use it and one for his omega because he figured Justin would cry when he proposes, and he wasn't wrong. He wasn't wrong that Justin really did cry, but he did not expect that he'd cry even before Justin does.

"Your eyes are getting puffy," Tristan chuckled as he stared at Justin'a face with a smile on his face. "Sh.. Shut up," Justin mumblef as he felt his face heating up once again.

Even though only their label as boyfriends changed and turned into fiancees, the two of them felt like that was a drastic change, because it really is.

They felt like their relationship with each other became more special. They were already each other's mates and now, they're even engaged to each other.

It was already getting dark and the night wind was already getting chilly as they chatted with each other at the park.

Justin's eyes weren't as swollen as they were earlier, and so they decided to go back to Tristan's car. They decided to go back not just because Justin's eyes weren't as puffy anymore, but also because Justim saw that Tristan has already started shivering because he was getting very cold already.

Tristan brought Justin to the place where he initially planned to propose to him.

It was the cafe where Justin waited for him for so long.

"Why here?" Justin asked as he looked around, appreciating the effort that has been made in decorating the entire place for it to look so romantic.

"Well, this place is filled with only negative memories of us. I wanted to replace them with a happy one so when we go here next time or even just pass by it, we would think that this is where we got engaged," Tristan said as he smiled.

"Though, that's not the case anymore because we ended up proposing to each other on a park bench," he continued and chuckled.

"Hmm, I think those negative memories are already buried six feet under. They've already been replaced with this moment we're having now. Just being here with you is enough to make a happy memory, my alpha," Justin gave him a warm smile, making Tristan's heart flutter and hurt at the same time because he loves Justin so much.

"Haaa... Seriously, you got me so whipped...." Tristan said as he chuckled.
