"How are the preparations going?" Tristan said as he glanced at Justin who was still at their table.

The alpha excused himself for a while, in the pretense of needing to go to the comfort room. He wanted to check on how things were going with the preparations for his proposal later.

Initially, he asked Troy to help him. Unfortunately, Troy isn't available today because he has to shoot for an upcoming drama, so he asked Daryl to help him instead.

"We'll be finishing up after lunch. I'll call you later when we're done with everything. You're gonna have dinner by 8, right?" Daryl said on the other line as Tristan walked inside the comfort room. "Yeah. Please have the food prepared in advance so we don't have to wait," Tristan responded.

Daryl suddenly chuckled, making Tristan confused. There wasn't even anything that was funny in what he said earlier. "Why? What is it?" he asked, confused. "Haha, it's just that you really grew up," Daryl responded. "What do you mean by that?" Tristan asked.

Daryl smiled before responding to his cousin on the phone. "You were too scared to do anything before that it even led to your breakup, but look at you now... You're even asking me to help you propose to Justin," he said as he smiled, feeling proud of how his cousin turned out to be.

"Well, that's what happens when you're too scared of history repeating itself," Tristan chuckled. "So you should do the same, too. You know, with that guy you like," he continued.


There was silence.

Daryl didn't respond for a few seconds because Tristan caught him there.

"A... Anyway, that's just it, right? Go back to Justin now since he's waiting for you. I gotta get some work done, too," Daryl said, diverting the topic somewhere else.

Their phone call ended after they said their goodbyes and Tristan went back to their table.

"Do you have somewhere you want to go to?" Tristan asked as he sat back on his chair. "Hmm..." Justin pursed his lips, thinking of a place where he wants to go.

'I already have a place in mind where I want to propose to him but... it's still too early. Where should we go for now?' Justin thought.


He looked outside the glass wall and saw a sign saying that there's a park nearby.

"Shall we take a walk for a while?" Justin said as he looked at Tristan and smiled. "Sure, let's do that," the alpha said as he smiled. "I'll go pay for the meal first," he said and then stood up.

As Justin waited for Tristan to come back, he started thinking of scenarios that might happen later when he proposes.

He's never really taken initiative in this kind of thing, so everything is new to him. He's not even very confident about confessing before that he wasn't able to tell Tristan that he likes him until they dated.

Or at least, that's what he thought.

He confessed to him when he was drunk, but that's just it. That's the end of it. He wouldn't be able to muster up the courage to say something like that first without alcohol.

And just like now, he's already becoming so nervous that even cold beads of sweat started running from his head down to the sides of his face and also on his back.

'How am I gonna say it later? I'm so nervous, I think I'm gonna collapse right now,' he thought as he let out a shaky breath and swallowed hard.Although he knew that Tristan wouldn't reject his proposal, he was still nervous about it because his plan is not grand like other proposals.

Usually, people would dress up, prepare balloons, a bouquet of their lover's favorite flower, and things of the sort, but Justin wasn't able to do anything like those at all.

There was nobody there to help him prepare for anything like that, so he's only going to settle for the ring and the view they will see later when he proposes.

'I'm going to bring him to that place and ask him to marry me there,' he thought as he smiled a little despite the nervousness he's feeling at the moment.

After a few more seconds, Tristan finally came back and they both headed out right away. The employees that were in the same restaurant were still there, glancing in their direction as they walked out.

Because of what Tristan told Justin earlier, the omega decided not to mind their presence and how they kept stealing glances at them. He felt really reassured that Tristan told him those words earlier. Although he knew Tristan loves him very much and that he doesn't care about what other people might think, Justin still couldn't help but still feel scared about other people's opinions. However, seeing as to how Tristan looked at him earlier, he knew that he meant every word he said and that there was no reason for Justin to feel that way anymore.

'Being in a relationship with someone as beautiful and as great as you isn't something I'd want to hide.'

What Tristan said played in his mind as they started walking. The corners of his lips started trembling as he tried to suppress his smile.

"Darling, did you know?" Tristan said as he looked at Justin. The omega looked up to him and gave him a questioning look. "Know what?" Justin asked.

"Did you know if you buy half of a chicken, you're basically sharing chicken with another person who bought the other half?" Tristan laughed. Justin giggled because of what the alpha said.

It was total nonsense but he just talked about whatever just so they could have something to talk about.

"Did you know?" Justin said as he smiled. "Know what?" Tristan responded as he raised his brows and smiled at the omega.

'Good lord, why is this man so handsome? Isn't this too much? This is illegal,' Justin thought as he looked at Tristan's face.

"I have a very huge weakness. I fall in love too quickly" Justin said as he stopped in his tracks. When Tristan saw that Justin stopped walking, he did the same and faced his omega. "Oh, really?" the alpha said, feeling a bit upset inside about what Justin said.

'What's this? Does this mean he liked someone after our breakup? Well, I can't really blame him for that if that really happened. It's not like he cheated or anything. It just makes me feel a bit... sad,' Tristan thought.

"Yeah. Just like now. My very weakness is before me," Justin beamed as he looked at Tristan whose face looked quite upset. "Oh? I wonder what that weakness is," Tristan smiled, now feeling all better after what Justin said.

"Those green eyes of yours," Justin said as he cupped Tristan's cheeks and giggled.

Tristan chuckled and let out a sigh. "Haaa... really... What am I gonna do with you?" he mumbled as he held Justin's hands that were still holding his cheeks.

Tristan moved his face forward, now only a few inches away from Justin's face. "Why are you so cute? You make it a lot harder for me to hold back, you know?" he said in a soft voice as he looked into Justin's eyes and then on his lips.

The omega felt his face heating up because they were still in a public place. He immediately pulled his hands from Tristan's and took a step backward.

He suddenly felt shy and embarrassed because of what his lover did. They weren't in an appropriate place to do display their affection, which explains why he felt that way.Justin looked around and felt even shyer when he saw that there were some people throwing glances at them.

"C... Come on, let's continue walking around," Justin said, his face still hot and flushed.

They walked around the park for an hour or so. After walking around, they decided to take a rest under the shade of a tree in the park.

Justin felt a bit tired and so he didn't realize that he had fallen asleep on Tristan's shoulder.

Tristan could feel Justin's warmth on his skin as they made contact with each other. Although he wanted to stare at Justin's sleeping face, he made sure not to move so as to not wake Justin.

They stayed in that kind of position for about thirty minutes and Justin finally woke up from his quick nap.

"Oh, I fell asleep..." he said as he rubbed his eyes with his hand. "Mm-hmm. Would you like to stay here for a while? Or do you have somewhere else you want to go to?" Tristan asked as he smiled at Justin.

"Hmm? No, you should decide where we should go now. We already went to the art fair and taken a walk because of my suggestion," Justin said as he shook his head.

"Hmm... Then, let's stay like this for a while," Tristan smiled at him and embraced him in his arms.

Just like what he wanted, they really stayed in that position for a while. The sun's heat was also warm that it made the both of them feel drowsy. Although Justin just woke up from his 30-minute nap, he fell asleep again after Tristan closed his eyes for a quick nap.

The two tired working adults who were given a free day fell asleep in each other's embrace just like that.

When the two of them woke up, it was already over 3 pm in the afternoon. They decided to buy some ice cream and finish it first before heading back to where Tristan's car was parked. They sat on a bench at the park as they ate the ice cream that they bought from a nearby ice cream truck.

"This is really good," Justin said as he licked his ice cream. Without him noticing it, a few drops of his melting ice cream fell on his lap. "Darling, you're making a mess of your shorts," Tristan said as he took his handkerchief from his pocket.

"Oh?" Justin paused to look at his shorts and the alpha was really right.

Tristan began wiping his lap with his handkerchief, and as he did that, he felt something hard inside Justin's pocket.

"Hmm? What's this?" Tristan said as he patted the part where the hard thing was.

Justin's eyes widened, now realizing what Tristan was touching. "O... Oh... It's nothing," the omega said as he smiled awkwardly.


Tristan put his hand inside Justin's pocket, startling the omega because of what he did. "H... Hey, what are you doing?!" Justin said, startled. His ice cream fell to the ground because of what Tristan did.

Before Justin could even stop Tristan from taking it out, the alpha had already taken the thing Justin was desperately trying to hide.

"Huh? This is... a ring box..." Tristan said as he stared at the velvet box that he was holding.

'Argh... This isn't what I planned at all,' Justin thought as he felt his face become hot. 'I can't do anything about this now that he already saw it,' he thought.

Justin grabbed the ring box from Tristan's hand and slowly knelt on the concrete ground next to his ice cream.

Justin raised his head and looked at Tristan.

His icy blue eyes were shaking and his face was still flushed red as his sweat and trembling hand held Tristan's. He was so nervous that every breath he lets out is shaky.

He opened the ring box with only one hand and said...

"T.... Tristan Lee, would you like to spend a lifetime with me?"
