By the time the couple went home, everybody was already asleep. Justin's family and Ben stayed in the penthouse. There were three guest rooms, just enough for them.

As what you'd expect, Marina and Rafael shared a room, Daniel slept on the other one, and Ben on the last room.

As the two laid next to each other on their bed, Tristan couldn't stop smiling as he stared at Justin's sleeping face.

'Wow... Did all that really happen today? Everything seems like a dream to me,' he thought as he smiled even wider.

His heart was so happy that he never stopped smiling the entire day.

And like that, he slowly fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The next day, Justin's family and Ben left in the morning to go back to the Lee family's mansion. Everything went back to normal, except for the fact that Tristan was doting on Justin a lot more than before.


"Darling, you should eat this too," the alpha said as he placed a piece of tamagoyaki. The twins kept staring at Tristan who was acting extra weird.

"T... Tristan, I think this is enough," Justin said a she looked at his plate with a pile of food. "No, you should eat more so you won't be hungry at work later," Tristan said as he placed another slice on the omega's plate.

"Mommy, is that a ring?" Chesca said as she looked at Justin'a hand with a ring on his finger. "Oh... Yes, baby," Justin smiled at her and showed the ring on his hand. "Isn't it pretty? Daddy bought this for mommy," he continued.

Chester stared at the ring too. The twins were looking at it with sparkling eyes. It was then when they decided to look at Triatan's hand and saw that there was also a ring on it.

"To be exact, daddy proposed to mommy yesterday. Mommy and daddy are getting married," Tristan smiled at them.

Chester and Chesca's eyes widened as they looked at each other. Their eyes reflected both their happiness and surprise about the news.


Just a few months ago, they've never even dreamt of having a complete family just like the other kids they know, but now, not only do they have a daddy but their parents are also getting married soon.

"Wow, really?!" Chesca said with an excited tone in her voice. Chester was smiling at them with shock still evident in his face.

Justin told them the story on how things happened that way. He told them that he was actually the first one to propose and Triatan followed after. Of course, he did not leave the part where Tristan cried as soon as he proposed to him.

"Daddy is a crybaby," the twins giggled as they teased Tristan.They're now inside their car, already on their way to the twins' preschool to drop them off.

The whole ride, the twins never stopped teasing Tristan about what Justin told them and he couldn't help but chuckle from what his children teased him with.

After a few more minutes of driving, they finally arrived st the twins' preschool and they walked them inside the classroom first before heading to the company.

"Bye, babies," Justin said as he kissed the tio of their noses and smiled at them. "Bye, my little princess. Bye, bud," Tristan said as he hugged them. "Have fun today, hmm?" he continued and smiled at them.

The twins nodded with smiles on their faces, and the couole finally went off and headed for work.

On their way there, Justin suddenly remembered that some employees saw them yesterday. However, instead of getting all nervous like before, he did not feel that way this time. He did not seem to care about what their opinions may be about them, because their opinions don't matter in the first place.

Instesd of getting off at the parking lot or somewhere near the company building, Justin asked Tristan that they get off in front of the building and just ask the guard to park Tristan's car instead.

"Are you sure about this, darling?" Tristan asked as he stopped the car in front of the company building. He had a somehow worried expression on his face because he knew that Justin was quite against the idea of showing their relationship in public before.

"Yup. We're getting married soon, anyway. Plus, I'm tired of hearing them say that we're not a couple. We should let them see so they'd believe it," Justin smiled at him.

When Tristan saw the determined look Justin had on his face, he knew that the omega was a hundred percent sure in what he wanted to do.

"Very well, then," he smiled at him.

Tristan got off of his car and Justin waited for him to open the car door for him because it's what he always does. The alpha always insists in opening the door for him, so he's just letting Tristan do whatever he wants.

The people who were about to enter the building kept glancing in Tristan's direction. It was like that before too because aside from being their CEO, he's also an eye candy. But now, what caught their attention and what piqued their interest is how Tristan is on his way to opened the car door.

He's always alone in his car and doesn't even hire a driver to drive him, but now, he's suddenly with someone else.

Some of them stopped for a moment to wait for whoever gets off of the car.

Justin did not even cross their minds as they waited for the person to get off. They thought it would be some rich omega from a huge company or conglomerate.

To their surprise, the person they expected was different.

Tristan opened the door with a warm and loving smile on his face as he looked at Justin. The omega got off of the car while looking at Tristan with smiling eyes.

'Wow... this is big news...' thought the employees who have seen them together.

They could not believe how Tristan smiled at him that way. The way he looked at Justin could already tell everyone that he's head-over-heels for him even without words.

He's never shown an expression as soft as what he was showing right now to the employees. The once cold and aloof demon they knew seemed like and entirely different person when he looks at Justin.

The two of them then entered to company building with Tristan carrying Justin's bag.

"Hey, come on. Let me carry my bag. I can do that much," Justin whispered as he tried to take his bag from the alpha's hand. "No, I'll be carrying your bag from now on. Carrying heavy objects is not good for the baby," Tristan said as he shook his head.

"What? Tristan, you do know I'm still over a week pregnant, right?" Justin said as he looked at him weirdly.

Tristan stopped in his tracks and paused. He thought that what he's doing right now is not really necessary because it's still Justin's early pregnancy, but he still wanted to do it anyway.

"But... I want to," Tristan said as he looked at him with puppy eyes and pouting lips.

The employees who saw him make that kind of face were taken aback. Some found him adorably handsome, while some found him weird and scary for acting like a different person.

"I'm taking this," Justin smiled at him as he took his bag from the alpha's hand.

They headed to the elevator with other peoole's eyes on them. Of course, they both knew that people were staring at them, but they paid no attention to them.

The people who were waiting for the elevator doors to open backed off as Tristan showed up with Justin.

There wasn't a rule saying that no one is allowed to enter the elevator with Tristan, but they still leave him alone because they find his mere presence terribly frightening.

They feel like Tristan might eat them alive if they make one wrong move.

Of course, because Tristan was there in front if them, they stopped whispering about them because the two might hear what they were whispering about.

They were already scared of him before, but they're even more scared now that he's acting strangely.

The elevator doors opened and only Justin and Tristan went inside. The employees just stood outside and waited for the elevator doors to close. They already feel suffocated just from being in the same space as Tristan. How much more would it be if they're with him inside a very narrow space like the elevator?

Just as they wished, the elevator doors finally closed and the couple were finally heading up.

The people outside let out breaths of relief now that Tristan was not there anymore. Also, upon their leave, the employees started talking about them once again since neither Justin nor Tristan was there to overhear them.

"I can't believe how the demon looked at him earlier. Love really changes people, huh?"
