As incredible as it may seem, I was able to rest in this forest without any problems, I felt some Demons in the distance, but none of them approached and each one of them made my blood run cold as I felt their presence proving to be much more than I could face.

The only thing I could think of is that Callidora must have done something to make this area safe, she doesn't want anyone to interfere with her plans and that was the best news I could ask for since she created the only safe area where she could rest.

As soon as my body was lighter after hours of rest I realized that the body is healed, but the vitality had been consumed to heal the body and I can't recover my vitality in this damned Hell.

"(At least the pressure on my mind from the exhaustion of keeping the Aura Relic activated for so long has recovered to rest.)" (I)

"Now I have to recover my energy, I spent a lot of my Mana and Spiritual Energy in the final phase of that fight against the Undead." (I)

"Should I use my Aura Relic to consume some Demons?" (I)


"It wouldn't be good, I'm not sure of the consequences of this yet and I don't want to depend on a power I don't fully understand." (I)

"(Wait! In Hell I'm supposed to be the only one with a real body and still alive... right?)" (I)

Finally being in a calm and safe place has allowed me to not only rest, but it has also allowed me to calm my mind to think clearly about everything I have been going through without having to watch my back due to constant attacks.

For days I have been going through so many things that this was the opportunity to put everything in order, depending on luck in this damn place will only lead to my death, I prefer to trust only in my own ability.

"(Having a way to recover my energy is a priority...)" (I)

I keep thinking as I replay in my mind the memories of everything I went through in this place and thanks to that I was able to realize something, I recovered energy by consuming the Spectral Dragon last time, and this includes my vitality.


The problem is that it was a Spectral creature, it did not have any type of physical body or life that could provide me with vitality and blood, its only type of energy was death energy, but even so, when my Aura Relic consumed it I was filled exactly for the types of energy it needed, being Vitality, Mana, Ki and Spiritual Energy with only the latter making sense.

"I didn't feel the death energy enter my body at that moment, I'm sure." (I)

I look at my hand, my Aura still circulating over the surface of my body like a second layer of skin, I am doing it all the time even as I fight that over time I am doing it almost automatically, a layer of concentrated Aura like a permanent barrier around me. "My Aura Relic converted death energy into other types of energy? Did it do the same to other types of energies?" (I)

Images of my combats using my Aura Relic come to mind, the form of my Aura Relic is a substitute for my own blood, something between the liquid of blood and the ethereal of energy, it can change its form following my will and be incorporated in spells, skills, Spiritual Runes or just being crystallized in the form of weapons, armor and even equipment like those needles.

"My Aura Relic has the ability to transform and so does what it consumes... but why?" (I)

"..." (I)

"I don't remember possessing this type of ability at any point, so where does the origin of this power come from?" (I)

"..." (I)

This universe may be magical or whatever, but things don't come out of nowhere, powers of the elements come from the affinities of each element and that's why only after obtaining these affinities was I able to use power from various elements, I was also only able to fuse powers, elements, and bloodlines when I acquired the synthesis skill, even the ability to acquire skills comes from my power to devour other creatures.

"Power can only come from one of the two parts that form my Aura Relic, so either it comes from my blood or it comes from my Aura." (I)

"If it comes from my blood the biggest chance would be that the power comes from my Mother, as a Goddess I'm not exactly sure what she can do, so that would be a possibility." (I)

"Now if this power comes from my Aura, then it means that there is still power in my Aura that I am unaware of, as it has undergone so many changes yet it has become one thing, my unique Aura of Chaos ability has integrated all the other Auras into it and the name remains the same." (I)

"Each Aura has certain unique characteristics that are not described in its function when identified, I learned this in practice, and even though I have not used my Aura in different ways, I don't think I have ever used my Aura of Chaos frequently." (I)

"Chaos... everyone is always talking about the power of Chaos and I never felt like I was using this power all the time... I wonder if..." (I) I think you should take a look at

The information from the past appearing in my mind, the way I saved Layla in the past by turning 5 soul fragments into just 1, the way I transformed Nix's Soul completely into a Spirit when I released her, and the way all my Awakening Ceremonies have success when there should be a certain possibility of failure, a very high possibility from what I read in the Dungeon library, I never stopped to think about it deeply and perhaps I should have done so sooner.

"Even my Chaotic Devourer has the name chaos in the middle... can I consider that this ability gradually transforms me based on those I consume?" (I)

"The circle of life is always described in the same way." (I)

"Creation, Transformation, and Destruction before returning to the beginning." (I)

"There are also those who say it is Creation, Destruction and Transformation." (I)

"But the important thing is that by associating these three points I can order it like this?" (I)

Creation = Life

Destruction = Death

Transformation = Chaos

"..." (I)

Suddenly I felt like my mind was lighting up, I always associated unexplainable things as being in a magical world or intervention of the Gods, but now it was like the pieces were falling into place.

When I acquired the powers of fire and water I was able to overlook the contradiction of having two different Affinities, but when I acquired the powers of Light and Darkness, which are more than just opposites, I started to find it strange.

What actually surprised me was my Auras, I achieved several Aura skills by consuming others, but two among these Auras should not be able to be in the same individual, the Auras of Life and Auras of Death.

"Chaos... transformation... change... path... path?" (I)

Suddenly I remember my dreams and my evolutions, the path in the field of stars, the changes in life are always associated as part of the road of life, a path.

"If Creation is the starting point and Destruction is the final destination... transformation can only be the path that leads from one point to another, then leads back, completing the circle." (I)

Suddenly I felt my Aura vibrate throughout my body, it seemed comfortable now, I felt as if an arm had been dislocated all this time and I had just cracked my bones putting the arm back in place thus recovering normal movements, my Aura was no longer something that I was learning to control, is now completely part of me and the changes were not just the Aura.

I began to feel the Starfire within me becoming active once again and Callidora's words appeared in my mind.

"(What you seek burns within you.)" (Callidora)

I already knew that the Flame was associated with my Authority from that moment, but I didn't know how to control it until now, I tried to use my Aura to mess with the Starfire while resting earlier without success, but now it is different.

"My Soul has changed... my Aura has changed... my body has changed... my Authority has also changed..." (I)

From the beginning the Starfire was constantly transforming my body during my fight against my sister Natasha in an endless cycle of destruction and healing, I look up at the energy of death being refined by the Starfire that Callidora got from me, and I finally understand.

"Transformation... so that was it... infinite transformations... infinite paths... unpredictability against Natural Harmony... the complete cycle." (I)

Suddenly my body was surrounded by Starfire and I wasn't scared, unlike before, I feel comfortable now as Starfire merges with Aura like a third layer of skin around my body.

I look around and finally, I can feel the cycle of transformations distorted as various paths forcibly linked everywhere, it seems so obvious now since I came here I realized that there was no harmony, there is no cycle of life in hell, there is no creation and here destruction is eternal during all transformations.

"(That's why Elizabeth sent me here... the fundamental discrepancy in Hell would make it easier for me to see... a perfect link to understanding my Authority for the first Time.)" (I)
