I knew that sooner or later I would be surrounded by strong enemies and a sea of weaker Undead, so I tried to conserve my powers as much as possible knowing that this would be a battle of endurance coming down to how long I would be able to continue.

Once the situation got so bad that it was too risky to continue preserving my strength, I used a large part of my mana together with part of the power of my Aura Relic to use the rain of blood from this damned place to my advantage in a mass destruction attack.

The rain of super heavy blood needles was raging for dozens of kilometers around me, the place where I was was the eye of the storm left separate from this rain of death, but this only made the rain ignore the place where I was, it didn't stop the rain enemies from approaching me.

The Undead Mage who seemed stronger teleported close to me, escaping the range of the surrounding magic, he started attacking me immediately, surrounding me with dozens of skulls, and launching breath attacks at me from all directions, to make everything worse, the enemy that I have felt for the longest time hiding underground without ever revealing himself decided to join the fight and all I saw was a round mouth dozens of meters long full of teeth made of sharp bones that looked like a can of bottomless razors trying to swallow me with the damned Undead Mage.

"< Space Spirit Rune: Spatial Curvature >" (I)

Without time to think, I opened my wings, pushing upwards with all my strength at the same time that this creature's jaws were rising, trying to devour me, without giving me time to do anything about the Undead Mage's attack that disappeared again, the problem it was the damn skulls following me like prey, reading my positions and moving along with me during their attacks.


I have always made my liquid energy like blood cover my body while crystallizing into an armor on my body full of Spiritual Runes that I activate increasing their effects with the help of my Aura Relic, using this technique I can bend space making attacks that should be in straight line curve before reaching me causing them all to be redirected downwards hitting the inside of the mouth of whatever the creature is below.

"(Gotta get rid of these skulls.)" (I)

"< Demonic Magic: Bones of Slaughter >" (I)

I soon feel the pain of this technique as the bones in my body become weapons that I can manipulate, I make the ribs in my body move, opening their way out as they become rigid tentacles with spear-like tips, destroying the surrounding skulls that explode before being completely destroyed.

In the middle of the attacks, something tries to wrap itself around my body and I use my tail to cut it, it was a tongue coming from the creature below that seemed to be unaffected by the attacks made inside its mouth.

"Want to eat, THEN I'LL FILL UP YOUR DAMN STOMACH!!!" (I) I gather all my Ki in my right arm while I increase the Dragon transformation in just that arm to the maximum, making it grow much larger than the rest of my body in a very disproportionate way, my liquid energy like blood ceasing to be an armor when joining in the palm of my large right hand taking the shape of a large serrated spear.


"< Earth Magic: Falling Mountain Weight >" (I)

When I use all my strength increased beyond my maximum with the help of my Ki to throw down the great Spear made from my Aura Relic, a magic Circle of the earth element appears in its path adding the weight compared to that of a mountain to my attack which fell creating shock waves due to its great speed.

From start to finish I never heard a single noise from this giant creature trying to devour me and I also didn't stop my attacks against the skulls as I continued going upwards, but one of the skulls moved out of the way of my attack and an arm appeared from its open jaws covered by a robe creating a magic circle aimed at me.

I stop turning upwards as I spin forward kicking the back shovel of my foot into the jaws of the skull behind me cutting the arm as I force the jaws closed.

While at that moment I look down to see for a brief moment with relief the creature quickly moving away as it falls to the ground revealing it to be a pile of bones in the shape of a giant worm hitting the ground.


I just needed to confirm the state of this enemy before going back to destroying the few skulls that remained, one of them moving away from me as it split in half revealing the Undead Mage from before now without an arm pointing a staff in my direction while dozens of black magic circles appear in a row at the tip of the staff.

I push upwards, staying above him while the tip of his staff aims at me without him leaving the place, already taking layers of barriers around him, I could feel the energy of death around him gathering in the magic circles aimed at me.

I smile at him as I use my Dragon arm to stretch my hand towards him and before he can carry out his attack, I am amused to see his body being pierced from behind by a large spear completely destroying his body, I hold his flying staff upward towards me from the impact only to be destroyed by being sandwiched between the palm of my Dragon hand and the giant spear-shaped Aura Relic. I think you should take a look at

"That damn cunning wizard tried... argh!" (I)

"< Blood Breath >" (I)

Suddenly a transparent arm appears from within the rain of destruction, squeezing my body as if wanting to crush me, I once again absorb my Aura Relic into my body, making it pass through my veins before gathering in my mouth while activating my Blood Breathing skill as a bolt of liquid energy several times stronger than normal evaporated the Spectral that appeared out of nowhere.

"You idiot, of course, it wouldn't just be those two bastards." (I)

I regret my carelessness in disregarding that there could be more enemies coming after me and I begin to pay extra attention to my surroundings as I return my arm to its less Dragon transformed state, my body was withering from the death energy of this Hellish place until for my Relic expelled by my previous attack to flow back to me, entering my body once again.


Time passed with magic on a large scale for much longer than I had anticipated being a total of 40 minutes, when the magic stopped the red clouds above were much lighter and less voluminous showing a little of what the sky should be like, but it ended because it was a void of pure darkness from which endless garlic began to open, as if there were creatures trapped in an endless abyss of darkness.

This image only lasted for a few seconds when more red clouds took over the skies as if someone had dragged these clouds here to block the view of that endless abyss.

I was still surprised by what I had seen, not knowing how to react to it when I forced myself to look around to avoid being surprised by enemies.

That was when I saw a desert full of craters wherever I looked, pieces of rotting flesh and fragmented bones scattered everywhere, apart from this scene of absolute destruction, I didn't see any type of enemy for minutes before I felt the ground shake, in the distance I saw the dust rise as endless Undead appeared from the horizon, even Ghosts were mixed in among them and were coming from all directions towards where I was.

"It's not even funny... do they really have no end?" (I)

I brought my hand to my face, closing my eyes for half a second in depression as I realized that even though I was exhausted there were still endless enemies to face, but as soon as I opened my eyes I was in the Colossal Butler's hand once again.

"With this, the collection of death energy has been completed." (Butler)

"..." (I)

I look around and I was in the same forest where I first met Callidora, everything was exactly the same with only my point of view being higher due to being in the palm of this Butler's hand.

The biggest difference being something above us where he was looking, there was a flow of pure darkness with traces of dark blue energy like a river of darkness crossing the sky from the distance to above us where it formed a ring with a sphere in the middle, Endless drops of this ring-shaped river separated, heading towards this sphere to be absorbed, inside the sphere what existed was Starfire surrounded by countless flows of energy.

"(The feeling of cold desolation is the same as when Death Cores were destroyed... she was bringing this energy here to refine.)" (I)

"Now what do I do?" (I)

"I don't know, my work ends here." (Butler)

I spread my wings as he suddenly lowers his hand, and then he walks into the distance while trying unsuccessfully to rip off Butler's clothes, then being a vibration in my pocket and I take in my hands the compass where one of the hands just burns until it turns dust leaving only 2 pointers marking different directions.

"I understand, I should go to the next destination... but I'll rest first or I won't be able to get there." (I)
