At some point I got lost in my thoughts, memories from the past started to surface in my mind and several things started to make sense.

The reason the World Tree that I met for the first time asked me to save the World Tree of the Dark Continent, the event that saved Silvia, the power of chaos was instrumental in transforming her into a different creature and also helped the new World Tree who took his place in transforming the remaining power in his tainted, dying body into his own power, allowing the new World Tree to grow rapidly.

So many things in my past didn't make sense, at first I just thought it was a magical world as I didn't understand how it all worked, but now looking back with what I know I can notice the pattern of events and those who noticed what could when I myself was in ignorance.

Even if I don't have absolute control over my Authority for now, at least I can contain myself because my Aura is completely under my control as it has always been part of me.

With the knowledge I now possess, the smile came naturally to my face when I realized that I didn't need my Aura Relic to recover my energy.

"(If the power of transformation is the key, then I can do it slowly with what I have at my disposal.)" (I)


Calming my mind I began to meditate while my Aura expanded for a few tens of meters around me, then I began to absorb the Demonic energy while seeking my Authority to convert this energy into Mana and Ki, it seems that it was not possible to recover my Spiritual Energy with Demonic power.

After hours of doing this, I managed to recover completely, I was able to use the Curse power in the surroundings to recover the Spiritual power, I tried to do this with the power of death, but all the death energy was being taken upstream.

When I managed to come out of my thoughts and meditation it was due to a bite on my shoulder, without wasting time I controlled my blood using the blood in the wound to create a spike of crystallized blood that pierced the enemy's head.

When I opened my eyes I was already in a desert full of blue sand and there was a creature similar to a person with a head three times the size, very ugly and with many teeth in its mouth, this creature was smearing me with blood and saliva, so I got rid of it as quickly as possible before cleaning up.

"She didn't want to leave me there for long, she threw me back into combat as soon as I was recovered." (I)

"Very well then, let's see what our next destination is." (I)


I pull out the compass and choose one of the pointers to follow, with that I spread my wings while hiding my Aura and Authority.


"What's wrong with this damn place!!!???" (I)

It must have been days since I've been traveling through deserts, I say in the plural since it's never the same type of desert.

I passed through the blue sand desert which had confusing effects on my senses, several times I went off the right path because of this.

I passed through deserts that had several Suns in the sky, a heat that even I was finding difficult to resist.

Desert of bones where I faced powerful Skeletons many times, I also went through deserts where all the sand was actually a big monster that I never managed to defeat, all I did was run while dodging their attacks until I left that desert.

During these days I continued to move from one desert to another, encountering extreme environments and, as always, more enemies wanting to kill me. "Why can't I... who's there!?" (I)

"If it doesn't show up..." (I)

Suddenly several people appeared from the sand, they all looked like humans without any Demonic characteristics, but their eyes were all closed.

"You must surrender... life... life... surrender your body... flesh... life... belongs to us..."

"< Demonic Claws >" (I)

Before they could finish speaking I waved my hands creating 2 attacks that hit the targets passing through most of them, but none were injured, what I could see was their bodies crumbling like sand before reforming into bodies without any damage.

"< Curse of Scorching Heat >" (I)

I create a magic circle around my sword and deal several blows to the enemies, their bodies heating up more and more until they become glass.

"Bastard, you ruined my fun!"

The heat of the Curse made their bodies turn to glass, when I thought it was over, the glass exploded and behind me I felt an attack along with someone's angry voice, when I turned around I found sand and bones rising from the ground forming some type of Earth Elemental Sand wearing bone armor, he had no legs floating above the ground and his Presence was clearly that of some kind of Specter.


Unlike the creatures before, my sword just passed through his body without leaving traces of the Curse, throughout the fight even my Aura wasn't having any effect on him.

I also realized that it had total control of the terrain, trying to sink me into the sand, preventing me from remaining still, it also created sandstorms every time I opened my wings to fly.

He was a bothersome enemy in many ways, but I didn't want to waste my energy or Vitality taking care of him, so my solution was to run away, he was too fast even so it didn't compare to my speed when strengthening my legs with Ki. I think you should take a look at


days later.

A few more days passed and I was standing on top of a mountain of corpses of top beast Demons, these things have been an increasing nuisance, I have been encountering larger and larger groups of Demons making it difficult to conserve my strength.

"< Blood Curse: Blood Demon >" (I)

I use a drop of my blood to create a Core, then create a large-scale spell taking over 1 kilometer within its area of effect.

Soon the Demonic blood of thousands of Demons I killed gathers around the core I created using my blood, and then large amounts of Demonic energy and Curse energy leave my body and enter the blood which begins to burn in red flames.

After a few minutes and 2 more Demons killed when trying to attack me by surprise, the blood takes the form of a thin-looking Demon, he was a Cyclops since his only eye occupied half of his face.

"How can I serve you master." (Blood Servant)

"How's the change?" (I)

"The memories of these creatures were fragmented, but if ordered in some way, the little knowledge it granted me also helped form a less savage mind." (Blood Servant)

"Don't thank me, you are flawed since you don't have a Soul." (I)

"Correct master, use this servant as the tool you need, I am here to serve you." (Blood Servant)

This was a Blood Servant, a creature made from the blood of others, a large amount of blood and energy is needed to create just one of them, its loyalty is absolute as it is similar to a robot programmed to have a mind, this thing just is capable of physical attacks and can change the shape of his body.

I created this thing to take care of most of the weaker monsters, so things should be easier until I reach my destination.

"..." (I)

"It was a great fight, so I'm going to destroy it for you."

Before I knew it I was at the top of a silvery sand dune, when I looked around I was facing a scene that was more than just strange.

There was a Beast Man with a height of about 5 meters, body clearly loaded with muscles, his head was completely that of a lion and could be considered a warrior since his body is full of scars, if it weren't for his clothes that were the I first noticed it when I looked in his direction strangely.

Meanwhile, he was moving his hand when my Blood Servant's blood exploded leaving only the core made of my blood, so he took it between his fingers making it disappear as it was destroyed.

"If you have something to say, then be quick or your head will be next..."

He was saying what he wanted while a murderous look was directed at me, the strange outfit he was wearing was a maid's outfit clearly very tight on his muscular body, and the most bizarre thing was him wearing a miniskirt with long socks and the tiara with ears of Coelho in his coat, the outfit even has a heart-shaped neckline on the chest.

He clearly wasn't happy and before he finished speaking his head exploded before returning to normal as if time had gone backwards.


"Will you stop blowing my head off... I'll do it... are you satisfied?" (???)

Before I could speak or do anything I was grabbed by the arm before being pulled with extraordinary force, the surroundings were different, I was in a white desert full of ruins around.

We were on top of a monument while the maid, warrior, or whatever he is, was trying to tear off his clothes while his hands were breaking in the process before healing.

"Damn... let's get this over with and get this rubbish out." (Employee??)

"You just have to kill the Demons, just do it until I come and get it, and try to be quick." (Employee??)

"Don't use that thing I destroyed anymore, it will just be a container for the Demons you idiot, now go fight..." (Maid??)

Suddenly he disappears from my front as if being pulled aside as he is swallowed by space.

"He was furious and clearly he was forced to do this." (I)

I pick up the compass and see one of the hands stop before disappearing, clearly, this was the place and I must fight Demons.

"Let's get this over with." (I)
