"Let's start." (I)

"< Aura Relic: Blood of the Eclipse >" (I)

As before, my blood and Aura mix, creating a red liquid-like energy that comes out of my body forming an illusory Eclipse, but this time I feel like I have more control as I am not as weak in this process as happened before, so the energy returns to my body under my control, I feel the power coursing through my body.

This time agility and precision were what I needed, I can't spend all my strength in an explosion of pure power like I did with that Spectral Dragon, so I try to transform my body partially into that of a Dragon without changing my figure too much, this requires a bit of concentration that the Walking Dead wouldn't let me have alone.

They got to me, but I didn't attack, I just dodged their attacks as my body changed, scales grew all over my body, and I felt my senses expanding a lot, but it wasn't the absurd feeling of power that I normally felt in a complete transformation in Dragon.

"(Smaller is better...)" (I)


I prepare my two hands as I cause the blood-shaped energy within my body to release some into my hands as it takes the form of a serrated dagger and a curved sword like an equally serrated Katana thus keeping most of that energy within my body for now.

"Most of you shouldn't be a problem." (I)

Without using any kind of technique, magic, or skill, I start to strike at the Undead around me, there were a few hundred now, but thanks to keeping my size small they were not able to use their numbers as only a few were able to get close to me, still not having the speed to land the blows.

Only with my senses enhanced by the Aura mixed with my blood was I able to perceive all the enemies around me, my higher than normal senses gave me an understanding of everything around me. The Dagger and Sword in my hands were like parts of my body that I always had, I was able to move these weapons perfectly as if they were parts of my arm while moving between enemies like a Ghost.

I dodge three attacks by spinning while cutting 2 Skeletons in half at chest height along with their black Cores clearly visible through their bones, a cold and desolate energy surging for half a second before disappearing, then I step to the left making a large Zombie loses his balance thanks to my strength and he falls over several Undead serving as a passage when I step over his body trying to feel the sensation of that desolate energy, as soon as I find it I use my strength in my sword to create a pressure with the cut pushing away the enemies and trying to surround me once again while the dagger sank from the back of the great Zombie's head breaking the Death Core from the inside releasing that energy that disappears without a trace once again.

At first, it was very easy, the enemies were numerous, but the difference in strength was too great with just one of my blows finishing them off, finding the core within them was also easy as the sensation of it was unmistakable.


I was just running between the enemies using the sword to cut the ones close with enough force to push the rest of their bodies back, I used the dagger to pierce the few that seemed stronger meanwhile my tail was dancing around me cutting through anyone who tried to get too close, the crystal blade at the tip of my tail being twice its normal size due to the red liquid energy surrounding it.

I was killing dozens of them per second and the more time passed it got easier, it made me realize that something is terribly wrong, but no matter how much I looked around or tried to feel my surroundings, I found nothing but the sea of Undead that had already surrounded me.

"(They're waiting...)" (I)

It didn't take a genius to understand what was going on, the Undead around me had different levels of strength, but even those who seemed close to me in strength were completely brainless idiots, but I knew there were intelligent Undead as I fought them several times in the short time I was in Hell.

They were waiting, their strength doesn't necessarily have to do with their intelligence, but I'd rather err on the side of believing they're strong than have regrets for underestimating an enemy, they were certainly watching me from afar, perhaps waiting for me to get tired or injured before to attack, I don't even know how many there could be and I'm sure there won't be a few due to the large number of Undead surrounding me.

Time passed less and less perceptibly, the enemies had no end, I didn't even know how many I had destroyed, but keeping my Aura Relic for so long was taking a toll on my body, even so I avoided using spells or skills knowing that There were still enemies lurking in the shadows, I felt their murderous intentions more than once and one of them even tried to attack me when I made it seem like I had been injured like a trap. I think you should take a look at

This first enemy was just a Death Knight, a black Skeleton covered in armor and wearing bone wings, his body was very large and he was hiding underground, his sword tried to attack me from below but I held the tip and joined his momentum with my strength pulling I managed to drag him from the ground, as soon as he appeared I transformed my dagger into a spear manipulating the energy of Aura and blood before throwing it hard at the skull's eye as I saw the core in its head.

Time seemed to stand still in this place, the red rain never stopped and the equally red clouds never left the skies, the lighting in this place never changed, turning to darker tones like the beginning of a night, but I was sure that dozens of hours had passed, fighting for so long was taking an increasing toll on my staff due to my Aura Relic, but there was nothing I could do since without it I would be forced to use skills and spells that will waste energy that I will not be able to recover later.

It was at this moment that more and more strong enemies appeared, bone dragons, giant zombies, a mass of rotting flesh full of tentacles, and something that moved underground without revealing itself.

Fighting these enemies was more complicated, but in a way, they helped clear large areas of the weaker Undead, I started using needles made from Aura in the form of crystallized blood to destroy the Cores of those in the vicinity after they were generated or stepped on by the greater Undead, to control these needles I had to create a Lesser Familiar using Demonic energy.

But during that time what bothered me most were those with long range attacks like archers, Dragons, and the Lich who seemed to be following the orders of one among them completely hidden by their robes.

Their attacks didn't matter to those around me and were always focused on keeping me at a distance to the point that they ignored my Inferior Familiar to continue attacking me, I thought about taking care of them after getting rid of some closer ones like the Dragon or the mass of flesh with tentacles, what I didn't realize quickly enough was that more strong enemies always appeared, it was a never-ending fight.

"Since they want to be a nuisance..." (I)

"< Blood Magic: Tears That Slaughter Kingdoms >" (I)

Without the Mages noticing, I made my Inferior Familiar climb up to the red clouds, inside the clouds he used the needles made from my Aura Relic to build a magical Circle that activated immediately making the clouds shine for tens of kilometers while 1/3 of my mana was consumed.

Magic can also be influenced by the surroundings, ice spells being stronger in cold places or weaker in hot places, and water spells being stronger near large sources of water or weaker in arid deserts.

I had already confirmed that this rain was blood without any vitality and full of death energy, but then it was blood, so I used a magic that Elizabeth taught me, something she used in the past to eradicate entire Kingdoms, a magic whose power multiplied due to this hellish environment.




The Mages acted quickly to stop attacking me, but before everyone could raise protection needles of blood rained down with the weight of giants creating endless explosion noises with the impact against the ground or hitting the Undead.

In the midst of this rain of pure destruction, I was the only one safe with the rain avoiding me as I activated the magic.

That's when I was surprised by two almost coordinated attacks, the Undead Mage teleported close to me creating dozens of floating skulls around me with their jaws open and magic circles inside launching rays of energy like breath attacks towards me all sides at the same time as the ground opened below revealing a large mouth like an open abyss trying to devour me along with the Wizard.

"You bastards!!!" (I)
