Pov Athena's:

I don't know what happened, one day I was training inside the Dungeon, waiting for the end of the mission that Zenos went to help the Hero of Justice, I wanted to help, but I had nothing to do with the plan they chose to take, so I continued training, my strength level still doesn't compare to what my sister had.

I heard that my sister is already dead, that she died fighting against the Black Empire, but I don't believe that she died, I can't say if it's an unwillingness to believe that the central figure in my mind for almost my entire life died or if it was because I lost my objective.

All I know is that it doesn't feel true that she is dead, so I continue training to drown all insecurity, anger, and frustration with the sweat of my training, each drop of sweat taking me further on the road I decided to follow and that Zenos helped me with taking.

At least that's what I thought before my eyes opened into a strange world, it was the main cathedral of the Church of Light where I was born and raised, but now it was in ruins as if it had just been attacked, bodies scattered across the floor of faces that I saw many times in my childhood, a red rain falling over everything as if the sky itself was bleeding, but even that did not put out the flames spread everywhere, whether in the ruins or in the bodies being charred, this Star Fire reminds me of Zenos.

"What is happening here? This is a dream..." (I)


"No, this is not a dream, Hero." (Caitlyn)

"Lady Caitlyn?" (I)

"I am sleeping?" (I)

"Not exactly, you are unconscious due to the fundamental change that my Little Brother has undergone, so your bond with him is also changing." (Caitlyn)

"He's fine..." (I)

Before I could finish speaking there was a gag in my mouth that appeared out of nowhere, so I looked at one of the Living Calamities, this was the first time I saw her acting seriously without the lazy appearance that doesn't even bother stepping on the floor ground, she seems to be emitting a suffocating and dangerous presence.


"You don't need to know what happened to that idiot, your situation isn't good at the moment to worry about others." (Caitlyn)

"..." (I)

"As I was saying before, the changing bond that binds you to my little brother is changing and so must you if you are to survive." (Caitlyn)

"I am dying?" (I)

"In the worst case, yes, if you are lucky the bond between the two of you will break permanently without affecting your strength too much, but the growth barriers that will appear in your future will be much more difficult to overcome making it difficult to progress in the future." (Caitlyn)

"Neither option is acceptable, I suppose you being here means there is something I can do or am I wrong?" (I) My race may have changed, but I realized a long time ago that I still depend on Deities to maintain balance, my body literally consumes Holy Power for nourishment, and I need to be connected to a Deity to calm both my mind and emotions.

I tried to make Loki this Deity when I left the Church of Light with him, I tried the same with the Goddess of Blood when following Saint Vanessa, but neither time did I succeed and I know the reason for that, Loki is no longer a Deity and I don't I am able to trust in an unreachable God due to the breaking of the image I once had of the God of Light.

Zenos is a Deity, he is a Demigod who accepted me even when I could be considered an enemy, he accepted me into his home, he accepted me into his Lineage with Vanessa becoming my new Mother and gave me a purpose once again in life.

"(I can't disappoint him and everything he did for me, I won't allow it!)" (I)

"It seems that idiot has a good eye for people, so let's begin the Trial of Heroes." (Caitlyn)


Pov Silvia's:

"I didn't expect him to achieve this so soon." (I)

"Are you really okay, Mrs. Silvia?"

"I'm fine, these flames don't do anything to me, this body was already created perfect by Nature, only my power and Lineage are being altered, neither my Soul nor my body will suffer much." (I)

"I also told you not to be so respectful, I am no longer a World Tree, I no longer share a bond with my sisters like in the past for an Ancient Elf like you to act like that around me." (I)

"You will always be worthy of our respect as the one who saved so many Trees in the world, books are being written about your deeds in my world."

"If my Father hears about this he will ask to burn them all, he almost went crazy because of his statue appearing in the Communal Temple." (I)

I was in the middle of a ruined city that was recovered by the jungle, a city that I had just destroyed, it had been a few days since the Elder Dragon that was in this world activated the global magic of his ritual, it was supposed to be a slow process to punish the people of this world for a few centuries for their horrible deeds before reclaiming the world with the collected vitality, but then this Starfire exploded from my body and the crystal I gave to the Elder Dragon. I think you should take a look at

I look at the flames of night around my hands, this is the most beautiful fire I have ever seen, but I can feel the danger in its essence, its infinite adaptation and transformation, as unpredictable as that from which it originated.

Since then the massacre began, these flames are literally multiplying the power of the ritual at the same time as consuming it, so it cannot be delayed in centuries, as things have been, the ritual will only support the Stellar Flames for another month in the future maximum.

That's why I have started the massacre of everyone while only the youngest children from 10 years old and under are being spared, the others as well as the Elder Dragon tribe are doing the same.

"What do you need, I still have to destroy the rest of this island in the next few days." (I)

"I came to bring this."

He removes from the box he carries on his back a crystal that shines with an endless stream of colors, all the natural energies of the area circulate around him when he appears.

"A new sister?" (I)

"Yes, a World Tree Seed for this planet that once caused destruction to the one who preserved nature."

"Why come to me? The best place to plant it will be in the center of the Ritual once it's over." (I)

"I was informed of the same advice, but the Gardener's flames can affect the World Tree in unpredictable ways."

"..." (I)

"Now I understand... come closer." (I)


He kneels in front of me extending the open box to me, I let a drop of my blood drip onto the crystal as it created a magic circle mixed with my Authority.

"< Blood of Nature and Will of the Eclipse As One >" (I)

My blood around the seed burns as it becomes a plant with Star Flame flowers around it, with this the World Tree will be able to absorb these flames to grow more easily.

"That should solve your problem, I imagine you were chosen to be the Elf King." (I)

"This was the duty I accepted, I will dedicate my life to bringing this world to live with nature in harmony once again."

"I really hope this happens... there is a sadness in my heart for all these lives lost, even though I know that this is a happy ending compared to the original plan and that all of this was a consequence of the decisions they made over centuries... for me it's still sad." (I)

With that said I was already taking it as my body changed into Dragon form, without looking back I flapped my wings towards the next city on the map I received.

"I hope they take better care of their own planet next time because nature always wins in the end." (I)


Pov Zenos:

When I opened my eyes I was confused by a claw hitting one of my eyes, but my body moved on its own ignoring the loss of an eye as my own claws are covered in my blood which crystallizes into even bigger claws ripping off Natasha's arm that was stretched with that last attack.

After that, several other attacks were made, she cut the side of my body, ripped off one of my wings, and broke my right leg after a kick that I missed, I on the other hand cut off her tail, crushed her jaw with a bite and used my tail to strangle its neck.

The fight was brutal and fast with neither of us seeming to care about the damage, but I wasn't moving my body with my thoughts, I could feel my body reacting with my will in a more direct and instinctive way.

I made a great effort to keep my mind in meditation, delving deeper into this wild feeling before starting to interfere with my mind, which now guided this instinct towards goals in a more organic and simple way, without forming plans or anything like that, turning the complex into simplicity.

It was at that moment that the pain seemed to hit me and I realized that my body was very damaged with flames rising from these wounds while my sister was healing as if her injuries were a mere illusion, then a headbutt from her throws me down where I land on my feet leaving a crater around me.

She looked happy as she flew in the sky, her body almost fully recovered as she returned to her humanoid form looking at me teasingly, that's when I felt something step on my snout and I had to put my eyes together to see that it was Elizabeth.

"With this is the end of this training, now begins the last training... my training." (Elizabeth)
