Chapter 1220 Cap 1218: Is this thing alive!?  

Pov Hella's:

We were suddenly in a different place, we were no longer in the hut of this cursed village, we were in a cemetery full of tombstones made with dark purple marble, it was a cemetery with a little more than 100 graves.

Facing me was a Man wearing simple clothes, he had 2 pairs of light purple eyes with a completely black fifth eye on his forehead, he had black hair braided to the side and wore a purple and black Mage's cloak, his skin was marked with glowing Runes almost making him look like someone from the Runic Race.

"As I said before, I bring you here, I hope it wasn't too inconvenient."

"..." (I)

I looked around and then at the man in front of us, I could feel what he was and I'm sure the other two noticed it too.


"I'm sorry for the lack of respect, but I can't kneel as expected when meeting a God, my Master preaches respect for belief and not for position." (I)

"I don't care about these formalities created by mortals, only the most arrogant among the Gods care about such useless formalities." (God)

"But I think that one of these formalities should not be avoided any longer, after all for this conversation to continue you must at least know my name since I know all of you." (God)

"If I may, I know you, Demonic God of Curses, Exarrer." (Hellyos)

"Your Soul, it's different but I can still feel it... I understand, it feels like your Curse has been broken child of Hell." (God Exarrer)

"I've never been in contact with..." (Haku)


"Not all curses can be seen or felt, some curses originate within individuals while in rare cases the opposite can happen when an individual is born from within a curse." (God Exarrer)

"But this is not the time to waste time, soon Tarzor will notice me and I will be removed once again, so we must be quick..." (Deus Exarrer)

"You've already taken more than long enough and you still dare to take one of my slaves." (Zaya?)

"Come on, I didn't even come down to their lands and my interference was only focused on directing them, I didn't do anything else as promised in our agreement." (God Exarrer)

"Your interference took them away from their persecutors, those in my lands are on their own and should receive no help from Full Gods and Deities." (Zaya?) "Very well, whatever you want to let this slide, keep in mind I won't get very far for just this level of interference." (God Exarrer)

"I want the Curse of the Serpent of the 3 Hells." (Zaya?)

"Deal done." (God Exarrer)

"You have 1 day, you must also no longer interfere beyond what our original agreement stipulates." (Zaya?)

Zaya's eyes were now completely golden in color with a vertical line in the middle like an endless abyss, his presence seemed to consume the surroundings simply by being present.

Soon the Exarrer God and Zaya shook hands as an ethereal Serpent comes out of the Exarrer God's arm and coils around Zaya's arm as a dark purple energy emanates from her body before her eyes return to normal.

The God lets go of Zaya's hand and when she staggers back as if she had lost her balance, her Aura and presence now seem to be normal again as I felt since the first time we met.

"That was too easy, but I won't complain since it benefits both of us." (God Exarrer)

"What happened..." (Zaya)

"I think you'd better sleep, you'll need some time to finish adapting to what you received." (God Exarrer)

The Exarrer God places a finger in the middle of Zaya's forehead making her eyes close as her breathing seems to change to a calmer rhythm.

"Don't worry about her, I only made her sleep for a few hours, now we have things to discuss." (God Exarrer)


Pov Hades:

I couldn't believe what was happening, before reaching the planet where the master is who belongs to the Temple of Life, we were attacked by Swarms of Insects, they are not the normal monsters, their clearly changed appearances show that they are the minions of the Apostles of True, and due to her coordination there is no doubt that an Insect Empress is present.

I was still injured from the last fight several days ago, we didn't realize that the Adventurers who attacked us in that ambush had called the Church of Light.

A few hours after killing those Adventurers, it was indeed very tiring and we had several wounds that were taking a long time to heal.

When we were resting before continuing our journey, we were attacked again, this time it was hit and run tactics, I could not check the number of enemies nor their current strength levels, so in our current state I could only continue on my way while trying to recover as quickly as possible, but the vehicle we were using was at the limit of what could continue to resist these attacks.

Without this vehicle capable of flying faster than me, it would take almost 1 year to reach our destination flying at maximum speed until there, I can't afford to lose this vehicle and that's why I made the other two prepare, neither Most of us were completely healed, but we weren't in as bad a condition as before.

When we stopped the vehicle we were already jumping in the direction the attack was coming from and that's how we fought against the Church of Light forces, we were lucky it was a small group that was being so cautious as they weren't strong enough for a complete victory. After some more time of combat, they were also dead, the Star Flames were very effective against their Armors full of Holy Power, thanks to this we were able to almost ignore their defense during our attacks, which led to a victory without many injuries more to carry.

But after all that now that we were so close, I still had this Insect Swarm to deal with, I was beginning to think that my master's luck may have been inherited by us his Divine Servants somehow or our enemies are conspiring together to overthrow all of us.

"Do we fight or run?" (Cinthia)

"We fight, there's no way this thing can move from here, if it's attacked any longer it will become useless, we can't let that happen as every delay could give our enemies time to get closer." (Haku)

"Haku is right, we no longer have alternatives and unfortunately we are having trouble controlling our Holy Power because of this Starfire." (I)

"We don't have any more time, let's go all out from the start and stay close so we can fight together." (I)

"Yes." (Haku/Cinthia)

When we leave I already transform into my Dragon form with the two climbing on my back, besides not being able to use our Sacred Power because of the Starfire, we no longer have any problems thanks to the Moon that absorbs these flames in a constant flow even now.

"Cinthia, find the Insect Empress, just focus on this." (I)

"Haku, Along with me." (I)

"< Eclipse Breath >" (I)

"< Contamination of Blood and Life >" (Haku)

I open my jaws, revealing a starry sky inside where an Eclipse appeared, launching a stellar stream of pure destruction that passes through the enemies before reaching a barrier that cracks, managing to defend the blow, causing it to spread, causing damage in a wider area.

Haku in turn created kilometers around us where countless drops of blood fly as if they were alive in a disorderly way, coming into contact with the enemies that show red spots spreading across their bodies, before they even manage to reach us, some of them explode revealing a creature made of crystallized blood with arms and legs shaped like blades as they begin to attack the Swarm of Insects.

But with that, the insects soon adapted, isolating those who demonstrated a greater degree of corruption, killing them before transforming at the same time that the Aura of the Insect Empress tries to establish a Territory, prevented only by my Aura, together with Haku's Aura, but with the combined Aura of the entire Swarm it doesn't take long for us to be at a disadvantage with our Auras being pushed back as we fight the grandsons who finally get to where we are.

That's when two things happened, the first was a column of light appearing behind the enemies, it was definitely an attack from Cinthia showing that she found the Empress and must have started attacking, now we have to deal with the fight.

While I was crushing the enemies between my claws, they were aiming their attacks only at the wounds that had not yet healed, and with my large Dragon body I ended up being an easy target for their strategies using their large numbers.

Suddenly the sphere where the Moon was sealed began to tremble, since the sphere began to absorb the Star Fire, its previously visible interior only revealed the glow of the flames inside, making the Moon hidden within this strange fire, but now for the first time the Wait, I stopped absorbing the flames, making the previously small fire inside me grow to the point where it came out through my wounds, causing immense pain that I had to resist while fighting.

The crystal now emitting more and more calls moved through the air taking the shape of a Dragon made entirely of this Starfire as it grew until it was bigger than me, this great Dragon attacked the enemies making their bodies wither just by coming into contact with its flames while any attack made against his fiery body became useless without causing damage.

The Fire Dragon was moving around us, back and forth from where Cinthia must be fighting towards us as if she was trying to protect us.

"Is this thing alive!?" (I)

"I don't know, but at this point, I accept the help." (Cinthia)

With that, the tide of combat turned in our favor.
