Pov Elizabeth's:

I was watching the training between my two brothers, at first, it was just a waste of time, the process to adapt Zenos' body through destruction and healing would be very slow, this kind of thing can work to strengthen a body, but the What Zenos needs is not that.

"He's not progressing, it's been a whole day since he opened his eyes and so far only his arm has been transformed into that of a Dragon." (I)

"There must be some impediment to the ability caused by fear or your current condition." (Yaramaki)

"I don't believe he's afraid, at least not for himself or we wouldn't be in this situation." (I)

"So the discordance between body and Soul is affecting him more than we anticipated." (Yaramaki)


"He needs to go further, Dragons are pure power for a reason, his will influences his power, and he needs to have a stronger resolve to move forward." (I)

Less than an hour later I saw progress for the first time, from his arm already transformed into a Dragon the rest of his body began to transform causing parts of his body to be destroyed leaving new ones behind.

The process was slow and gradual, but it was clearly progressing as Natasha intensifies her attacks gradually so as not to lessen the extreme pressure Zenos is under, a good way to force him to continue.

"How are his Wives?" (I)

"They're alive, that's all I can say." (Yaramaki)

"But the Champion of Fenrir is not happy, what is she doing now?" (Yaramaki)


"She's in her own training, it seems Fenrir Himself is watching over her." (I)

"He is not known as a Merciful God." (Yaramaki)

"That was her decision just as the other 3 chose to share Zenos' suffering." (I)

"How is Freya?" (I)

"I don't know, my range ends where the World Tree's range begins, but she should be fine." (Yaramaki)

"If Silvia was here she could have gone with Freya." (I)

"You shouldn't be worrying about others while you're under the same torment as your little brother." (Yaramaki)

I look at my shaking hands and feel the Starfire inside me, I'm sure Natasha and Caitlyn are feeling it too, but the effects on us were much reduced compared to what Zenos is feeling.

"I'm fine, it doesn't affect my body as much as it did him and those connected to him, even though I'm weakened I'm already perfect, so this fire is only accentuating my perfection." (I)

"If you say so... it looks like he's reached his limit, see." (Yaramaki)

"..." (I)


Suddenly, Zenos' body exploded into pieces as a large Star Flame covered decades of meters making even Natasha move away.

His body grew at the same time as the discarded pieces of himself were blown away, what was left in the end was just a creature that resembles a Dragon.

His wings were windows to a different sky full of stars and his body was very similar to Natasha's, but while Natasha was more savage in her posture, he kept his back straight at first when he roared.

His arms and entire body seemed to carry cracks with a mixture of colors shining within, it was as if the night sky itself was cracked into the shape of a Dragon's figure.

Zenos' fight was becoming less strategic and more savage, it seems he was finally following his instincts, thanks to this he and Natasha seemed to be close in strength until the flames disappeared inside his body, and the blood was drawn from his body taking the form of a Dragon.

"He started the process of Creating a Blood Core?" (Yaramaki)

"That reminds me that she didn't have one yet, which is strange for a Vampire of her strength level." (Yaramaki)

"I said before, he grew very quickly in strength, most of his training during these years was about controlling his powers efficiently, he undertook very little training to get stronger." (I)

"I even talked to him about the Blood Cores, but he must have forgotten, always having a lot to think about." (I)

"From his eyes, it doesn't look like he's creating his Blood Core by choice." (Yaramaki)

"I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense that this would happen, the Dragon transformation and these Star Flames are rebuilding your body so that it is suitable for that of a Demigod, this includes refining the blood which is the main step of creating a Core of blood." (I)

The Vampire Patriarchs have a unique power just as True Dragons have Kings within their race who can create Dragon Seals, Vampires have their Patriarchs who can create the Blood Core.

The Blood Core greatly increases the owner's energy reserves while strengthening the entire Vampire Bloodline, this is a symbol of power among Vampires at the same time as a Weapon that only the Patriarch can use, its form and function varying by each individual passed on their Aura, Lineage, Authority and in the case of my little brother their Sacred Power. I think you should take a look at

Just as only True Dragons who have Authority can create Dragon seals, with Vampires it is more similar to the addition of another requirement, in addition to having Authority, the Vampire must be the Patriarch or Matriarch of their Lineage.

In my case, my Blood Core became a crown, for Natasha it became an extra heart that she can use by transforming it into a sword, for Caitlyn it took the form of a third eye that she never uses because she is still afraid of her own power.

"I wonder what yours will be..." (I)


"He's an idiot." (I)

"He lost consciousness, his Aura became completely wild." (Yaramaki)

The flames themselves took a shape around Zenos' charred body, his Aura was growing stronger and wilder with each passing second.

Soon the Star Flames began to subside as if absorbed by the body, the charred surface began to break revealing Zenos' body in his full Dragon form. His Dragon head had eyes completely in star flames while his red hair looked ethereal while glowing, his horns adorned his hair upwards like crystal sculptures, and his scales no longer even looked like something solid being as strange to look at as a mirage revealing a starry sky, his wings look like true portals to the stars being as ethereal as his hair, his posture was now more humanoid with the stellar flames circling his body as if he was entering and leaving this starry sky.

On his chest was the image of an Eclipse that seemed to belong to that starry sky, but in the center of the Eclipse was an extremely detailed red crystal statue in the shape of a drop of blood, the only thing looking solid and real in his image.


His roar was filled with his Aura and seemed to awaken the flames that were burning his body, it seemed weaker than before, but they had not yet gone out.

Zenos now attacks like a true beast beginning an aerial battle against Natasha, the two fight with everything as their blood rains below, and the repercussions of their blows transform the terrain.

"It's almost complete." (I)

"Yes, by my estimate within 3 days it will be over, he should wake up soon after." (Yaramaki)

"His body and Soul are awake, only his mind is turned off, when his consciousness returns he will have the memories of all this as clearly as if he had never lost consciousness." (I)


Pov Vanessa's:

Some days ago.

I was in the main Hall where the statues of the Gods were consecrated, I had just run here after being warned by another Blood Priest, but when I arrived where the statue of Zenos was consecrated in the middle of the pool of his own blood, the only I found standing by the pool of blood that was now burning with a Fire made of stars was Diana.

"..." (I)

I ran to her, her serious expression looking at the flames while my gaze followed hers, with great difficulty I saw shapes within those strange flames, they were 3 shapes of people hugging their own legs and spinning as they floated within the flames.

"Why do you insist on doing this even after my warning?" (I)

"They were scared, I understand that feeling and that's why I didn't say anything." (Diana)

"Did I say you don't need to be afraid or are you doubting my Father's love for you?" (I)

"None of us have ever doubted Zenos' love, but the fear they feel is of not being able to be by his side, being able to fight alongside him or protect him in his weakest moment, none of us want to be a load for him to carry." (Diana)

"I'm sure he would never..." (I)

"I know, he would never think that about us, but it wouldn't change the fact that we are too weak." (Diana)

"The 3 of them trust Zenos and know that these flames would never be a bad thing, they know that entering here will lead to suffering, but when they leave they will be renewed." (Diana)


"My only regret is not being able to accompany them, as a Champion of Fenrir, my path is different from the one they chose to take, but I will follow it to the top..." (Diana)

"..." (I)

Saying this she turns her back to the flames and goes outside, the light in her eyes even dimmer than when I found them a few hours ago.


"Father, have you found some wives as reckless as you..." (I)

"(I hope Freya's disappearance isn't for those same reasons... that idiot could at least leave a warning for her daughter before she disappears.)" (I)
