Pov Hela's:

"< Demonic Summon: Titan of Purity and Destruction >" (me/Lilith)

Lilith and I used our blood to construct in seconds a multi-layered magical ritual where I had to throw the magical crystal made from the master's blood, the same magical crystal that I used to absorb the power of that Undead monster that we encountered as soon as we arrived at this Star System.

This crystal served as the core of the ritual that took all the Demonic power we both had, then a gray marble statue appeared with black root marks all over its body, these roots began to pulse with purple energy as the statue began to move, it was in the form of a Centaur with the lower body barrier of a 6-legged Lizard, it had a metal tail and the upper part was in the form of a humanoid wearing full body armor along with a spear in each of its hands, this thing was hundreds of meters tall and as soon as it appeared, all the miasma, cursed energy and Demonic energy in the area was being sucked into it, making its body transform more and more into a living creature, letting the stone aspect disappear little by little, its Aura becoming more horrible and murderous than before.

"Hellyos!!!" (I)

"I'm here, let's go!" (Hellyos)


"Let's get out of here before..." (Zaya)

"I think he's looking at us... RUN!!!" (Lilith)

Me and Lilith summoned this thing that cannot be controlled due to the enemies coming after us, it seems that our plan in the previous city was not as perfect as we imagined, of the 4 Evil Gods that we saw leaving the tower before, 2 were coming towards us surrounded by Undead forming an army.

Leading that army was the Demon with whom we made the contract for that plan, it seems he lost and his corpse was used to create an Undead as I can see the seams all over his body.

The 2 Evil Gods chasing us were still being burned by the Starfire I used on a large scale before, it was supposed to affect them when they tried to regain control of the city's magic circle, but I didn't think the effect of the flames would persist so long, their bodies they were as horrible as two lumps of coal at the end of their usefulness.

We wouldn't be able to escape them, we also don't have the strength to face them even if we summon an army of Undead of our own, so I immediately decided to summon this creature that cannot be enslaved whose only function is destruction.


Summoning this thing is a risk because its power comes from the Evil and Demonic energy it absorbs, the more it absorbs the stronger it will become and it targets creatures with this type of power that it can absorb, this creature has no allies or objectives other than destruction.

Luckily when he looked at us it was only for a brief second before he turned his eyes already darting in the direction of our pursuers who must have looked tastier to him.

Thanks to having made the decision immediately we had time to summon that thing and run, but that was too close and risky, we could have been killed by our own Summon. -----------------

days later, village of the cursed.

We were inside the village, this was a strange place, in the last few days we had seen all kinds of malicious people, from cannibals to people who lost their rationality becoming real monsters with Human appearance, but this village that only had a few hundred people it was strange in its entirety.

The first strangeness was that in this village and its surroundings, only the cursed energy is found, the second strangeness is the population that does not look anything like the people we have seen so far in this world, they do not have malice in their eyes and their Auras are marked due to horrible curses, everyone covers their bodies as best they can while moving away from each other, making this a silent village.

Now we were in an abandoned cabin where the cursed energy was weaker because we needed to talk away from people.

"How did we get here?" (I)

"I don't know, but these people are really strange." (Lilith)

"You were guiding us, why did you bring us here?" (Hellyos)

"I didn't bring you here, we were climbing a volcano, we weren't anywhere near a city or town that I knew of." (Zaya)

"Lilith, why the serious eyes? What did you notice?" (I)

"The people of this village, none of them have an Aura of vengeance directed towards them or if they do it's very weak, but the opposite seems to be the pattern with everyone having a strong vengeance directed in different directions." (Lilith) I think you should take a look at

"..." (I)

"Zaya, you called this village by a name when we arrived, do you know it?" (I)

"Village of the Damned, this place is unique in this world, but it should be on the other side of the world, it should take weeks to cross at all our speed and ignoring the dangers that we would certainly encounter along the way." (Zaya)

"I'm the one who brought you here."


Pov Zenos:

I've been fighting my sister in her Dragon form for 1 day now, every blow from her was to cause the most damage possible.

My bones have literally turned to dust after being crushed under her feet repeatedly, my muscles as well as my organs have turned to jelly and my flesh now has the consistency of porridge.

My body doesn't even heal anymore in the parts that aren't transformed into Dragon, I realized this early enough to transform my head before my mind was destroyed.

So far the entire upper part of my body is already a Dragon from the chest up along with both arms, I'm only using 30% of the transformation, and even so, the pain just grows more and more.

At first, I thought it was pain due to some damage to my Soul, but that was not the case, this Star Fire originated from my Soul and is not causing damage there, it just burned my Holy Power completely and my body which now feels half the body of a Slime.

"(I can't delay any longer... I have to take a step forward...)" (I)

"< Blood Eclipse Dragon Awakening: 90% >" (I)

At that moment Starfire covers my entire body, and my rationality disappears amidst the pain as my sister's body diminishes in my vision, the same can be said of everything in the surroundings, but none of that matters as my vision turns red.

Without thinking about anything I flap my wings towards my sister cutting with my claws, but she grabs my arm trying to twist, I ignore this as I continue moving forward letting the grabbed arm break as my teeth sink into her hand making fresh blood flow inside the my mouth before something went through my back followed by a kick to my stomach pushing my body backwards.

I didn't care about the pain or burning, I could feel my bones being burned and burned constantly, the blood in my veins was evaporating as it became thicker and thicker and my organs are on fire like everything else in my body.

I ignored any pain less than what those damn flames were causing me and continued mindlessly advancing towards Natasha.

This time our sizes weren't so different and the same goes for our other physical characteristics, but this came at the cost of not being able to use magic or techniques that require a rational mind to use, only the simplest and crudest skills were used while we exchange blows.

My claws went through her scales as her blows broke my bones, my teeth ripped out blood and flesh from her while her bone spines stuck more and more into my body, restricting my movements.

The more time passed the damage only increased to me, her healing surpassing mine while the gap between us only decreased due to me doing things I don't normally do.

I try to cross one of her arms with my tail, but she uses her own tail to wrap around mine, creating a tug of war with our tails, the smile on her face never disappears as our claws cut each other brutally creating a rain of blood, I don't know how much time passed before the flames inside me subsided for the first time relieving the pain as they gathered where my heart is.



Before I finished speaking the flames gathered in my heart transformed as all the blood within my body leaked through my wounds, the amount of blood coming out being as thick and heavy as crystalline red liquid metal.

This blood felt alive as it moved around me taking the shape of a Dragon little by little, the amount of blood that came out was ridiculously little considering my current size, but even so, the Dragon made from my blood was growing larger as its body became more detailed until the moment this Dragon hits my chest making my body stop in place as my whole body shakes with the Starfire literally exploding inside me making my body in pieces flying in all directions enveloped in Starfire while my consciousness is again taken by oblivion.
