Quite quickly, the two walked into the old basement, passing all the people of the guild. Having made his way to the basement, Makarov used a spell and opened a hidden passage. Descending a long spiral staircase, the two quickly found themselves in a spacious room. It was in the center of this place that the Fairy Heart was located.

A huge, luminous purple crystal towered over each of the newcomers. In all his appearance, he seemed overly unusual. Even the air here seemed to be different from any other. The place with such a concentration of ether was impressive.

Lacrima of Revitalization seemed to grow out of the ground, at its very base it was noticeably darker and the crystals there were divided into many small ones, but they, like a claw, enveloped the base of the largest and perfectly cut purple stone. It was in it that Mavis was imprisoned, or rather her body. As beautiful as that day ...

Aidan's breath caught for a moment, he completely forgot about everything and quickly walked over to the lacrima:

Mavis ... he whispered in his mind, examining her sacred body. Her blonde hair flowed everywhere, easily covering all intimate areas. The old man did not lie - he simply could not see anything!

- You see, hmm, I told you, - Makarov grumbled displeased:

- Damn, how did you even meet her?


Aidan didn't answer, he just touched the lacrima and smiled tenderly.

- Stupid girl, so you teased me ... - remembering how Mavis giggled told about her shameful situation, Aidan lowered his head in embarrassment. She played with him ... She said she was completely naked ...

"And I didn't lie ..."

Makarov looked in surprise at the wizard's strange behavior:

"Stupid girl? What happened there ... Yes, and his smile ... "- Makarov frowned:

- Can you explain it already?Aidan shook his head and drove all thoughts away. He knew that even if she could hear him, it would be impossible to talk. At least he was now convinced that Makarov did not see her.


"Only that Gaebolg shit is left!" - frost spread everywhere again, to which Makarov once again swore:

- What else do you want ?! I say, I didn't see anything! Have you fallen in love or what ?!

- Hmm? - Aidan glanced displeasedly at the side of the old man: - Even if the hair hid everything, she is still naked!

- Oh, damn ... Maybe this is enough? It's none of my business at all, I just keep this secret! And now you too ... '' Makarov sighed sadly:

- And why did she tell him ...

- Did you know she was alive? - not looking up from the contemplation of the girl, asked Aidan.

- Not really. The second told me that although her heart is not beating, this Lacrima is not easy, it contains a great power that can protect the guild in times of worst danger. That she might be alive, I received only vague suspicions of the Second. He taught me a lot, including the fact that with magic you cannot be completely sure ...

Aidan continued to contemplate the serene expression on Mavis's face. It seemed to him so sad, it saddened him too ... He calmed down in an instant and turned to the old man:

- Even if you are not guilty ... - walking up to the old man in tight, Aidan swung and hit with his fist.

- What ?! - Makarov put out his hand in order to defend himself, but Aidan was no longer that youth from the past. His heavy fist sent the old man flying. He smashed the bookcases and some kind of blackboard, raising clouds of dust.

Aidan straightened and the coldness in his eyes evaporated.

- Thanks for keeping this secret old man ... As promised earlier, I will protect Fairy Tail, always. But, now ... - turning to the Heart, the guy resolutely said:

- I promised it to her too. I will find a way to rid her of this stone, and then return to the guild!Makarov rose from the wreckage and shook himself with displeasure. A lump swelled on his forehead, and he immediately swore:

- You little bastard! Do you think I won't slap you for this ?!

- Hmm ... You saw the girl I admire the most naked, how was I supposed to react?

- Heck! - Makarov snorted and went to Aidan:

- Hit me again and you will meet my fist in full force, I promise you that, insolent.

The wizard did not respond to this threat, he just threw a last glance at the lacrima and turned around and began to leave. Makarov was surprised:

- What are you doing?

Stop for a moment, the guy sadly replied:

- She asked me to take care of myself and the guild, and most importantly - wait ... Wherever I go, from childhood I have to wait for something. At first I waited until I learned to walk! Then he learned to conjure! Galuna! Sister! And now Mavis too! Damn it, I don't want to wait!

With a curse, Aidan slammed his fist into the wall, and the entire guild shuddered violently. All the wizards flinched and looked at each other, while Gildarts turned his gaze somewhere to the side.


Makarov dropped his gaze and sighed. He didn't know what to say ...

Aidan gritted his teeth and then quickly got up to leave the dungeon.

Each time she told him to control himself, reduce anxiety and worries, find happiness and live with dear people enjoying life. Each time she repeated it, she made him feel this disgusting feeling of helplessness over and over again. How can you be happy with vicious magic? How can you be happy without being able to help your mother and sister? How can you be happy when even the one who asked him about it is unhappy ...

As soon as the guy left, Makarov exhaled heavily and involuntarily glanced at Fairy Heart, he did not look at Mavis' face for long. After a moment, he averted his eyes and smiled bitterly:

- This guy always seemed strange to me, and now I do not understand him at all. I hope you were able to see at least something ... I realized long ago that his fate was too difficult. Eh ...

Makarov slowly left the room and, like slowly returning shadows at the moment of hiding the dungeon, a sad sigh as if a light breeze flew everywhere. In the gloomy silence, the lacrima light flickered slightly, dimming to continue to shine again ...
