When Aidan left for the Master and Charlie returned to the other girls' table, Erza decided to return to Fairy Hills and unload her belongings.

"Finally he's back!" - a happy girl, almost dancing, was heading home. Some passers-by gave her puzzled looks, but she completely ignored them. All her thoughts were occupied by only one person:

"He has changed so much ... If I had known that he would come, I would not have stayed on this stupid task!" - Determination flashed in the girl's eyes, and she nodded:

"Exactly! If so, I will act more confidently. Knowing him, he will probably leave again, this is inevitable. But, as long as I have time, I will spend it with him! Hmm, to wear this ... "

Thinking about the future, the girl quietly returned home and continued to pensively walk from side to side:

"Hmm, in those magazines it says that the guy likes a more open outfit ... Wow, but wearing this in public ..." - Erza blushed with embarrassment.

- W-well, in the end it's for him ... That book says "in love as in war" and you need to act first. I don't want him to leave so quickly again. We must get closer!


Touching her right eye, the girl smiled tenderly:

- I am so drawn to him, even if a part of him is always with me, it seems to me that we are moving away ... - quickly pulling himself together, Erza's sharp eyebrows trembled:

- Resolved! I will definitely become his girlfriend! I doubted before, but now I will not stop! This is war and I will go to the end!

With determination, Erza's outfit quickly changed to a revealing apron and bikini, her cheeks blushed next:

- I think he'll like it. I learned how to cook, hmm ... I definitely have to come up with a plan ...

While Erza was preparing her strategy, in the guild: Wendy, Cana and Charlie chatted merrily. Of course, only Wendy was openly happy, and Charlie drank tea with displeasure, while Cana did not stop smiling, drinking wine.


- My brother has grown so much, I wonder if he noticed how I grew up? - Wendy asked thoughtfully, glancing first at Cana's impressive halos, and then at her planes.

- Ha, it's too early for you to think about this, and even knowing this guy, - Cana narrowed her eyes.

- He definitely noticed everything, believe me. And I think he is not always interested in the chest.

- I don't think so, - Wendy smiled sweetly: - Brother loves me, and I love brother! Hmm, we are together forever!

Charlie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

- You always say all sorts of nonsense. Stop listening to these guild dummies, you better train!

- And it's nothing stupid, - Wendy pouted: - You yourself think so!

- I don't think so! I'm not so naive!- Wh-what?

- Enough for you, - Cana put down the bottle and looked at this couple with displeasure:

- He just returned, and you are already quarreling. Maybe you should be happy and meet him?

- Hmpf! We ourselves know, - Charlie got up and waved her tail:

- Come on, Wendy, we'll cook something at home.

- Aha! Thanks Kana!

The two cats quickly reconciled and ran away, Kana looked after them in bewilderment, and then exhaled and shook her head:

- Someone would give me advice. Here are the little ones ... Okay Wendy, she has been with him since childhood, but Charlie ... How could he make her think about himself? - after a second of silence, the girl sighed:

- And how could I ... It all started like that, we were good friends, and now ... - Continuing to drink, Cana's mood became even more depressed. Her father leaves the guild on a 100-year mission, but she never confessed, she was not able to become a senior wizard, and she never got up the courage. Now also Aidan, he had a cute little sister, who did not look for a soul in him, and also Erza ... I think about it, Cana continued to drink:

"And what did he find in her? And how did he melt her heart? Hmm, is that all after that time? She's been acting strange ever since ... This sly guy did something! He even made me think about myself, that's the same ... "

- Wow, - after taking a couple of sips, Cana grimaced with displeasure:

- It's over ... Eh ...


Fairy Tail's second floor was not a big place compared to the main resting place of the entire wizard crowd. There were several rooms here, one of which belonged to the Master. Aidan walked past the board with high-ranking tasks and went to Makarov's office.

Before the guy had time to knock, a hoarse voice preceded him:

- Come in.

With a characteristic squeaky sound, Aidan opened the door and walked inside. He had never been to this place before, so he became curious what the old man was hiding here. As it turned out, nothing special. An ordinary office, with simple content. Although, the bookcase by the window could be of any value. The titles of some of the books interested the guy a little. But otherwise an ordinary office, a little spacious, but nothing special. A table, chairs, photographs on the wall, a few cabinets and, in fact, everything.

Makarov was sitting right on the sofa and reading some book, but as Aidan entered, he put it down and nodded, taking off his glasses:

"Finally, what's wrong with the assignment?" I was informed that you were missing. As it turned out, it was not in vain that I decided to wait ... - the old man got up and shouted in displeasure: - What did you think ?! You decided to die there ?!

- Uh ... - Aidan blinked in surprise: - No, I ...

- No?! So what the hell did he get this mission ?! I told you - don't go into this hole if you feel danger! No, you had to take risks and rock the boat ... What kind of young people today!Aidan shrugged nonchalantly.

- It just so happened. And if you were so worried, why didn't you go and help me?

- Hmpf! I'm not your nanny, - Makarov scratched his beard: - Yes, and with your magic, as I understand it, you did not need help. You will be smarter next time.

Aidan walked on and sat down next to the Master, throwing his feet on the table. Makarov was about to get angry and throw him out, when he suddenly heard:

- I was on Tenryu.

- Mm?

- And saw Mavis ...

- What ?! - Makarov jumped on the table: - Have you seen the First ?!

- Why are you so surprised? - Aidan smiled grimly: - You saw her too ... And unlike me, - the atmosphere in the office instantly went cold. Even Makarov tensed from such a freezing feeling and frowned.

"What a powerful magic! This kid has not grown weak ... "

Suddenly Aidan turned the light of his scarlet eyes to the old man and said in a dismal tone:

- You saw what you shouldn't have! When I find this bastard Precht, he will die the worst death ever!

- Uh ... What? - Makarov asked perplexedly: - What are you talking about?

"Forget it," Aidan grunted in displeasure. He knew that Makarov was largely not to blame, but even so, he wanted to make him spit blood. He saw Mavis naked! How the hell could he endure such a thing ?! Even though they didn't have a relationship or anything else, he just couldn't stand it. A bunch of old people dared to look at her innocent body! Thinking about it again, Aidan started to turn on, Makarov's office quickly became covered with a thick crust of ice, and the old man immediately became gloomy:

- What are you doing?! Aidan, stop it!

- I know about the Heart, old man! - the guy growled: - This bastard stripped it off and put it in a crystal, and then showed it to you! It's unforgivable! Do you think I can endure this ?!

- You ... you know ?! - Makarov frowned seriously: - If you know, so what the hell did you do ?! Did you see her ?! What the hell are you talking about ?!

- Her body!

- Her those ... Wait! - Makarov waved his hands worriedly: - I didn't see anything!

Aidan disbelieved and arched an eyebrow coldly.

- Heck! You're a jerk, if this old man says he hasn't seen her, then he hasn't! - Makarov added gloomily:

- I do not know why you have such a reaction, but control yourself! Damn ... '' After a little thought, he snorted and nodded.

- Come on, I'll prove everything to you.

The old man himself did not understand the situation, but if Aidan saw Mavis and knows about Fairy Heart, and judging by his words, this is so. It won't get any worse. In addition, the guy's reaction surprised him very much, and he wanted to know more. Definitely, no one will just react like that, unless, of course, his roof has gone bad ...

"She told him? I can't believe ... There must be a reason, not otherwise "
