
Late in the evening, a gloomy Aidan strolled through Magnolia. After what happened in the guild, he felt just disgusting. Although the wizard was happy to be back, but seeing Mavis like that, in that huge crystal ... Now he really began to regret that he had given her that stupid promise. Now don't even get drunk ...

"If I don't drink, you will let me kiss you!

- Deal!

- Then ...

- Next time we meet!

- Do you have to complicate things?


- Hee-hee, still ... Let's see ...

Remembering those pleasant moments, Aidan could not help smiling. Sitting on the bank of the river, he began to think:

"And why am I so nervous about it and getting so sentimental? How stupid, she's almost like me, grown up in a girl's body ... Damn, it sounds as bad as in reality ... And that damn Zeref, bastard ... "

"I should definitely kill him! - a deadly cold flashed in the eyes of the magician. Although he did not see him, he could not stand it anymore. It is because of this person that Mavis is in this position! In addition, there were other reasons - some kind of inner thirst for blood was inexplicably bursting out of the soul and it was directed towards Zeref!

- Who are you supposed to kill? - suddenly heard a pleasant voice from the side.

Aidan turned sharply and his eyebrows went up in surprise.


- Peace?

The girl narrowed her eyes a little and, issuing a laugh, slowly walked over to the guy and sat down next to him. All this time he watched her with noticeable curiosity:

"I heard you were on a mission.

- Already returned. Hmm ... As always, nonsense, this year I will definitely become a senior wizard and finally these boring tasks will end. - turning, Mirajane quietly asked:

- So who do you want to kill?

"Never mind," Aidan chuckled wryly. "It's too early to think about it ...

- Hmm? - the girl narrowed her eyes and smiled maliciously, an uncertain light flashed in her eyes: - I heard some rumor ... About you and Erza. Are you so serious?

- Uh ... Apparently, - a little embarrassed, Aidan raised his head to the sky: - I'm glad about it, just ...

- Just?

The guy closed his eyes for a moment and sighed:

- It bothers me that Erza is not the only one I like. Besides, I spent less time in the guild than outside its walls, and I can't change that ... That's it.Conversion, the Moon Drop ritual, all of this will not allow him to stay. In less than a couple of days he will have to leave again.

"According to Mavis's calculations, I have another six months, but the conversion will happen sooner ... Damn it!"

Mira watched Aidan's gradually changing face with a slight sadness in her eyes, and then slowly leaned towards him. Suddenly, tender lips touched his cheek. The guy already shuddered and looked at her in surprise:

- What are you...

Mira giggled and a warm smile blossomed on her face again.

- Stop thinking about all sorts of nonsense.

Aidan froze for a moment and then frowned. But, the girl has already got up and regained her former sly expression on her face:

- You are so easy to deceive! You are one of the strongest people in the guild, but still such a fool! - sticking out her tongue, Mira winked at the guy and ran away laughing.

`` Eh, '' with a soft sigh, he shook his head.

- And she's there ... I really feel like a fool. Ha ... - laughing, Aidan got up and listened to the noisy chirping of the crickets.

"Well, you shouldn't deviate from your plans ... You need to deal with your private mansion, and then think about the rest. It is also worth finding a place for conversion, as well as Galun ...


As Aidan pondered the future, Mira walked nervously home, blushing constantly.

"I k-kissed him ... Hmm, it's all him! Fool! Why make such a face, I could not restrain myself! And since when do I like this club at all ?! "

Stop, Mira clenched her fists.

- All this is his smile! Grrr!

In the past, she was angry, in the beginning he seemed to her like a cute jerk, but everything quickly changed. It was impossible to admit - she liked him too. Everyone liked Aidan: his appearance, smile, even his jokes and flirting, all this together gave him an amazing charm that many girls dreamed of. Even if they were just girls, no one canceled falling in love. He always knew how to speak, knew how to make even the most proud girl smile. Mirajane turned out to be the same - after that assignment with Erza, everything changed. The way Scarlett and he cooed sweetly around the fire always angered her, so it's no surprise that Aidan began to pay attention to her too. In the end, everything somehow led to this. His looks and charisma did their job, and she could not get him out of her head. Now, she could not help herself because of such a long separation. As soon as she saw him by the river, she was delighted and wanted to make him nervous again, when she suddenly saw his condition. So sad ...

"And why is everything so ..." - Mira sighed, continuing to walk home. She didn't know why she reacted this way, but she wanted to make him smile and everything turned out so strange ...

- And how can I look into his eyes now, - biting her lip, the girl nodded:

- It doesn't matter! Who cares? He won't even prove it happened! - With a sly grin, Mirajane relieved again and she continued on her way, continuing to mentally plunge into that embarrassing moment ...


Thinking about the future, Aidan finally got home. Oddly enough, warm fires of the hearth burned in the windows.

Smiling involuntarily, the guy went inside. Turning his attention to his backpack and suitcase, he smiled again, took off his raincoat and took off his shoes.

- Brother, you are finally back! Wendy exclaimed, hugging the wizard again.

- Well, this is still my home, where else can I go ...- Wow, well, you could go on a mission again, - the girl muttered with displeasure: - Maybe you will stay at home for at least a month this time?

Charlie sat nearby and nodded in agreement. The guy had no choice but to smile and stroke his kitties:

"You won't get rid of me for at least a couple of months.

- Ooh ... don't say that! - Wendy pouted cute cheeks: - Why only two months?

Walking into the kitchen, Aidan smiled bitterly.

- I have to get stronger, you can't train while sitting still. By the way, did you train?

Charlie just let out a slight laugh, glancing at the joyful Wendy. The girl smiled proudly and nodded:

- I trained a lot! Sister Mira helped me and even took me on a mission, and Erza also ...

Wendy continued to talk non-stop about what had happened over the past months. Charlie often inserted her comments, sometimes correcting her friend, and sometimes even starting to argue. By late night, Aidan heard the quiet puffing of his little sister, the kitty looked at her friend warmly and smiled tenderly. The guy understood everything and quickly took his sister to her room.

Covering the girl with a blanket, he was about to leave, but ...

- B-brother ... - slightly opening her eyes, Wendy grabbed him by the hem of his clothes, embarrassedly demonstrating her intentions.

Taking a quick glance at that pretty face, he exhaled and lay down next to him - now he simply could not refuse. Charlie is located nearby ...

Having embraced Wendy, the guy smiled, looking at her happy face, while the little kitty lay down on his chest and whispered softly:

"W-what happened ... Where did you get the scars?"

- These? - Bending down, Aidan slightly lifted the corners of his lips: - Reminder ... as I finish one thing, I will get rid of them.

- A business?

- Sleep, - grinning, he gently stroked Charlie, to which she immediately purred in response:

- W-well ... I'm not little anymore ...

"You're three," Aidan chuckled. "By the standards of humans, you're still a baby.

- Hmpf! My species matures faster! I almost mastered the Transformation ... When I turn into a human, you will understand everything!

- I believe, I believe ... Should I stop stroking you?

- No! - from this scream Wendy's eyelashes trembled slightly, to which Charlie looked down in embarrassment:

- I mean ... Well ... You can stroke me if you want ... But, only you!

The guy smiled warmly and continued to play with the cat's ears:

- I am glad.

- Glad?

- I'm glad that I have two such lovely girls. My house is not empty, it contains you ...

Charlie smiled shyly and pressed closer to him.
