After a short conversation, the couple quickly made it to the guild. Aidan tried to act normal, but now his mind was in complete chaos. After realizing and guessing about the side effects of his life magic, he tried to decide how to proceed. On the one hand, he would like to clarify everything, but at the same time he understood, probably - this would not lead to the desired result. As a result, not only will he doubt, but he will also make others doubt. In addition, he well understood that all this was needed not by Erza, but by himself. It is equally selfish to tell her and not utter a word at all. To aggravate the situation or leave it as it is ... He still doubted and mentally dreamed of finding Mavis, maybe she could solve this issue.

"In feelings and relationships, she was always better than me ..." - With a little grin, Aidan thought:

"Yeah ... I think now is not the time. Words will not help the matter, and magic will not work out this, here I am powerless - I just have to put up with it. Even if it seems wrong, it is even more wrong to shift this burden onto others. While she is happy, my useless thoughts will wait ... "- Thinking about this, the guy's lips stretched out in a calm smile. He had already decided what to do next. As always, he did not want to give a reason to doubt himself. Give them a sense of security, hope for the future - especially for someone who needs it ...

Turning to Erza, Aidan didn't have time to say a word, as a wave of wind swept through the area, and then a girl flew into his arms at impressive speed.

- Ooh! Brother! - her voice and sudden appearance were a big surprise. Wendy burst into tears and hugged the guy tightly. She clung so tightly that it seemed as if she would never let go.

"Wendy ... You've grown so much," Aidan smiled happily, shaking the cutie's hair. She grew up ...

- I left as a boy, but you almost caught up with me! Well done...


Touching one of her two long tails, the guy smiled again:

"So she wears them ..." - before leaving, he gave her a pair of red hairpins in the form of cat ears. As expected, they fit her perfectly.

As soon as the guy wanted to talk to Wendy, Charlie flew out in his direction and also rushed to hug her.

- You came back ... - the cat purred affectionately and pressed to his cheek. There was so much tenderness in her actions that even Erza was moved:

"Charlie, you've grown too ..." Aidan grinned, stroking his two kitties. Three years is a significant period, especially for children who grow up surprisingly so quickly ...

Erza stood on the sidelines and watched this beautiful sight with affection. Touching her lips, she cast an embarrassed look at the guy in her arms and smiled happily. Everything in her chest trembled, at last she decided to take her step and did not regret it at all. Now she only wanted more and never stop!


- I missed you so much, brother ... - With tears in her eyes, Wendy pressed closer and closer. Charlie, in turn, only purred harder.

After a couple of minutes, the girl loosened her grip and walked away, and Charlie simply sat comfortably on Aidan's shoulder and looked at Wendy with a grin, demonstrating her special position with all her appearance. The girl frowned slightly, but did not argue and giggled happily:

- Erza! And you are back!

"Just in time," Scarlet smiled, looking at Aidan with embarrassment. Wendy noticed the strange faces of these two and narrowed her eyes.

- What's wrong with you?

- Well, I think it's time for us to come in already, - Aidan translated the topic, heading towards the guild."Right after you," he grinned, letting the girls go ahead. Erza giggled and entered first, while Wendy reluctantly walked away from her brother. Charlie didn't budge at all.

- And here they are! - shouted Gray, as soon as everyone crossed the threshold of the guild.

- Aidan! - exclaimed Macao, raising his mug of wine. Then cheers spread throughout the guild, and Cana came out in the direction of the guy. With a slight blush and slightly staggering, she quickly walked up to him and, without further ado, put him in a strong embrace.

Aidan smiled slightly at this surprise and responded in kind. No one was particularly surprised by this greeting, but the booze was expecting to be memorable. Macao had already started giving orders and arguing with Wakabe. The guild was filled with the familiar noise of Fairy Tail!

Charlie glanced hostilely at Cana, who, in her opinion, was too late in her "greeting." In addition, because of her, she had to leave her home, and she didn't like it even more!

Wendy giggled quietly at her friend, knowing full well why she looked so displeased.

A minute later, slightly embarrassed, Cana chuckled and walked away:

- I thought you were going to die there.

The guy shrugged his shoulders:

- It didn't work out.

- I see ... - Awkwardness arose and the girl laughed and waved her hand:

- Let's get drunk! Soon Gildarts is going away for a century!

- Let's drink!

There was another uproar in the guild. Cana took one last look at Aidan and smiled in response to his grin. With a slow step, with a slight blush, the girl walked towards the bar.

The greetings dragged on. Even those whom he first saw, came out to say hello, and sometimes drink together, Aidan always politely refused. He was very pleased with the warm welcome, and when a fight broke out, he decided not to interfere with the rampage of people. Tables and mugs were consumed ...

"It looks like there are more newcomers ..."

After greeting everyone he knew, he finally got to the bar. Erza and Wendy went to Cana. Only Charlie stayed close, continuing to look around with a satisfied look.

Sitting comfortably beside the counter, Aidan nodded to Gildarts.

- Does a hundred years mean?- Ho-ho, who do I see! - Lifting a mug, Clive slapped the guy on the shoulder and took a couple of sips:

- Welcome home vagrant. You have grown up!

"Ha, your gray hair has increased," Aidan chuckled.

- Hey-hey, it seems to you! I am still in my prime, the number one conqueror of women's hearts in the entire guild! You still do not surpass me young people.

- Okay, okay, I get it, - chuckling, the guy walked to the bar and poured himself some juice. When Gildarts held out his mug, he filled it with wine, after asking:

- So what about the 100-year mission?

- Glorious business! - the man grinned menacingly: - There is a complete mess, the most for me!

Laughing, Gildarts nodded to the second floor.

- The old man is at home, I think he is waiting for you.

- I'll come back later, - turning around, Aidan examined the guild and smiled:

- Everything is as usual here.

"Yeah," Clive chuckled. "Only the youngsters have increased. But I think this is to be expected ... Are you how it is? Did you complete the task?

- There was a hitch, but it's done. The reward is good too.

- Well, that's nice, - Gildarts took a sip of wine and asked: - How is it with the strengths? Did you train or chill out?

- Yes, it was, I visited Tenryu and learned a thing or two.

- Yah? - the man was surprised: - Tenryu means? I also remember being there, the Master once showed us the Holy Land. Nice place ...

"You bet," Aidan immediately remembered the beautiful Mavis and let out a long sigh. The mood has changed again not for the better.

There was a long silence, and after all he got up and said:

- Okay, I'll go to the old man. - halfway, he stopped and turned:

- By the way, where are Natsu and Mira?

Pondering over the guy's strange expression, Gildarts shook his head and said:

- Well, Natsu went on a mission yesterday, grabbed Happy and fled. I don't know much about Mira, I heard that he, Lisanna and Elfman left for some business last week.

- I see, - Aidan nodded and headed to the second floor to Makarov. The moment has come to meet the Master.
