Xi Zirui couldn't care less about teams, and challenges and whatever, he just wants to make it off the stage and out from under the bright glare of the floodlights.

The contestants are left to their own devices while the cameras focus on the mentors and their deliberations. Xi Zirui is bored out of his mind, there's nothing to do but stare at his feet since the contestants aren't allowed phones, tablets or computers.

He did well without any of those things in the previous world, but then again he had other things to keep himself busy with, and in the last year taking care of his children took up too much of his time.

He can't think about the twins without his heart seizing painfully inside his chest. Who knows when or how he'll see them again?

And now he's supposed to care about a silly talent show.

Xi Zirui can't even think about his current situation without approaching something he can only describe as qi-deviation.

He's glad he got used to meditation when he was a sword cultivator, because he's going to need it, to make it through the days ahead.


Finally, Ji Limei approaches the main stage with a huge smirk and a closed envelope in her hands.

She wastes some time with pointless reminders for the viewers at home to vote for their favorites, and all that crap before announcing the members of Jade and Diamond team.

The main takeaway for Xi Zirui is that he's in Jade Team with Han Yu -- and Shen Yun too, unfortunately.

Jin Ranyu and Cao Fei are both in Diamond Team.

After the teams are announced, the camera pans to the contestants, all in different stages of excitement, with the exception of Xi Zirui who looks studiously at his feet.

They're dismissed from the broadcast after that, and a production assistant shows up to lead them to the house, and dorm rooms where they'll be staying.


For now, no one is filming them, but that will change once they get back to the house, where their every interaction will be recorded.

Xi Zirui looks for Han Yu among the crowd of sailor blazers, which is why he's startled when a slender hand closes around his wrist.

"Hi there, interesting gege," Han Yu says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Why do I have a feeling we've met before?"

Xi Zirui's heart jumps in his chest.

"Maybe we have," Xi Zirui says. "Maybe you've seen me in your dreams?"

Han Yu throws his head back in a delighted laugh. "Gege, don't say things like that, or I'll have to upgrade you from 'interesting' to 'fascinating'."

He feels his skin heat up. Han Yu is always a menace, but never more so than when he's charming. But it takes more than a few glib words to make Xi Zirui melt, especially considering he's a little cross with Han Yu for not having the decency of remembering his own husband, bearer of his children.

He clicks his tongue at Han Yu. "Maybe didi shouldn't be so easy to impress."

Xi Zirui moves away from Han Yu, following the crowd, but Han Yu wraps an arm around his shoulder, pulling him in close. "I want to bunk with gege, so he can give me tips on how to be less easy to impress."

Xi Zirui doesn't answer, but doesn't pull away from his embrace either.

Han Yu grins as if Xi Zirui's tacit acquiescence is some sort of prize. "I want the top bunk," he says.

"Of course you do," Xi Zirui says, rolling his eyes.


The NNI house is lavish and equipped with the latest appliances. There are huge flat screens in the living area as well as in each room -- two for Diamond Team, two for Jade Team.

Everyone splits into groups to explore the house, excited about the luxury they'll be living in for the next three months.

Xi Zirui ignores all of that and makes his way to the bedrooms, more worried about picking a good bed, than with all the settings on the microwave.

Han Yu follows after him, poking his head inside the room Xi Zirui walks into. "The blue room? Is blue gege's favorite color?"

No, Xi Zirui's favorite color is the red of Han Yu's wedding robes when they got married, the red of the cinnabar mole on the bottom of Han Xiu's feet, and the red of Han Zhiye's cheeks when he grows breathless with his infectious laughter.

"No, this was just the closest room," Xi Zirui says. He swears to himself that once Han Yu regains his memories, he'll tell him all of that.

He'll ask him what his favorite color is, too. That's the kind of thing they should know about each other.

There's a bunk bed near a window, overlooking the garden and pool outside, and Xi Zirui sits down on the bottom bed, testing the springiness of the mattress. Stiff and solid, just how he likes it.

Han Yu hoists himself up into the top bed, not even bothering with the stairs. He drapes his torso off the edge of the bunk, his socked feet tangled on the railing as he smiles upside down at Xi Zirui.

"We definitely got the best beds in the house," he says, stretching his arms with a grin.

Xi Zirui tries to pull his eyes away from the bare sliver of toned abdomen revealed when his shirt rides up his chest.

"I think so too," an unctuous voice calls from above.

There's a sickly scent of crushed flowers that follows Shen Yun everywhere, it's particularly strong in this world and it makes Xi Zirui's nose itch.Shen Yun isn't pleased at being ignored by a stone-faced Xi Zirui and a smirking Han Yu. He crosses his arms in front of his thin chest.

"I think those in A-rank should get to choose their beds first," he says, his narrowed gaze drifting lazily towards Xi Zirui. "It's only fair, all things considered."

Some people are paying attention to their conversation, and a few of the boys in the room nod in assent, all of them placed in A-rank.

"A-rank should get to choose their beds first, and then B-rank, and so forth," a B-rank boy suggests, looking expectantly at Shen Yun as if he expects to be patted in the head for his good behaviour.

Shen Yun hums, one corner of his thin lips curling up. "That's a great idea," he says. "We can change beds every week, after the mentor's assessment."

Xi Zirui rolls his eyes, and stretches himself across the bed, crossing his arms leisurely behind his head. "That's great, you should decide all of that among yourselves, but I'm not interested in participating."

From above, Han Yu lets out an amused chuckle.

"Aren't you a contestant as well, why do you think the rules don't apply to you?" Shen Yun asks, still amused by Xi Zirui's dismissal.

"What rules? The ones you just made up?" he shakes his head. "I'm staying in this bed, you can find another for yourself."

Shen Yun's smile is pinched and haughty. "That attitude doesn't show a lot of team spirit."

Xi Zirui smiles to himself. He understands now why Shen Yun came here to try and antagonize him. There are cameras behind the mirrors in the room, even when no cameramen are following them around, they're being filmed at every moment. Their microphones are also still attached to their clothing.

He's already thinking about his votes, trying to endear himself to voters.

Xi Zirui has no problem helping him, especially considering Han Yu already seems interested in him. Maybe he'll even gallantly quit the show once Xi Zirui is voted out.

"I don't have team spirit," Xi Zirui says. "I just do what I want, so I'll stay right where I am."

Han Yu climbs back up into his bed and crosses his leg over his knee, smirking. "Good idea, I'll do the same."

Shen Yun lowers his head, nodding in mock dejection before turning on his heel, his mission accomplished.

A few of the other boys in the room throw Xi Zirui and Han Yu looks of contempt before following Shen Yun out of the room, a few others look merely curious, still testing the waters before deciding on any alliances.

All of a sudden, Ji Limei's voice sounds through the house's speaker system. "Attention contestants, there's a surprise 'welcome home' challenge hidden in an envelope somewhere in the house. The first team to find it will win a special reward. Hurry up!"

A chorus of excitement echoes through the house as everyone stars frantically searching for the mysterious envelope.

Xi Zirui has no intention of going anywhere, and simply closes his eyes, trying to ignore the commotion outside.

Han Yu jumps down his bed and lands on the floor with a soft thud. "Does gege want to help me find the envelope before that stuck up guy? I think he would hate that."

One of Xi Zirui's eyes blinks open.

Well, when Han Yu puts it like that.
