Xi Zirui would have been pleased by Han Yu choosing to sit next to him, except he hasn't taken the measure of him in this world yet, and it's clear he doesn't remember Xi Zirui.

What is he playing at?

Ji Limei bounds over to them, barely able to contain her excitement. "Our first two contestants think so lowly of themselves! Can you tell us why you chose to place yourselves in F-rank?"

She thrusts the mic in Xi Zirui's face, who scoots away from it before answering, "I don't have any talents."

Ji Limei is clearly confused by his whole demeanor, but she's also a consummate professional and her smile never slips. "Our mentors will see about that!" she says, in a smooth segue into the show's rules. "As soon as all contestants take their seats we'll meet the mentors that will guide our contestants as well as judge their performances."

She turns to Han Yu this time, "What about you, why did you chose to sit in F-rank?"

Han Yu shrugs, leaning back on his hands and kicking his legs back and forth. "I saw that such an interesting gege took a seat here, so I naturally followed his lead."


Xi Zirui holds back his smirk. Han Yu is such a little shit. He wonders what kind of brain damage makes him find it adorable.

"Didn't you say he was arrogant?" Ji Limei asks.

Han Yu shrugs again. "That doesn't mean he isn't interesting."

There's a buzz of speculation from the other contestants, and the cameras quickly pan to Xi Zirui, trying to catch his reaction.

He schools his features into a mask of neutrality and waits for the cameras to find another target.

He's going to grit his teeth through this thing until he gets voted out.


Xi Zirui chances a sideways glance at Han Yu, thinking of how he can convince him to try and get voted out with him too.


All the other contestants find their seats -- many of them following Xi Zirui's and Han Yu's lead.

"It's where all the interesting people sit!" one of them says.

"I don't think my small talents are anything special, and I'll wait for the mentors' judgement," says it another, pouting cutely for the cameras.

Shen Yun is the first to take a seat in A-rank, walking up the stairs with his head held high. Despite his dainty frame, he walks as if he towers above everyone else.

When asked the reason behind his decision, he smiles secretively, winking before saying, "I worked really hard to get where I am now, and I'm not going to sell myself short just to look cute in front of the cameras."

According to what Ni Ni tells Xi Zirui. Shen Yun was the main vocalist of another boyband, which disbanded due to one of the member's numerous cheating scandals. He's probably one of the most famous contestants in the entire competition.

Jin Ranyu takes a seat in B-rank an is his usual loquacious self when he explains himself. "It's a fair assessment of my skills and talents."Ni Ni tells Xi Zirui that he's a model, famous for his editorials, whose agency thinks he has the potential to make the jump to the entertainment industry.

Cao Fei takes a seat in C-rank, and his explanation is nothing if not unusual. "A-rank is too high, F-rank is too low, C-rank is right in the middle."

Somehow, even though he's in an idol survival show, Cao Fei still manages to look like a flustered accountant.

He stumbled into the entertainment industry when his gaming bilibili channel blew up, because of how badly he played every single game he tried his hand at. His viewers thought he looked cute, doggedly doing his best despite his clear shortcomings and lack of hand-eye coordination.

Eventually an agency snapped him up and signed him to a contract he's probably regretting now.

Han Yu is the only wild-card, one of the few fully anonymous contestants who was selected for the show after submitting an audition tape.

He's sitting quietly next to Xi Zirui kicking his legs back and forth distractedly, while Xi Zirui chances curious looks at him from the corner of his eyes, trying to get the measure of him in this world.

He's still aggravatingly beautiful, but that never changes.

Xi Zirui just wishes he knew what goes on behind his eyes.

"Gege likes looking at me," Han Yu says suddenly, surprising Xi Zirui by catching his furtive eyes. "Am I that handsome?"

It's jarring to hear Han Yu calling him gege, when not too long ago he was calling Xi Zirui husband, and their children were calling him papa.

"Yes," Xi Zirui says, honestly. "Really handsome."

His reply startles Han Yu, but he doesn't have time to reply before Ji Limei is stepping up into the stage and calling everyone's attention.

"Now that all our talented and beautiful contestants have taken their seats, it's time to meet our mentors!" she waves towards one side of the studio, where a huge wall with the letters NNI, and the show's full name in stylized calligraphy slide open, at the same time that a smaller stage with a long table is pushed forward.

Sitting behind the table are all familiar faces.

Bai Mi on the right, Su Xueyi in the center, and Liao Min on the left.

There's a chorus of cheers from the contestants, and then Ji Limei introduces them all.

"Everyone is certainly familiar with 'Empress Bai' China's number #1 songbird, and holder of the record for most singles sold in under a minute: at an impressive 100 million in 34 seconds!"

Bai Mi waves politely, her smile perfectly polished. "I hope to see great performances from all the contestants, I have great faith in your abilities."

Xi Zirui smirks to himself, that's such a scripted thing to say, he doubts that's what Bai Mi really thinks.

Ji Limei goes on with the introductions, "And who can forget about 'Movie Emperor' Su Xueyi whose movies are constant box office breakers, and who has won 5 golden roosters, and been nominated countless times!"

Su Xueyi nods solemnly, before saying, "I have high expectations and I won't take it easy on you."

Liao Min looks supremely bored to be there, and only sits up straight when Ji Limei approaches her side of the table. "And lastly, but definitely not least, the world-acclaimed dancer and choreographer who has worked with all the biggest names in the industry, Liao Min."Liao Min touches two fingers to her forehead in a mock salute, and says only, "Good luck."

Well, that's that then.

Introductions done with, Ji Limei turns to the contestants with a huge grin. "Now, it's time to let our amazing contestants dazzle us!"


To make things exciting, the contestants aren't allowed to choose their performance, instead they have to draw lots to see what they get, and then improvise it, to the best of their abilities.

It's obviously going to be a disaster to a lot of people.

Xi Zirui included.

He doesn't really want to stay in this stupid reality show, but what about Han Yu?

In the end, nothing can save him, because he draws dancing.

Something Ni Ni can do nothing to help him with. He's supposed to come up with a dance routine to thirty seconds of Bai Mi's latest viral hit.

The song is terrible, filled with overblown popy synths, and Xi Zirui can't do anything besides wave his arms around and step from side to side awkwardly.

It's embarrassing, he's fully aware of that.

Everyone is glad when he's finally done.

Each mentor judges their own area of expertise. Liao Min looks at Xi Zirui in abject horror for a full minute before being able to come up with something to say.

"That is awful, you were right to pick F-rank, and I'm going to keep you there."

Xi Zirui nods. "Thank you."

After a few average performances, it's Han Yu's turn, and he draws singing, which he seems to be happy with, because he makes his way to the stage with a smile on his face.

Xi Zirui is shocked to hear how well he sings, and so is Bai Mi who is clapping long before he ends his performance.

"You have the best voice I've heard until now, and it will take a lot surpass that electric performance," she takes a sip of water. "I know you have very 'interesting' company in F-rank, but I'm moving you up to A-rank."

On his way up the stairs to A-rank, Han Yu throws a discreet wink at Xi Zirui who can't help smiling at his silly antics.

Shen Yun remains in A-rank, after impressing Su Xueyi with his rendition of his most famous crying scene.

Jin Ranyu dances well enough to remain in B-rank.

And Cao Fei's lackluster singing keeps him in C-rank.

F-rank is a lot more crowded now, and Xi Zirui's new companions are a lot less good humoured about sharing a bench with him than the previous ones.

Once everyone has performed, Ji Limei addresses them once again.

"Now that everyone has their new ranks, the judges will talk among themselves to split the competitors into two teams. The contestants will room together with their teammates, and face challenges for the chance of winning special privileges for their team."
