The Ship Part 2

"Says the person who just touched the big red button!" Thurul yelled out. I am sure he had a cold sweat dripping down his back when the lights came on. He probably thought the ship would blow up!

"Haha!" I let out a laugh.

"Haha! My dwarf ass! Faith, you are playing with fire by just randomly pressing buttons!" Thurul stomped his feet and snorted. Well, he is right but still.

"Well…. I mean, who would put a self destruct in a spot that would easily be hit? I just figured it would be okay. I mean, look over there. That console has warning bars and a cover over the big yellow button. I bet that is for weapons or something else. While this button next to my feet is locked up and double covered. So as long as we do not hit this button, we are good, right?" I asked with a smile while Thurul rubbed his beard in frustration.

"Well, at least now there is power to the ship, but please do not touch anything else!" Thurul seemed exhausted. I smiled and stood up before thinking about something. I took out a crystal orb that connected to Jen and asked: "Jen, you busy right now?"

Just sitting here reading. "What is up?" Jen asked.


"Did you ever learn Chinese or Japanese?" I asked. Jen had many more years of reading in her than I did, so I hoped she might have picked up the languages."Mmm… Enough to understand what I was reading. Why do you ask?" Jen answered.

"Can I bring you to the hangar and have you take a look at some things? I will talk to the dean for you." If Jen could read the writing here, then maybe we would be one step closer to being able to make this thing work.

"Alright, come get me." Jen pursed her lips. She looked reluctant to put her book down. I smiled and disappeared before reappearing next to her. "Ahhh! What the hell is this!?"

"My new spell. Come." I grabbed ahold of Jen's arm and disappeared once more, and reappeared on the bridge. "Welcome to the Penterprise, my dear Pock"

"Very funny…." Jen rolled her eyes and looked around. "Hmmm, a mix of Chinese and Japanese…. Very strange but readable."

"Good now, can you tell me what the words are by this big red button here?" It was the very button I had just pressed.


"It says power on," Jen replied. I turned and smiled smugly at Thurul, who only crossed his arms in front of his chest and snorted. He then pointed to the button in the case. "Tell us what that says."

Jen looked at the words and answered: "It says self destruct, do not press unless you want to go boom.""Haha! I knew it!" I yelled out as I clapped my hands.

"Yeah yeah, but still, do not press any buttons until we label them." Thurul scolded me, causing me to stick my tongue out at him. But with Jen here, this meant she would now be able to translate the buttons, and they could label them. "Jen, help the dwarves label everything. It will be tedious, but it is needed."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Jen bowed to me and gave me a teasing look. I smiled and poked her side. "Sorry, I should have asked and said please."

I really was too used to giving out orders. My manners have disappeared. I do not wish to make this a habit either, so I should watch how I speak unless I am in court or something. Time and place for everything, right?

Once the dwarves found out that Jen could read the writing, she was surrounded almost instantly, causing her to become flustered. But she did begin working right away. It was decided the bridge would get priority before anything else.

With that settled, I went to find the dwarves that were inspecting the hangar with all the cars and other things in them as well as the new mechs. Thurul also decided to follow me for this as well since he had not had time to check on things here either.

So now I was currently standing in front of a three story tall mech that looked very similar to a dundam. But these were different. They were to be controlled by magic like an earth golem. This was the main reason why I needed to speak with the elven kingdom sooner rather than later.

"This is quite impressive….. But I still do not understand where the idea even came for this…." I never brought back any dundams so I am not sure what sparked this idea.

"It was the cars and the ship. The elder dwarf who made up the design thought it would be useful to have a humanoid machine that could move around on its own. And because we can freely create anything we want as long as it benefits the kingdom, they did not even hesitate to begin working on it, and now this is the first rendition. It's called D." Thurul answered.

"D?" I looked up at the mech that actually did resemble a dwarf, so I guess that was the name because Thurul gave me the if you can not figure it out, you are an idiot look. "Never mind. So it doesn't work yet, right? We need to do the inscriptions first?"

"Correct. It needs over a thousand inscriptions to work. So until we have the manpower, we will not be able to do much, never mind mass producing these. Even if we built a factory, it would take a long time to do." Thurul explained. I nodded. A thousand inscriptions was not an easy thing, that is for sure.

"Alright, then, I guess I will need to talk with Runa and see if we can somehow get enough elves out here to do this. I want to try to get a working prototype up and going before my coronation. It would be a perfect symbol of change for the new empire."
