376 The Ship Part 1

We walked up to the ship that now had a large staging set up around it so that the dwarves could do their work inspecting it and trying to figure out how it functioned. We climbed up to the hatch at the side, where I began looking around at the whole entrance. "How did you open it?"

"Mana!" Thurul said. "Any kind of mana works as long as there is a large amount. It took five dwarves to open it. And no elements needed just puremana."

I nodded at his answer. I felt that was indeed intriguing. I looked around and noticed that the interior was kept very clean, almost spotless, besides the foot traffic of the dwarves. The hall at the entrance was very wide and led down toward the back of the ship. But this was only the first floor. From the size of this ship, there were at least three floors. Maybe four depending if one floor was a double floor or not. But from the size of it, it should be able to accommodate at least two thousand people max.

I walked down the hall and looked into the rooms. "This seems to be command." There were many rooms with computer type setups with many glass monitors. It was not on, so could not be sure, but this all seemed to be an area where things were controlled or monitored. I think if I had gone in the other direction, I would have ended up on the bridge.

"I am not sure if it is command, but it does seem to be a place where people would work," Thurul replied.

"This room here is a medical bay," I said as I looked at the scifish looking medical equipment. These are the kinds of things I wish to replicate just in case magic is not able to fix certain people's injuries.When we reached the end of the hall, we came to an elevator that was open, and a bunch of dwarves were staring at the control panel. "What's wrong?" I asked, seeing their perplexed expressions.


"We can't seem to figure out how to get down to the lower levels. This seems to be the only way." One of the dwarves replied.

"Hmmm? Isn't the stairs right there?" I asked, looking at the door next to the elevator.

"That is even more confusing. These panels do not seem to work." When the dwarf said that, I looked over and did indeed see a panel on the side of the door, which meant everything had to be powered on. This meant these doors would only open if there was power, and if that was the case, if the ship was about to be blown up, the people inside would die. I shook my head thinking of this. It was probably some kind of protective measure to keep enemies from reaching the lower decks.

"Then…" I reached over and pulled on the door handle, causing a loud crack to be heard and the door coming off its hinges. "What!? Why did you do that!?" A dwarf yelled out.

"Because this ship belongs to me and useless measures to keep people from going to the lower floors makes no sense to me. If an enemy takes over this floor, they already have control of the ship. What is the point of a door that is sealed electronically? That is just asking to have all your crew members below deck killed off." I answered. I mean, it was dumb. I wouldn't allow such a setup in my ship. I would set up different safety measures that would kill the enemy instead of allowing them to control the ship so easily.

"Now that you mention it…." The dwarf replied as he stroked his braided beard. "Princess, is it possible for us to do the same to the lower floor doors?""Feel free. Like I said, if it is useless, we can tear it out and rebuild it with something better." I replied with a smile.


"Good! Thank you!" The dwarves were happy as they began collecting their things. It seemed they planned to go to the lower floors now.

"I am glad you came. Those guys have been obsessed with these two things." Thurul let out a sigh. I guess he has been having a hard time himself.

"This ship is nice and will be good for what we need, but we need to learn how to power it first. Any luck on this?" I asked.

"No…. We have access to the main control room but no idea how to use any of it. Do you mind taking a look?" Thurul asked.

"Yeah, let's go," I said as I turned around. I also was interested in what the bridge looked like.

We walked back down the hall toward the bridge, and when we arrived, I was really surprised by what I was seeing. A large black window on the very front of the ship with what looked like a protective covering on the outside that would probably lower during a fight or something. One thing I did realize was that everything seemed to be written in what resembles Chinese or Japanese. But it could all mean something else.

I looked around to see a captain's chair and walked over to it, and sat down. I looked at all the buttons on it and the console in front of me and pursed my lips. "Thurul, have you pressed all the buttons here?"

"We have not. We do not dare touch anything recklessly in case it makes it explode." Thurul explained. I nodded at his explanation as I reached over and pressed the big red button in front of me. I mean, why not, right? As I did this, the whole place suddenly lit up.

"Ah… it didn't explode," I said with a wide grin. I really did not expect the lights to come on after pressing the button. But I felt that it was safe due to the fact that there was another red button to my right in a locked clear case. Now I would not touch that button because normally, that meant whatever that button did was not good. "Thurul. No one is allowed to touch this button here."
