Chapter 287  

A welcome back ball was being arranged for Duke Skad. What was supposed to be a simple party turned into a magnificent feast, as Alexcent gave his input. Only the most important people were invited, so the guest list wasn’t very long. But for Loyalterre, with this being her first grand ball as a noble, she was extremely nervous.

Michen arrived with Loyalterre as his guest. Everyone’s eyes went to him, including Alexcent. He turned to Gen.

“Gen. Find out the identity of the lady that came in with Sir Roden and report back to me.”

Gen looked over at Loyalterre, who stood smiling awkwardly next to Duke Roden.

“As you wish, my lord,” Gen said, then disappeared into the crowd to find out whatever information he could.

“Announcing her royal Empress Belice Frostin.”


Belice walked in at the announcement. She flinched as she saw the lady who stood arm in arm with Michen. She calmed herself from the surprise and moved to the head of the table.

After opening the banquet with the customary words, Belice kept quiet and concentrated on the meal that was brought out from the kitchens by the servants. The nobles attending were feeling the awkwardness that emanated from Belice and they too started conversing less, until it was silent except for the sounds of eating.

When the uncomfortable silence became too much, Marquis Mevelyn decided to break the barrier and start a conversation. He always did love to talk.

“I don’t believe I know your beautiful companion, Duke Roden,” he said.

Everyone had been wondering who the young lady was that Duke Roden had brought, as he was known as being single. Everyone started speaking up and asking about Loyalterre. Michen knew the Marquis had called him out as a power move, to try and reduce his favour in the eyes of the Empress. Michen had wanted to formally introduce Loyalterre after her status had been restored. He didn’t want Loyalterre to be known as a bastard. But, if he said nothing now, the rumours would spread like wildfire.

“She is a friend of the family, who is staying with me for a while. Please welcome her as you would welcome me,” Michen said.


Michen met eyes with Loyalterre, and nodded for her to go ahead and introduce herself. Loyalterre remembered what their butler, Hennessey, said, to speak as vaguely as possible about herself until her status had been restored.

“I’m Loyalterre. This is my first time in the capital so I am still learning about the culture here. It is very nice to meet all of you.”

“Your first time in the capital; it is as I thought,” Marquis Mevelyn said. “That would be why we haven’t seen you before.”

“Are you staying at the Roden mansion? Then we should come by and give our greetings. Nice to meet you, Lady Loyalterre,” another guest spoke up

The rest of the guests started adding their own welcomes to the mix, trying to curry favour. Belice, after listening to all the flattery for some time, set down her utensils and stood up. Everyone quieted down and looked towards her.

“I have to excuse myself. I just remembered an urgent matter I need to attend to. Don’t feel pressured to leave. Please, continue dining. The rest of this ball will be hosted by my brother, Sir Skad.”

Belice quickly left the ballroom after announcing her exit. Behind her, Alexcent chugged his glass of wine and slammed it down on the table.

“As you all know, I don’t like when things get loud,” he said sourly, before returning to eating. The nobles ate the rest of the meal in silence, as the mood darkened. Loyalterre, however, couldn’t help but look at Alexcent curiously.

Belice quickly headed for her chambers.she wondered.Regardless of the age difference, it was depravity in her mind. She needed to be alone.


“Hennessey, sir.”

“Just Hennessey. You have to take out the sir.”

Loyalterre mumbled something under her breath, then said again, “Hennessey.”

“Yes, my lady.”

“I met someone today and…. he was very memorable,” Loyalterre said.

“Who was it?” Hennessey asked.

“I think they called him Duke Skad.”

“Does he perhaps have white blonde hair and red eyes?” Hennessey tried not to shake his head. Out of all the people, why did she have to take an interest in Duke Skad?

“Yes, you’re right. Who is he? It seemed like no one would dare to speak in front of him.” Loyalterre had been surprised at his arrogance, yet the other nobles seemed to look up to him. He obviously had some power over the nobles.

“He is the only brother of the soon-to-be Empress,” Hennessey informed her.

“He did bear a resemblance to Her Majesty. That was why he acted so confident.”

“He’s basically a standalone man. Some people call him the devil but, despite that, he is a great man in every way. Politics, business, economics, foreign relations, national defense. Every aspect, that he has a hand, in runs perfectly, and that is something to be admired in a leader.”

“I see.” Duke Skad was the type of person that Loyalterre wanted to become. That way, she would be a valuable asset in helping Michen.

* * *

“The bastard of the Roden family?” Alexcent asked incredulously, after reading Gen’s report. “A bastard dared to come to the Royal feast.”

That meant Michen was aiming to restore her status. He brought her so the nobility could get used to her. She was that important. He had to find out how important she was. She might be someone he could use for his own agenda.
