Chapter 286  

“Fine, let’s take a gamble on a plan then,” Alexcent said. “Put Michen in charge of the list of candidates for the title of prince consort.”

“Alexcent! That’s cruel! How could you even suggest that!”

“Don’t you know how to invoke jealousy? Just do as I say.”

“What if it goes wrong? What if he really doesn’t have feelings for me?” Belice thought this was too much of a gamble.

“Then, just throw yourself at him.”



“There’s no other choice,” Alexcent said, his face stone.

“I really don’t know why I’m talking about this with you.”

“Men knows men the best. What are you so worried about? Your problem is that you think too much. You’ll never achieve anything, not if you always want to be sure about the outcome first.”

“But this is different kind of problem!”

“Then, I will dismiss myself. I’m busy with preparing your coronation, Your Majesty.” Alexcent bowed respectfully and left the meeting room. After he left, Belice sat in silence thinking about all that he had said.

Even in the evening, after Belice had returned to her chamber from a long day of meetings, she still hadn’t cleared Alexcent’s words from her mind.she thought?Alexcent did have a point. She wouldn’t achieve anything if she didn’t at least try.


Belice stopped a passing servant and ordered, “Please summon Sir Roden to me.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” The servant scampered off to locate the man.

* * *

Michen was about to leave the palace when a servant ran up and informed him that the Empress was looking for him. He hurried back into the palace. It was unusual for her to summon him like this, after all the appointments had been completed, and he was worried that something had happened to her. He became flustered, when he realized that the servant was leading him to her bed chamber, rather than the office.

“Your Majesty, I have brought Duke Roden,” the servant announced into the room.

“Enter,” Belice’s voice called from within. The servant opened the door and indicated for Michen to enter alone.

Michen entered to find Belice waiting in the meeting chamber outside of her bedroom. Belice had changed into a casual dress and let her hair down to fall about her shoulders. Michen’s heart stopped, as he was reminded of the princess he had fallen in love with years ago.

“You summoned me, Your Majesty?”

“I know you were just leaving to head for home, so my apologies.”

“Not at all. I’m at you command.”

“Please, sit.” Belice motioned to the sofa, where she sat next to him.

“I have a favour to ask of you,” Belice said. “I was hoping you’d be in charge of the candidate list for possible prince consorts.”

Michen didn’t say anything. He could hear a ringing in his head, and his body heated up in anger to the request made by Belice. He knew he was insane to think that he could ever be with her, but to ask this of him was like kicking a horse when it was down. He thought he had until the coronation before he had to deal with the idea of her needing to find someone to marry.

“Wouldn’t Sir Skad be a better judge of character than I would?” Michen asked through clenched teeth.

“He is, but Sir Skad is busy with planning the coronation. He told me that men know men better. You are the leader of the nobles and probably know more young men than I do, so I thought you would be the best fit.”

There was no way that he could deny her request, so he mumbled “I will do as you ask.”

“And one more request. I want this done quietly, there is no need in getting anyone too excited.”

“As you wish.” It wasn’t like Michen didn’t know this was coming. She would not be allowed to go on without a husband. But for it to happen so quickly? The logic side of his brain spoke back to him, making him realize that it was actually late. The husband is usually decided when the new Empress was still a princess.

Michen compressed his anger deep inside. “Your Majesty, do you have a certain type of man that you desire? It might be easier to narrow down the candidates if you have preferred characteristics.”

Belice’s eyes widened. It really seemed like Michen was all right with this. Maybe she did mean nothing to him. “Ideal type? I hadn’t thought about it. If I had to choose something, I would say someone who is well educated. And it would be good if they were diligent.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Michen didn’t see the sadness in Belice’s eyes as he bowed and made his leave, heading backout of the palace.


Michen still had his light on, in the office, late at night. He was looking at the family trees of the nobles, trying to pick out the young men that were of a similar age to the Empress. Meanwhile, his anger kept rising. He was realizing just how many available men there were in the Empire.

He swore to himself. He didn’t remember when Belice had changed from a ruler to a woman he lusted for, in his eyes, but he was furious that he had to give her to someone else after now realizing it. His heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces. Michen closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down.

When he opened his eyes again, all he could see were the men’s names on the list in front of him. He slammed his fist down on the desk.

“AH!” He shrieked in surprise behind him. She had put together a late-night snack for him while he was working late and had just brought it into the office.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you knock,” Michen apologized. “Why aren’t sleeping at this hour?”

“I heard you up, working late, so I thought I would bring you a snack. I’m sorry I interrupted you.”

“Thank you.” Michen was embarrassed that Loyalterre witnessed his mini-tantrum. He took the snack she had prepared for him and placed it on his desk.

Loyalterre looked troubled as he set down a teacup on top of a document without realizing it.

“If you leave your cup on that document, it might get ruined.”

“It’s all right,” Michen said, not really caring about this task any more.

“You sure are busy lately, always working at home as well as the palace. Is there something I can help you with?”

Michen smiled at Loyalterre, as he saw how concerned she looked. She was a kind girl, nothing like her parents.

“I’m fine. You should be free to do whatever pleases you. What is it that you really want to do with your life? Tell me, and I’ll support you as much as I can.”

“I haven’t thought much about it yet. Everything still feels like a dream.”

“If you think of something, do not hesitate to let me know. I have more work to do so you should go ahead and get some sleep.”

“All right. Don’t push yourself too hard. Good night.”

“Good night,” Michen replied, as Loyalterre left the office.

Loyalterre thought about the words Michen had said. She never had any dreams about her life. She never thought that she would have a future where she would be free to follow any desires. The only thing she had to think about was where her next meal would be coming from.

she thought.Loyalterre thought of these things as she slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.
