"I don't want to go home!"

Justin's eyes widened a bit upon hearing what Chester said. The little boy himself was the one who didn't want to move to Tristan's place, but now, he's the one who doesn't want to leave.

It was already getting late. The twins spent hours opening their gifts and checking out the house. As they spent their time longer in the penthouse, the more they liked the place.

It's almost time for bed for the twins, so they are both sleepy at the moment. Maybe that was one of the reasons why Chester was acting up.

"I'm not leaving," the little boy said as he sat on the floor, not wanting to leave at all.

Justin and Tristan looked st each other and tried their best not to smile or laugh at the little boy. The found him so cute that they wanted to shower him with kisses, but they still wanted to toy with him a little longer.

"But you said you didn't like it here, bud," Tristan said as he knelt on one knee in front of Chester.


The little boy's face started turning red and tears started forming in his eyes. Chester started crying quietly and it alarmed Justin.

"Hey, hey, stop it now," Justin chuckled and carried the little boy in his arms. "Daddy was just teasing you, baby. We're not leaving if you don't want to. Let's go to sleep now, hmm?" he said and kissed Chester's cheek.

"What about me? Where's my kiss?" Tristan said as he pouted and looked at Justin with puppy eyes. "No kiss for you. You made my baby cry," Justin said and stuck his tongue out.

He then started walking to the room Tristan prepared for the twins. Chesca was already there, sleeping on her bed. She got tired from playing too much earlier that she immediately fell asleep after she ate dinner.

Chester was the only one who didn't know that they're staying the night there. It was Tristan's initial plan so they'd get attached to the place. However, he didn't think Chester would get this attached just from playing there for a few hours.

Inside the room, there were two beds inside the room and between the beds was a small cabinet where the lamp was placed on top of it.


Tristan could have arranged rooms for the two of them, but he decided to just use one so they wouldn't get too lonely. At their age, they're also more prone to get scared of being alone, so it's better if they share the sane room for now.

After entering the room, Justin laid Chester on the bed and tucked him under the blanket.

"Hush now... It's alright, we're not gonna leave, hmm?" Justin said as he wiped the little boy's tears with his thumbs.

Tired from playing and crying, Chester slowly fell asleep after a few minutes of lying in bed.

As soon as he fell asleep, Justin placed a soft kiss on Chester's head and he did the same to Chesca as well. "Good night, my babies," he whispered softly as he turned the lamp on. He turned the lights off and slowly closed the door as he left the room.As soon as he left the room, he saw Tristan standing by the door. "I wanted to say good night to them," the alpha said as he smiled. "They're both fast asleep, but go on. Just make sure not to make too much noise," Justin said in a soft voice and smiled at him.

"God, why are you so beautiful?" Tristan said as he smiled and pulled Justin's waist towards his body. He lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on Justin's lips.

The omega could only giggle from seeing how his alpha was acting. His heart fluttered from thinking that Tristan loves him so much.

"Go and kiss them good night. Stop flirting with me," Justin chuckled and pushed Tristan lightly. "I'll be back quickly," Tristan said with a smile on his face and entered the twins room.

And he didn't lie. It wasn't even five minutes since he entered the room, yet he was already out.

Justin, who was waiting for him by the door, chuckled when he saw Tristan coming out so quickly.

"Quickly, huh?" Justin said as a half smile forme don his lips. "I'm a man of my words," Tristan said with a smug expression on his facr as he smiled at Justin.

"Let'a go to our room," the alpha said and stretched his arm out, asking Justin to hold his hand. "As you wish, Mr. CEO," Justin said as he accepted Tristan's hand.

They both headed to their room hand in hand. When they entered the room, they immediately heades to the bed.

"Shall we shower together?" Tristan grinned with a meaning behind it. "Uh-uh. No can do. I know what's gonna happen if we do that," Justin said as he shook his head.

"Oh, come on..." Tristan pouted and showed him his puppy eyes. "That's not gonna work now, you jerk. I'm still not better from last time," Justin said and chuckled.

He knew that if they shower together, they will definitely have sex again. Knowing how Tristan is acting like a horny dog, he knew it would end uo that way.

His hole was still a bit swollen since Tristan's rut, so he didn't agree to what the alpha wanted. He might really rip his ass if he keeps having sex with Tristan.

"Oh..." Tristan had a guilty look on his face, remembering how Justin's body looked during his rut.

"Hey, it's fine. Go and take a shower now," Justin said as he pushed him in the direction of the bathroom.

Tristan did as Justin told him and when he finished taking a shower, Justin went in after him.

Feeling fresh from having taken a shower just now, the two of them laid in bed comfortably. Justin was resting his head on Tristan's arm as they hugged each other."Let's just cuddle," Justin said as he nuzzled his face on the alpha's hard, musuclar chest. "Mm-hmm..." Tristan said as he hugged the omega tighter.

In that position, the two of them fell asleep like that.


Morning came and the couple started preparing for breakfast for their family. He could have called someone to prepare their meals for them, but he wanted to feel like they were a married couple.

'A marries couple, huh? I should go and buy a ring later,' Tristan thought to himself as he put plates and utensils on the table. 'How should I propose to him?' he thought.

'If people were to see us like this, they'd definitely think we're married, right?' Justin thought as he glanced at Tristan who was busy fixing the table.

'Is he not yet gonna propose to me? If he's not... should I go and propose instead?' the omega thought as he went back to cooking.

With that, as they prepared for breakfast, their minds were filled with thoughts of proposing to each other.

The twins finally woke up and they headed out of their room together.

"Pancakes?" Chesca said as she rubbed her eyes with her hand while walking towards their parents.

She was right. Justin cooked pancakes for breakfast.

The sweet aroma of freshly cooked pancakes went in through their noses, making the twins' tummies grumble with hunger.

"You gotta wash your faces first and then brush your teeth," Tristan said as he walked to the twins and guided them back to their rooms where their bathroom was.

The twins did what their daddy told them and after that, they headed back to the dining area where their pancakes were waiting.

The family ate together happily. After eating, they did their daily routines.

When they finally finished preparing to leave, the couple drove the kids to their preschool.

Of course, having new toys from opening their gift yesterday, the twins brought some of those toys with them. Chesca specifically brought them so she could brag about her toys and show her classmates that her mommy and daddy bought then for her.

She wanted to show them once again that she has very cool parents. After being bullied for not having a father, that eas the least that she wanted to do. She wanted to show the world that she has the best parents in the world.

After dropping the twins off at school, they headed to their company to start their day at work as well.

Upon parting ways to head to their own offices, their minds started becoming filled with thoughts of marriage and proposal.

The two of them started panning out things in their heads on how they will propose to the other.

As Justin walked to his desk, he suddenly remembered the thoughts he had back when they were still dating five yesrs ago.

Back then, he could only imagine having kids and getting married to Tristan. But now, they already have kids and he's even planning to propose to his alpha.

'Well, aren't I very lucky?' Justin thought as he smiled.
