Justin and Tristan went home together after work. Just like what anyone would expect, people stared at them earlier when they were still at the company. Justin still couldn't get used to the way others look at them, but he decided to pay no mind to them.

He really missed Tristan earlier that he didn't want to part with him when they were eating lunch together. Even though he didn't want to leave Tristan's side, he still had to because his working hours weren't finished yet.

Thankfully, their time apart was now over and they're currently headed to Justin's apartment.

"We're home!" Tristan said as he beamed as soon as they went inside Justin's unit. "Mommy! Daddy!" The twins came running to them and greeted them with warm hugs. Justin kissed the top of their heads with a smile.

Jamie and Jace were still inside the apartment. Jamie was on the sofa, waiting for the family to finish greeting each other so she and her son could leave, while Jace was still sitting on the floor, feeling a bit shy to go and greet them hello.

"Kyaaa! Daddy, daddy! Lookie, lookie! Jace gave me a sticker," Chesca said as she happily showed the sticker pasted on the back of her hand. It was a heart-shaped sticker the size of a coin that looked glittery and cute.

"Well, isn't that pretty?" Tristan smiled at her as he knelt on the floor. "Uh-huh!" Chesca giggled and hugged Tristan.


"Sweeties, what would you like to eat for dinner?" Justin said as he headed to the kitchen. "I want daddy to cook!" Chesca yelled from the doorway where she and Tristan were still hugging. "You heard that, daddy," Justin giggled as he looked in their direction.

For some reason, Tristan's heart thumped from hearing Justin call him daddy. It made his face turn bright red and he felt like his heart would stop any minute now.

'Ah, really... Daddy...' Tristan thought as he covered his face with his hand.

"Okay, daddy will cook for you," Tristan said as he hugged Chesca even tighter and kissed her forehead. After that, he stood up and headed to the kitchen where Justin was.

"Jace," Chester called with his hands on his back, fidgeting and having second thoughts about whether he should do what he wanted to do. Jace looked up at Chester, since he was still sitting on the floor, and gave him a questioning look.

Chester pursed his lips and took a deep breath, feeling a bit shy. "I'll give you this," he said as he slowly put his hand in front of him and showed something to Jace.


It was a heart-shaped sticker, the same as what Chesca has on her hand.

"Huh? Thank you...?" Jace took the sticker from Chester's hand as he looked at him with confusion because he also has the same sticker as Chester was holding.

"D... Do you know what this means?" Chester said as his face is slowly heating up and turning red. "You are giving me your sticker?" Jace said as he tilted his head a bit while looking at the sticker.

'I'm giving my heart to you,' Chester thought as he tried to muster up the courage to tell him that.Unfortunately, he couldn't say something so simple because he was too shy to do so.

He once saw it on TV while Jamie was watching a drama that giving someone your heart means that you're entrusting it to them and that you value that person a lot.

"Yes... I'm giving you a sticker," Chester said as he laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment. He immediately left and ran to the kitchen without saying anything more to his friend, Jace.


It's already dark outside, meaning that Jace and his mother have already left.

The family just finished eating and they're currently in the living room, sitting on the sofa and watching an animated movie with the twins. Between the couple sat the twins who were so absorbed in the movie.

"Wow! Their house is so big," Chesca said as she looked at the screen with sparkling eyes.

Justin and Tristan looked at each other upon hearing what the little girl said. They were reminded that they still have to ask them if they want to move to Tristan's penthouse or not.

Tristan nodded at Justin as if signaling him to go and ask them right at that moment.

"Babies?" Justin called them in a soft and gentle tone. The twins turned their heads in synch in their mommy's direction.

"Your daddy... Your daddy also has his house. It's a lot bigger than ours. Would you like to move to daddy's house?" Justin asked as he smiled at them.

"What? No," Chester said as he frowned. "I want to stay here," he continued. Chesca remained quiet, still thinking if she wants to move there or not.

Justin looked at Tristan. It was as if they were communicating with their eyes that Tristan knew what Justin wanted him to do.

"What about you, princess?" Tristan asked as he looked at the little girl and combed her hair with his fingers.

"I wanna see daddy's house," she said as she faced Tristan.

The couple looked at each other again. It was as if Tristan was saying that they should go and see his penthouse together.

The alpha looked at his wristwatch and saw that it was quite late for kids to stay out. 'We should go tomorrow,' he thought as he put his hand down.

"Then, should we go tomorrow?" Tristan said as he smiled at the little girl. Chesca nodded with a smile on her face, while Chester continued watching the movie and paid no mind to what they were talking about.

He didn't want to leave their house because he thought that if they move, it would be harder to play with Jace. It was easier now because they are neighbors, but if they move, then that would mean their playtime would be shorter.

"What about you, bud? You're coming with us, right?" Tristan said as he looked at Chester. The little boy was having second thoughts about whether he should go there or not because he might want to move there if his daddy's place looks nice.

"Your gifts were also delivered at daddy's house," Tristan smiled, tempting his son to say yes.

Chester's eyes sparkled, but he was still debating in his mind. He wanted to open the gifts with his sister but he really doesn't wanna go there because he doesn't want to move.

Even though he was very conflicted, he still came to the conclusion that he will be going there with his family because of their gifts.

"Okay," the little boy responded as his ears turned a bit red, feeling shy that he suddenly changed his mind.


The next day, Tristan and Justin left work early to pick up the twins from school. Justin didn't really want to leave before his working hours are over, but Tristan insisted. The alpha also managed to convince him to come with him, especially that he's the CEO of the company.

They're currently inside Tristan's car, with Justin sitting in the passenger seat and the twins sitting in the backseat in their child safety seats.

They were looking outside as they drove into the city. On the way to Tristan's place, they passed a lot of tall buildings, which amazed the twins a lot.

They rarely go into the downtown area of the city because they mostly spend time with Justin in parks near their apartment. Seeing buildings wasn't really all that new to them, but it felt somehow different this time.

They felt like they were having a tour in a city they've never been to.

Tristan stopped the car in front of a very tall building. It was the condominium where his penthouse was. He stopped the car in front instead of parking it in the basement parking lot to show off to his children.

He got off of the car and opened the door for Justin. After that, he and Justin opened the door for the twins and helped them get off their child safety seats.

Tristan gave his car key to the valet to have him park it for him. The twins looked astonished because they've only seen that kind of scenario on TV.

As they entered the building, the twins kept looking around, finding the place very new to them. Everything looked so expensive that they became conscious of their movements, afraid that they might damage something if they run and play around.

They entered the elevator and waited for a while to finally reach the top floor where Tristan's penthouse was.

The moment they stepped out of the elevator and saw the entrance to the penthouse, the twins' mouths gaped open. There was a tall brown door before them and just from seeing how it looked from the outside, they knew it would look nice inside.

"Mommy, daddy, are we in the right place?" Chester asked as he grabbed Tristan's pants. The alpha chuckled and said, "Yes, baby."

Tristan entered the passcode to his penthouse and as soon as the doors opened, the four of them went inside right away.

The moment the twins laid their eyes on the interior of their daddy's house, they couldn't help but feel amazed. Just seeing the lobby of the condominium was enough to amaze them, but seeing their daddy's house made them realize that there was an even greater feeling from amazement.

