"Just as I said. Marry me."

After hearing what Mr. Yu had to say, Tristan felt the little patience he had left snap.

His lips curved into the sweetest smile that he could make, making Erika, who was still in the office, flinch.

'No good ever comes with seeing him smile like that,' Erika thought as she swallowed hard, getting scared because of how Tristan reacted. 'Mr. Lee is obviously whipped with another person already. I wish Mr. Yu knew that so he wouldn't make a fool of himself,' she thought.

Mr. Yu, on the other hand, took Tristan's smile as a positive reaction to what he said.

'Hah... Just as I thought. Alphas are so simple. With this, my future is secured,' he thought arrogantly as he smiled even wider, feeling proud that he made the so-called demon of the Lee Group smile so sweetly.

"I'll take that as a..." Mr. Yu was cut off when Tristan spoke over him. "I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave, Mr. Yu," he said as he stood up.


"Miss Erika, kindly escort this person outside," Tristan said as he looked at Erika. The secretary got startled when Tristan suddenly spoke to her, but she managed to compose herself right away.

"Yes, sir," she said and looked at Mr. Yu whose face can't be painted.

His face became distorted with anger and frustration with what Tristan said. 'What? Me? Leave? He's asking me to leave?' he thought as he trembled with anger.

He was confident with his looks and wealth that getting rejected never came to his mind. Even if it was Tristan he was trying to seduce, he never once thought that he'll fail at that.

"Unbelievable..." he whispered under his breath as he clenched his jaw.

Erika walked up to him, waiting for him to stand up so he could leave the office. "Sir, Mr. Lee has asked you to leave," she said as she lowered her head a bit so Mr. Yu could see her face.


Gabriel Yu bit his lower lip as he sighed and slowly stood up. He then started walking, but instead of heading to the door, he walked up to Tristan.

"Why are you suddenly being like this?" he said as he glared up at him. "What are you talking about?" Tristan said as his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I thought you wanted me," Gab said as his eyes trembled. He felt offended that Tristan rejected him right away without even thinking about what he said. "What did I ever do to make you think like that?" Tristan said as he raised his brows while glaring down at him.

Gab didn't know what to say because Tristan never really did anything to give him false hope.

"Y... You..." he took a deep breath. "You smiled at me," he continued. That was the only thing he could think of. There wasn't anything else he could think of aside from the smile Tristan showed him earlier.

"Ha... Haha," Tristan chuckled as he covered his mouth to stop himself from actually laughing. "Just because of a smile? Aren't you too easy?" he said as he looked at Gab like a pathetic insect.'Easy...? Me? Easy?' he thought, feeling offended. He felt like his pride was stepped on over and over again because of what Tristan said.

He raised his hand on instinct, and his palm hitting Tristan's face made a loud sound.

"I'll have to ask my father not to invest anymore. Fucking jerk," Gab glared daggers at him as he gritted his teeth.

"That would be fine. It's not like your father invested much anyway. The amount of money he invested is just a pocket change for me. It's your loss, not mine," Tristan said as he smiled at him, his cheeks red and a bit swelled from the slap.

"Miss Erika, escort him out right now by any means, necessary," he said as he glanced at his secretary. "Will do, sir," she said and walked towards Gab. She grabbed his arm and said, "Please leave, sir." Before she could drag him out, Gab yanked his arm from her grip and said, "Don't touch me. I'll leave this shithole myself."

He walked to the door and before he could leave the office, he turned his head towards Tristan and said, "You're gonna pay for this."

He slammed the door with a loud bang, making Erika flinch.

"Miss Erika, take care of Mr. Yu's investments' paperwork. I'll look at them next week," Tristan said and ran his fingers through his hair, making it a bit messy.

"U... Understood, sir," Erika said as she stared at Tristan with awe.

He looked so handsome with his disheveled hair that she couldn't help but swallow hard.

"Also, do not accept anyone who asks for me if they did not set an appointment," he said with an annoyed expression, making Erika feel a bit scared.

"Yes, sir," she nodded as she lowered her eyes.

Tristan walked to the door and headed out as soon as he finished talking to his secretary about Mr. Yu.

He was so pissed that his day was ruined by someone like him.

'What the hell is up with that asshole? Ruining a perfectly fine day with his bullshit...' Tristan thought as he clicked his tongue while walking towards his car.

He called Xander and asked him where they were so he could drive there and spend the rest of the day with his nephew.

The day ended with Tristan still being in a foul mood. Justin's day, on the other hand, ended happily with the twins falling asleep in the cab on their way home.


Time flew by so fast, and before Justin knew it, it was already a new week which means that he'll be seeing Tristan again at work.He looked up at the tall building in front of him and swallowed hard, feeling a bit nervous about seeing him again today.

It was only recently when he decided to end whatever's between them and avoid him afterward. Somehow, his decision made him feel uncomfortably nervous.

There was a part of him that didn't want to do that, but he knew that he had to.

If he wanted to protect his heart and the twins, he had to cut ties with Tristan.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? Aren't you going in?"

He turned his head and saw Carl and Hannah coming to work together. They were holding each other's hands, making Justin smile a little.

"I was about to," Justin said. "Let's go," Hannah said as she let go of Carl's hand and walked towards Justin.

She realized that she was still holding her boyfriend's hand and that made her feel shy because Justin saw them like that. They weren't exactly an affectionate couple, so it made her feel all weird inside.

The three of them headed inside and walked to the elevator.

Strangely, everybody was throwing glances at them or was boldly staring at them as if they were some kind of celebrity. They were whispering at each other while looking at them, making it very clear that they really were talking about someone among the three.

Hannah and Carl immediately knew why everybody was looking in their direction. They knew that they weren't looking at them but at Justin.

After the scene that Tristan caused last time, Justin suddenly became famous at the company.

Without his knowledge, stolen photos of him were even spread among the employees.

"What are they doing?" Justin whispered, curious as to why they were looking in their direction weirdly.

Hannah and Carl looked at each other, having second thoughts about whether they should tell him or not. Before they could even decide between the two, Justin spoke."Never mind. They're probably looking at somewhere else," he shrugged.

"Uh... Justin, you see..." Before Hannah could continue what she had to say, the elevator doors opened. "Hey, let's make a run for it," Justin said and jogged towards the elevator so he could still get on instead of waiting for a few more minutes.

Hannah sighed and followed after Justin, and Carl did the same, too.

Once they were already inside the elevator, it became harder for Hannah to tell him why everybody was acting like that. It was a topic that she shouldn't talk about in such a crowded space because it will only make the situation worse than it is.


The elevator doors opened and they were finally at their department's floor.

The same situation as earlier happened, too. Everybody's eyes were locked on Justin as if he was some kind of a circus animal.

Seeing as to how his officemates were acting the same as those employees downstairs, Justin realized that they really were looking in their direction.

'What's up with them? Did something happen?' he thought as he innocently walked to his desk, not knowing the reason why they were acting like that.

He placed his bag under his desk and sat on his swivel chair. He turned his computer on, and as he waited for it to turn on, an officemate approached him.

"Justin, is it true that you're in a relationship with the CEO?"
