A familiar man stood before Justin.

The length of his dark red hair that was almost close to back was shorter than it was before. His black eyes were sharp, his nose was tall, and his lips were pink.

"It really is you," Xander said as he looked at Justin with a shocked expression. "Hey, Xander," Justin smiled, happy that he's seeing a familiar face.

Meeting other people that he knows doesn't bother him as much as before after meeting both Tristan and Daryl.

Also, despite having negative feelings towards Xander before for suddenly cutting him off, he still thought of him as one of his closest friends since childhood.

"Have you been well?" Xander asked as he smiled back at him.

A sense of relief came to Justin when the first thing Xander asked him was how he was. It would have probably put him in an uncomfortable situation if Xander asked him questions about uis whereabouts before.


Xander also knew that fact, remembering how Justin was before. He thought it would be better to just let Justin open up to him naturally instead of getting nosy.

"Same old, same old," Justin shrugged. "Daddy, who is that man?" The little boy asked as he pulled the hem of Xander's shirt.

"Oh! By the way, this is is my son, Theodore," Xander said as he looked at the little boy and smiled proudly. "And Theo, this is your Uncle Justin. He's daddy's friend," he continued.

"Hello, Theodore! You have a very nice name," Justin said as he smiled at the little boy. Theodore raised his chin a little and said, "I know."

Justin chuckled seeing how the little boy acted and thought that it was cute.

"Time really flew by so fast. You're a father now," Justin chuckled. "Yeah, Troy and I had him a few months before college graduation," Xander said as he put his hand at the back of his neck.


"Troy? How did you even get tangled up with each other?" Justin chuckled, finding it bizzare that they're together.

He knew Xander and Tristan hated each other to the point where they'd keep yapping their mouths nonstop whenever they're together, so it was a big mystery to him as to how they ended up with each other since Troy is Tristan's brother.

"Well, yeah. The thing is, we had a relationship back in high school and broke up after. We got back together after seeing each other again in years, though," Xander explained.

Justin suddenly remembered the time when Xander told Daryl about a certain omega whom he had a relationship with before.

Everything suddenly made sense, now that he found out who he was referring to.It also made Justin fele happy now that Xander was finally able to talk about it casually. The way he talked about it before seemed like it was a diffucult topic for him, very different from how he is now.

"That's really great that things workes out for you two," Justin smiled.

"Mommy, the storybook..." Chesca whispered as she looked at Theodore who was still glaring daggers at her.

"Oh, right. Just a sec, sweetie," Justin said as he put his hand over Chesca's head and combed her hair down.

Without hesitating whether he should tell Xander about the twins, he introduced them to him.

"These are my children, by the way. This is Chester and this is Chesca. They're twins," Justin said as he looked at the twins who were looking up at him.

"Hello, kiddos. I'm your Uncle Xander and this is your cousin, Theodore," Xander said as he bent his knees a little while talking to them.

The two hid behind Justin's back, feeling wary because Xander is Theodore's dad.

He took a step forward towards Xander and whispered, "Their father don't know about them, so please keep this a secret."

Justin knew he could trust Xander about this. Even though Xander has a very foul mouth, he wouldn't go so far as to spilling a friend's secret.

Xander stared at the kids and saw how much Chester resembled Tristan. He immediately knew that he was their father.

'Should I tell him that Tristan was here just a few minutes ago?' Xander thought, thinking whether he should tell him or not. 'Should I also tell Tristan that Justin was here? Of course, I'd leave the children out of it, though,' he thought. 'But well... Why should I tell Tristan about Justin? He didn't tell me anything about him earlier, so why should I?' Xander thought, deciding that he shouldn't tell Tristan.

Before he could even open his mouth and say something, Justin spoke.

"Let's talk about this at a later time. I gotta get my kids a storybook," Justin chuckled as he looked at the twins who were already getting impatient from waiting for them to finish their conversation.

"Yeah, sure. It's nice seeing you again," Xander said as he nodded. "Likewise," Justin responded as he nodded, too.

They quickly walked towards an employee and asked it there were other copies of the storybook. Thankfully, there were some, so the twins got to have their own copy and Theodore got to keep the one that he was holding.

They said their goodbyes and Justin left the bookstore with the twins. They were buying a storybook so Justin could read it to them during their picnic after they get tired from playing.The three of them then headed to the place where they're going to go, and as soon as they got there, the twins played with each other right away.

Meanwhile, the alpha who was rushing to the company has already arrived. Sitting before him was a man who was petite, has black hair, fair skin, blue eyes, a narrow nose, and thin reddish lips.

He was beyond beautiful and everybody who has ever laid their eyes on him just can't help but stare at him in awe.

"Hello, Mr. Lee," he smiled as he stood up to greet Tristan who just arrived in his office. "Mr. Yu, good morning," Tristan said and sat on the sofa that was across him.

"Would it be alright if I get straight to the point? My schedule is packed today, you see," Tristan said as he smiled a little.

He was lying about his schedule being packed because he wanted to leave as soon as possible in case Theodore throws a tantrum.

"That would be fine," Mr. Yu said as he smiled at the alpha.

"Well, then. I want to make things clear. I have checked all the documents regarding the new project and nothing seems to be wrong. During the board meeting last time, your father did not have any complaints and even said that the upcoming project will certainly become successful. May I as what brought you here and what the problem is, that you even came here without making an appointment?" Tristan said continuously, trying to keep the conversation as short as possible.

Mr. Yu smiled. "You really live up to the talks about you, Mr. Lee," he said while still smiling at him. "To be honest, I did not come here to complain about whatever you're referring to. I came here to propose something to you," he said as he held the tea cup and took a little sip from it.

"Mr. Yu, if it is not business-related, please refrain from doing something like this. Does your father know about this?" Tristan asked and clenched his jaw, feeling a bit annoyed.

"He doesn't. I came here on my own accord," Mr. Yu said as he put the cup on the table.

"So, what you're saying is that you came here on your own accord without even making an appointment and not considering that I may not be able to meet with you because of my schedule?" Tristan said and smiled a little, trying to his his annoyance and displeasure with how the man in front of him acted.

As he entered the business world, Tristan began to hate people who waste his time, just like what Mr. Yu is doing right now.

"You make it sound so bad, but that's it, I guess?" Mr. Yu said as he shrugged.

"Mr. Yu..." Before Tristan could continue speaking, he was cut off. "Please call me by my name. Gab. Call me Gab, in short for Gabriel," Mr. Yu said and smiled at him again.

"I apologize if I'm too straightforward, but we are not in a relationship where I could call you by your first name. This is strictly a business relationship between my family and yours, Mr. Yu," Tristan answered bluntly with a poker face, clearly getting more annoyed and annoyed as each second passes.

"Hmm, cold and straightforward. I like that," Gab said as his smile got even wider.

"With that said, if you have nothing more to say, please leave. I have more important matters to attend to," Tristan said, maintaining his poker face.

"Didn't I just say that I have a proposal to make?" Gab said as he tilted his head a little.

Tristan clenched his jaw and tried to calm himself down before speaking because he knew it would be bad if he got mad at an investor's son.

"Let's hear it, then. What kind of proposal made you come all the way here?" Tristan asked as he leaned his back against the sofa.

"A marriage proposal," Gab said as he smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry?" Tristan's forehead creased as his eyebrows scrunched.

"Just as I said.. Marry me."
