"This is a neat little trick you've got here, freezing time like this. Even gravity is all frozen," Remarked Belia, as she approached the guy.

"Who are you people? Where did you come from?" He responded with a wary frown.

He was a bit taller than me, with black hair that had a couple of blonde streaks, one down the middle and one by his right ear. He had grey eyes and a slightly dark complexion, and a strange pattern across his skin with a dark glow to it, like branching streaks of lightning.

He wore a jean jacket over a white hooded top and black jeans, he had some kind of backpack on his back and something with a nozzle strapped to each wrist...some sort of blasters, maybe?

And he was holding an energy blade, black in hue, and with a slight but rapid vibration to it. He was also wearing red-framed glasses, but I don't think he needs glasses, those lenses don't look like prescription lenses. Based on his movements, I think the space around himself isn't frozen in time.

"So, hey, is this all you can do? How strong are you? Come on, surely you can do more than just stop time like this, can't you?" She grinned in fascination.

Ah, yes, I forgot how annoying she can be as an enemy. Really glad she's on our side now.


"If you're not gonna answer my questions, then I'll just have to capture you and take you back for interrogation," He replied, seeming to have realized that repeating his questions wouldn't do any good.

"Ooh, you know what that sounds like? It sounds like you've got more tricks up your sleeve," She smirked in anticipation.

"You'll find out soon enough," He responded, as a shockwave burst out from him, the dust around him that got kicked up floating in midair due to the effects of his time freeze.

A dark mist surrounded him as his right eye changed to look like a clock, while his left eye turned darker and darker, like an endless void.

I saw his mouth move again, as he inaudibly muttered to himself, right before disappearing from sight. Huh?

He's right behind Belia...she swiftly spun around and sprang back, but didn't go too far, as her momentum died immediately. The way physics is working right now is kinda annoying...flying will probably require more effort too.


He suddenly locked his gaze onto Belia as she landed, before her eyes widened in alarm and she quickly leapt off to the right, her left arm and shoulder abruptly disappearing.

Huh? What just happened?

"Oh, wow...I felt like I was about to disappear completely if I hadn't moved, scary," She remarked, as she teleported over to me.

I tapped her shoulder and activated my Restoration Magic, bringing back her missing arm.

"Huh? How'd you do that?" Frowned the guy warily, taking a step back.

He's powerful, but also highly cautious...he's a bad match up for someone as impulsive as Belia.

"Okay, you'll die at this rate, so I'm tapping in," I sighed, as I stepped out in front of Belia, activating my Phoenix Resurrection and Clone Magic, forming the maximum of twelve clones, as I unleashed Diablo Mode.

I then shot towards him at top speed, using my wings to keep my momentum going, teleporting to his right as I sensed danger as he locked his gaze onto me.

As I drove my fist towards the side of his face, his mouth moved slightly again, and he just barely teleported out of the way, before one of my clones locked onto him as he reappeared, firing out an Obliteration Magic blast at him.It didn't lose any momentum, its obliterating nature likely canceling out this time freeze effect. But he didn't move as it barreled towards him, a slight look of surprise on his face as it didn't slow down, but he locked his gaze onto it...and made it abruptly disappear as it closed in on him.

"Not sure what that was, exactly, but I can tell that it's powerful," He remarked with a gleam in his eyes, as two of my clones sprang up on either side of him.

He swiftly pointed his palms out in their directions and...fired out two Obliteration Magic blasts, hitting them and bursting holes through their chests, the clones dissipating as a result.

Huh? How'd he do that!?

"In that case, how about this!?" I responded, as I activated my Alchemic Magic onto the ground and burst out earth spikes towards him...there's toxicity in the ground here, I'm using my Alchemic Magic to enhance that property.

So long as I at least graze him, he should be incapacitated, but if he avoids it, that's fine too. He swiftly teleported out of the way before the spikes could reach him, and the instant he reappeared, five of my clones fired out Obliteration Magic blasts at him from multiple directions.

He just barely managed to teleport out of the way in alarm, reappearing right where I predicted he would...I see, just like my own teleportation, where he teleports to depends on his line of sight. And with my eyesight, tracking the movements of his eyes is a simple matter.

I wasted no time in teleporting right behind him and grabbing him in a headlock, restraining him firmly, before my clones surrounded him with Obliteration Magic blasts aimed at him.

"You know, what, two can play at this game...," He smirked, when suddenly, several clones of his own popped up, one by one, his mouth moving slightly again.

He then shifted his gaze down, both my forearms suddenly disappearing as he broke free from my grasp, spinning around and starting to lock his gaze onto me, before I quickly teleported out of the way.

My eyes then widened in realization as I noticed his clones having their gazes locked onto me too...crap, not good!

Suddenly, everything went dark, as he used that erasing ability to take out my head...whew, it's a good thing I'd activated my Phoenix Resurrection.

I reawakened with flames surrounding me, as I spotted him approaching Belia...my clones had dissipated when he killed me, and it looks like he'd decided to remove his own clones from the equation too.

He obviously thinks I'm dead. As he approached Belia, I swiftly and silently formed my clones again, before teleporting behind him and swiftly placing my hand over his eyes, pressing my fingers down onto his eyelids to keep them shut, while my clones restrained his limbs.

"That was close. You've got some pretty dangerous powers there, don't you?" I remarked with a smirk.

That was kinda fun, I have to admit.

"Wha-...didn't I just kill you?" He frowned in response.

"Well, you did and you didn't."

"So, what now, you gonna kill me or something?" He scoffed with a grimace.

He's trying to hide it, but I can sense it...he's afraid. Well, that's only natural, I suppose."Nah, you're super powerful, killing you would probably make some drastic changes to this world's flow of time and history, which could attract some unwanted attention onto us," Replied Belia, as she walked over and lightly smacked his face with her palms a few times.

Guess we're not hiding the fact that we're not from this world, huh?

"What?" He responded in bewilderment.

"Not that this wasn't fun or whatever, but we're not actually here to fight. We came here from an alternate universe," I informed him, before deciding to let him go as a show of good will.

"Huh? There's no way."

"It's the truth. We're not here to fight, we're just looking around is all," I shrugged in response.

"Prove it, that you're from another world or whatever," He frowned suspiciously.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, as I opened a portal to our world using my ring, putting my hand into it and taking it back out to show him it was safe, "This portal is connected to the world we came from. Take a peek."

"Hm...? Alright, then...but you put your head through it too," He remarked with narrowed eyes, as I shrugged and did as he asked.

If he decides to attack while my back's turned, that's fine, I've linked my vision and senses with my clones. If he displays any bloodlust, I'll know.

He then walked over warily, putting a fingertip to the portal and pulling it back, relaxing slightly as nothing happened. He then took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, before poking his head into the portal.

"See? This is the world we came from, we created devices that let us travel the multiverse, so yeah," I informed him, as he looked around, wide-eyed.

I'd opened the portal up in the sky above Abyss, giving a clear, bird's eye view of the nation.

"Holy shit, no way," He muttered in disbelief, before asking, "Why exactly are you visiting my world, anyway?"

"Oh, well...I used to live in this world, before WWIII happened. And then I was reincarnated into the one through this portal. After we invented multiversal travel, I decided to visit my old world, which is the one you're currently living in."

"Back up a sec, the whole isekai thing is actually real!? So, when I die, I can get reincarnated into a different world!?" He exclaimed wide-eyed.

"Uhh...maybe? See, the being that was in charge of the reincarnation process that resulted in me going to this world after I died...I kinda, sorta, maybe killed him."

"I'm sorry, what?"


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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