Author's Note: Starting from this chapter, will be a crossover with the characters from one of my other books, Rising of the Anomaly, after the events by the end of chapter 291 of that book. If you haven't read until that point of Rising of the Anomaly, the next few chapters will spoil certain details of it.

Enjoy the crossover event!


"Alright, sweet, I win!" I grinned triumphantly.

"No fair," Grumbled Persia with a sigh.

Thanks to my sharpened eyesight, by watching my opponents' hands carefully, I can tell what they're going to throw one can beat me in rock-paper-scissors!

Now, then, let's deal with this large creature...we don't have any monsters even close to this size in our world, so I'm excited to see what it's like to fight a creature of this sheer size.


As it slithered towards me, I entered Diablo Mode and unleashed my full power, flying up towards its head. The creature halted warily in response to my speed, swiping its claws at me with a snarl.

I fired out an Obliteration Magic blast in the form of a slash at its wrist, slicing off its hand by the wrist before its claws could reach me.

It let out a screech of pain as blood poured out of the stump of its wound, starting to back away from me, heading towards a large hole in the ground...I see, this thing must generally move underground.

It's way too slow to get away from me though. I zipped towards it and slammed my fists onto the top of its head, a loud crunch echoing out as I bashed a chunk of its skull in.

As its tail came whipping up towards me, I swiftly grabbed it and swung it across, throwing the creature over my shoulder and slamming it onto the ground with immense force, a massive dust cloud bursting out upon impact.

I then fired down an Obliteration Magic blast down at it, putting a hole through its right shoulder and eliciting a shriek of agony from the creature, before I rapidly swooped down towards it, evading the slashes of its claws as I closed in on its chest and unleashed a barrage of rapid punches.


I felt its bones start to shatter, the impact of my punches travelling across its entire body as loud snapping sounds began echoing out, blood starting to pour out of its mouth.

It tried to claw at me to try to get me off its chest, before I teleported towards the bottom of its jaw and slammed my knee onto it, sending it rapidly skidding along the ground as one of its lower jaw fangs got snapped off.magic

Okay, time to end this, it's not a monster or a person, just a vicious wild animal, no need to draw out its suffering. I haven't tried out any of the abilities I gained from the Spectre, but I'm sure I'll get another opportunity soon enough.

I then flew up and formed a massive, swirling Obliteration Magic blast, before taking aim and firing it at its head.

It began to try and slither away, before collapsing and going limp as my blast shot through the top of its head, killing it. Alright, that takes care of that.

"Aw, that looked like a lot of fun," Grumbled Belia, as the others walked over.

"Well...yeah, it was," I grinned in response.

"Now that that's over, let's continue looking for that Sanctuary place. There's a lot of bugs over here," Sighed Az as he stifled a yawn.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, there are a lot of them buzzing around. I didn't notice since I haven't gotten bitten or anything," Remarked Persia, pointing one out.

Hm? Wait a second..."Uh, these aren't bugs...," I frowned, as I snatched one out of the air, "They're...robots? Drones, maybe? The eyes, they're actually cameras...fascinating."

"Ooh, so we're being watched, huh? Probably a good time to mention that the illusion spells I cast have worn off," Grinned Belia sheepishly.


"What? long ago did they wear off?" I inquired warily.

"Well, let's see...about half an hour ago, I think?" She responded as she averted her gaze, "Should I, uh, activate them again?"

"No...there's no point," I sighed in exasperation, "Not if whoever's controlling these drones has already seen us. It must be the people living in the Sanctuary. Gotta say, this is some pretty impressive tech."

"This is a good thing! I mean, it indicates that we must be close, right?" Pointed out Belia.

"No, not depends on the range of these devices," I responded, before using my Clone Magic to form twelve clones and had them fly up and fan out to survey the surrounding area, "But if it is close by, then we'll know soon enough."

After about ten minutes or so had passed, one of my clones found something, so I undid the Clone Magic and focused on what they'd seen. Okay, got it.

"Well?" Inquired Belia impatiently.

"One of my clones found something about fifty kilometers that way. A tall wall, and what looked like some kind of base," I informed them.

"Let's go check it out, then," Responded Az with a shrug.

"Yeah, I'm curious to see what it's like," Nodded Persia in agreement.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Grinned Belia eagerly, opening a portal and starting to rush in, before I grabbed her shoulder and stopped her, "Hey, why'd you do that!?"

"Calm down. Open the connected portal forty-nine kilometers that way, just to be safe. Based on these drones, these people have some pretty advanced technology, they might have some countermeasures prepared against any intruders," I reasoned objectively.

"Fiiiine, I guess you have a point," She grumbled, before adjusting the portal and walking in, as we followed in after her.

"Oh, wow, that must be a pretty tall wall if we can see it so clearly from a full kilometer away," Remarked Az, as we stepped out of the portal.

"Yeah, it's taller than the walls surrounding the nations in our world. I'm sending a clone ahead, just in case there's a trap or something," I replied as I formed a clone and sent it ahead of us, after having it activate the invisibility Support Magic I gained from consuming the Spectre's life force.

"I don't see why we have to be so cautious, I highly doubt there's anyone in this world powerful enough to defeat any of us, let alone you. I mean, this world doesn't have magic," Pointed out Belia with a sigh.

"You're the one who said that the people left in this world have evolved, so I'm taking no chances," I countered in response.

"Yeah, let's not be careless, there's no point in regrets after making a mistake that could've been avoided," Added Persia in agreement.

"I have to agree too, but we could've portaled a bit closer, you know. Do we really have to walk a full kilometer?" Grumbled Az wearily."Come on, one kilometer is nothing," I replied wryly.

"I mean, sure, I have the stamina for it, but I don't like walking too much," He responded with a sigh.

"Yeah, Hold on, guys...there's some people headed this way, my clone spotted them," I frowned, as I closed my eyes and linked my vision with my clone's.

It's seven people...strange, one of them seems to be one of those mutated people that Belia had mentioned. I thought they were enemies? Hm, maybe a few of them defected to the side of the people in the Sanctuary?

"Hey, can we fight them?" Requested Belia with a gleam in her eyes.

"Better not, we shouldn't kill any people if we don't have to. Let's avoid changing the course of history in this world too significantly," I responded with a shake of my head.

"I didn't say kill, just fight! I wanna see how strong these evolved humans are, compared to us who have magic on our side," Said Belia in response.

"Let's try explaining our situation first. If they try to fight us, then yeah, we'll fight back. But no provoking," I warned her.

"Yeah, okay...I hope they attack us without hearing us out," She grinned hopefully.

"They're probably here for us, I'm guessing after those bug-like surveillance devices spotted us," Surmised Az in response.

"Let's head forward, shall we? We'll encounter them sooner than way," I suggested, before we headed forward as the others nodded in agreement.

It didn't take too long before they came into sight, the group halting as they spotted us, before the guy at the very back of their formation stepped forward, eyeing us warily.

I spotted his mouth moving slightly, as if he was mumbling to himself-...huh? What the...? The others he's with, it looks like they've suddenly stopped moving.

"Woah, holy time frozen right now?" Remarked Belia, as she kicked at the ground, the bits of dirt she kicked up floating in mid-air.

"Az? Persia? Damn it, they're not moving...," I frowned in response.

"Relax, they're fine, just frozen in must be that guy's power," She replied, as he began approaching us, a grimace on his face as he took out what looked like a handle, before a dark energy blade formed out of it.

"So, why can the two of us move?" I inquired warily, as I drew out my blades.

"Probably because we possess Divine Magic," She shrugged, before stepping forward with a smirk, "Hey, since you dealt with that giant snake creature, mind if I take this guy on?"

"Hm...alright, fine. Just make sure not to kill him."

"Yeah, fine."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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