"To you, Mariel, I will keep this short and just say that you should stop giving others spicy food to eat and give up on cooking. By the way, I will be dead by the time you are hearing this so please don't scream. This is not a joke."

"To you Levina, make sure that you don't break the bones of many people around you and keep on becoming stronger. Though do take a good break sometimes. I will be dead by the time…"

"To you, Sahara, you can go ahead and destroy a few empty realms if you want but it won't change the fact that I am dead while you are listening to this. Don't be too harsh on others and mostly, yourself. Goodbye."

"To you, Risea, indulge yourself in alchemy for as long as you can since I know that you will end up crying for a long time if you don't. I hope you never stop experimenting and creating more new pills and explosions. I will be…"

"To you, Aizza, I know you would put up a brave upfront look when you get this but I also know that you will cry alone later on. I won't tell you to not cry but still, don't cry alone, do it with Hela. After all, I am…"

"To you, Hela, don't go rage mode because I am dead. That's all."

"To you, Riang, looks like I added myself to the people you lost. I feel sad looking at this but there is nothing else that I could say at this point. Have a nice life and go wherever you want."


"To you, Watanabe, looks like I won't be able to uphold my promise and you will have to take care of Kiana on your own. I won't give you anything false like you'll do good and everything will be all right. After all, life can give you anything."

"To you Kiana, I am not good at talking things with especially young people like you so all I can say is good luck for the future. Live a life you want to live."

"To you Laofen, your sister is still alive. Good luck in finding her."

"To you…"

All around the universe, many women received a message from Kai. It included the hologram of the purple-haired man appearing in front of them and muttering a few words.

Mariel, who in her own realm, had a blank expression on her face. All of a sudden, the temperature of her palace started to rise as all of the spirits started to flee in terror.


In less than ten seconds, the entire thing exploded with a raging fire dragon screaming in the middle of it.

Levina, who was currently in the arena of her special realm, looked up at the moon before she bent towards the ground.

She raised both of her hands and started punching the earth repeatedly. The land broke soon but Levina continued to punch it in frustration as tears rolled down her eyes.Sahara, who was currently with the rest of the sins, received the message alongside the rest of the sins.

All of them looked at her with a grave expression as though confirming whether they had received the same thing or not.

"So… he died?" The sin of wrath asked in a calm tone as all of the other sins nodded.

That night, thousands of abandoned realms vanished from the universe.

"To you Mia, not to be discriminative, but this will most probably be the longest message I am leaving behind. I already separated you and Eira so I am pretty sure she is watching you with this. By the way, I am dead already.

Hey, don't look at me like that and don't cry. I mean come on, you expected this, right? Knowing how I am, I am pretty sure that you already expected me to get killed. I will tell you one thing though, recording these messages was a pain.

Especially if I didn't end up being killed. I am just talking my mind out here so don't mind me too much though I have to say, just talking one-sidedly is boring.

*sigh* this turned out to be a too-long message indeed but I guess I better say it now than never. No matter what, all of you will still bear my harem symbol though it will be deactivated.

And if someone asks whether they can court an ice-cold beauty like you, please give him a cold glare and a kick to the balls. That's all I ask of you. Love you and goodbye Mia."

The Kai in front of Mia vanished as she took a deep breath.

"He is indeed the same person you were talking beside you," Eira muttered as she went ahead and placed one of her hands on her shoulder.

She couldn't offer any form of compensation to her since she had given Kai a pretty major shock by taking over Mia's body.magic

But that had been a necessary part of the plan.

Eira would have to maintain the facade of shifting sides to make sure that she would remain safe and would keep Azrael and the rest of the people in the library safe.

"Eira, did you ever feel like killing Azrael?" Mai suddenly asked in a monotone voice as Eira chuckled."I felt like that a whole lot of times but unfortunately, I couldn't do it."

"I can't do it either because the person I want to kill is already dead," Mia replied while looking at the brightly shining moon above her head.

The harem mark on her chest and been deactivated the moment Kai's message had ended and she had felt her connection with the rest of the women breaking off.

But for a few seconds, before that happened, she was able to feel the symbol resonating with even those who still hadn't been found.

"I will not cry. I will instead go ahead and look for the remaining ones out there." Mai said in a bold voice as Eira smiled.

"Then let's go back to the library for a few days and then, we will set out on the adventure together." The goddess of ice said with a smile as Mia nodded.

And together, the two ice beauties vanished from the sky.

But before that happened, a single tear fell down on the ground and turned into a garden of ice roses,


Cliffhanger? Yes.

When is the next chapter coming? No idea.

Will you continue this novel? I am still posting chapters, ain't I?

Anyways, the final war arc is done but the plot is far from done. There is always another plot after the main one ends.

This month had brought a whole lot of things for me but the castle from a few days ago revived my lost motivation.

Once again, thank you Nuke4757 for the castle and for giving me the motivation to finish this novel.

The next volume will be the last volume. See you guys there.

This didn't make you cost extra coins.


End of volume 5: War of sins and virtues

Last volume: The New World
