"Kosma, can you track the creators' location for me?" Kai suddenly asked as Kosma raised her eyebrows and nodded.

Now that the darkness was gone, her powers were more proficient as she managed to pinpoint their location within a few minutes.

Kai and Kosma immediately teleported to the creators' location which ironically turned out to be a candy factory. They were currently sitting on the floor with doomed expressions before Kai coughed a little.

The three creators lifted their heads up and look at Kai with a shocked expression.

"How did you find us here?" The creator of beginnings asked with a slightly open jaw as she could feel that Kai had was much more powerful than she had remembered.

The other two creators felt the same thing as they stared at him and tried to figure out what it was.

Their gaze then landed on Kosma who had a smile on her face as she saw the three creators lying helpless on the ground without any powers.


"It looks as though the darkness had taken all of their powers for those shackles. They are mere mortals currently." Kosma said with a grin as Kai nodded.

He then bent down towards the creators as they started crawling backward.

At that moment, the three creators realized how Kai had felt when he had seen them use their powers for the first time.

And at that moment, they had not been in kind and had killed someone he had loved.

Kai now looked like an executioner on his way to kill his new victims as he looked at the three creators with a huge smile.

He kept walking forward in their direction until they finally hit against a wall. Their bodies started trembling as he reached towards their throats with his hands.


But instead of grabbing their throats and snapping them in half, Kai touched all of their foreheads one by one with his fingers.

"What did you do?" The creator of fates asked in a surprised tone as she felt that Kai had decided to give them their powers or something.

"I don't forgive people who hurt the people I love." He instead said in a cold voice and snapped his fingers.

A round circle appeared on their foreheads as the three creators suddenly felt something connecting them to Kai and one more person.

"From now on, you three are no longer the creators or some shit. You are three immortal human women who are the slaves of the creator of end." He said with a grin as all three of the creators shuddered.

They turned to look at Kosma to ask her for mercy but all they got out was the girl turning into a loli and sticking her tongue out at them.She indirectly seemed to say 'enjoy your fate bitches!'

"Now, go give your sister some company," Kai said with a small smile as he waved his hands and the creators vanished from their place.

He then turned to look at Kosma who had a satisfied expression on her face.

"Now that they are gone, what are you going to do? Go ahead and spend a century cultivating with your harem?" She asked while raising an eyebrow as Kai smiled but didn't reply.

"I have someone to meet currently. Don't peek since you might see tentacles being put in holes." He replied with a wink before vanishing as Kosma sighed.

She knew that Kai was only joking but she was still curious who he was going to meet. In the end, Kosma couldn't stop herself from trying to peek at him however, it didn't work.

'Wait… if he is stronger than me then that means I won't be able to go ahead and peek on him. That sucks.' Kosma thought with a pout as she then decided to go ahead and look at the realms to see whether all of them were all right.


"Good thing I used the time powers to make sure that this place didn't fall apart." Kai thought with a smile as he looked at the entire special realm and decided that it was about time she would be there.

And in a few seconds, she finally appeared.

"How long were you waiting for me?" Ayaka asked as she stepped in front of Kai with a smile on her beautiful face.

"I have been waiting for five hours." He said while giving her a judging look as she gave him the te-he expression.

"I forgot the way to this place since I have not been here for a long time."

Both of them then smiled at each other since Kai had only asked her to come to the special realm a few minutes ago.

"Ayaka, were you the one who sung that song while I was in the abandoned realm?" Kai suddenly asked as he remembered the moment he had heard her voice on the abandoned realm when he had been traveling with Inari.

"Yes, that had been my voice but I was singing from this place. Your ears would have to be god level if you managed to hear that from here." Ayaka replied as she sat down with her back facing a tree.

She then pulled Kai down alongside her as he sat beside her. Ayaka then rested her head on his shoulder.

Kai could only sigh as he let her use him as a headrest. The two former harem overlords were peacefully resting together on the tree before Ayaka decided to ask Kai a question."Kai, how did you move on after I died?" She asked with a confused expression as he smiled.

"I will only tell you that if you left me use your lap as my pillow."

"You could have asked that before," Ayaka said as she spread her legs forward and patted her thighs for Kai to lay down.

He slowly rested his head on her lap and stared up at her face with a smile.

"The only thing that kept me going on was the feeling of getting revenge. During those travels, I suddenly started helping up girls that reminded me of my past as well as your past.

And from there onwards, I fell in love after meeting Mia. It's quite ironic how she was the first woman that made me feel that again and also the first one who I found after reincarnating." He replied with a sigh as Ayaka asked him for more details.

Kai felt as though he and Ayaka were just two teenagers again who were in love. He slowly told her about all of his journey from the point she had died.

Ayaka would smile and laugh at some parts while she would feel sad on some. Halfway through, she had unknowingly started stroking Kai's forehead with her hand and the latter seemed to enjoy it.

Kai had his eyes closed the entire time he narrated the story. He hadn't decided to show it but instead decided to tell the entire story through words.

"So you had a very fun journey." She spoke once he was done.

"It was a ride, a very wild one."

"Wish I could have been part of that…"magic

"You were always a part of it," Kai said as he removed his upper clothes and Ayaka's harem symbol started burning on his chest.

A similar thing happened on Ayaka's chest as her own harem symbol resonated with the one Kai had.

"I guess that's true," Ayaka said as she bent down and kissed Kai.

The latter enjoyed it to the fullest but didn't make any advances. Ayaka moved back then as Kai finally opened his eyes.

"Guess this way, I will die in Peace…" His eyes had a mixture of colors filling the white part ranging from black, white, gray, red, golden, and purple.

Ayaka felt the symbol on her chest heating up as Kai gave her a sad smile.

"Make sure that you find the remaining ones or maybe they will find you… I left the others a message but I decided that you deserved one personally…" He said in a weakening voice as his body started to glow like a supernova.

"I would have definitely liked to spend more time with you and the others but this world would have to be destroyed then…" Ayaka suddenly felt a cold feeling blooming in her chest as Kai stared into her eyes one last time.

"I love you Ayaka." He said with one last smile before his body turned into a supernova.

And vanished.
