Chapter 908: Ellen’s Motherhood

Ellen’s stressed…

It had been quite sometime since the last time she felt this way, and trust her, with her current temperament, it takes a good amount of effort to push her to this state.

Why is she stressed? Why, it’s because of the upcoming war! It’s not only her who’s stressed, everyone who could feel the signs are also stressed.

It’s just really hard to calm down these days. The gloom and doom surrounded the entire realm. It’s invisible to others and could only be felt by a few so there’s no mass panic yet but this won’t stay like this for long.

As they drew closer, the killing intent will grow heavier, eventually more and more people will feel something’s up and by then, no matter how hard they try to cover it up, it’ll be useless.

To cope up with the stress, Ellen’s patrolling the starry skies of the Divine Realm in his Phoenix Form.


Roaming the worlds like this was a stress-reliever for her. She always liked the scenery and enjoyed the amazed gazes of those people who had the luck to see her flying around.

Ellen’s Phoenix Form is incredible huge. She’s larger than at least five planets stacked. Her wing span could stretch and blot out the heavens if she wanted too yet even with her size, she was only visible to a few select people.

Those who were lucky to see her would be blessed by numerous insights since, as a fully matured Phoenix and a legitimate God Beast, even the smallest gesture from Ellen contained mystical wonders that mortals will have to decipher for at least decades if not more.

The flight of a Phoenix symbolizes freedom, passion and wonder. For Ellen, flying around in her Phoenix Form is a stress-relieving activity but for mortals, it is nothing short of a miracle – an act of god.

Thus, in hindsight, Ellen’s taking out two birds with one stone doesn’t she?

Alas, Ellen’s not really in the mood to nitpick into these details. She’s flying to unwind and calm down. Her restlessness would just make her and everyone around her uncomfortable so its best if she cools down instead of mistakenly doing something stupid.


Just like Anne, Ellen was also itching to do something more productive. But what left for her to do?

Yes, that’s right…nothing.

None of them, except probably for Mark and Raven, could do anything else aside from waiting until their enemies come.

Seclusion? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Unfortunately, their mental state is nowhere near in the optimal state to enter seclusion. They would achieve nothing even if they tried to, so what’s the point of that?

What adds to Ellen’s stress somehow is the fact that Richard, her and Paul’s beloved son, is at that stage…you know…the ‘young man’ stage.

She often finds herself in a daze you see…she could’ve sworn that she just gave birth to him not to long ago yet there he was, already experiencing the adult life. Don’t get this situation wrong, Richard didn’t rebel or anything like that, he’s just at the stage where he’s starting to become more and more curious about matters of the heart and body.

As parents, Ellen and Paul are responsible for educating their son about these matters. And they did a great job at that considering how busy their schedules were before.

Paul and Richard already had the birds and bees talk and surprisingly Richard was mature enough to take things seriously. And judging by how things were going, Ellen would say that Richard’s taking his time so this wasn’t the really the problem.

The problem is that…Richard was hesitating.

Hesitating whether he should devote himself to one person, or multiple ones.

See, Richard had his…adventures, which is fine, he’s a healthy young man, nothing to be ashamed of being curious and being adventurous.

In his youthful journey towards adulthood, he had been in several relationships in past. He never introduced anybody to them though since its either Richard doesn’t feel that its the right time yet or he knew that he will break-up with them sooner or later, that’s why he didn’t bother.

In his mind, Richard will only introduce someone to them when he’s sure that they will stay.

That being said, Ellen and Paul are aware of his past lovers since Richard never really kept it a secret, he just didn’t introduce anybody to them.

And, it’s probably because he’s too experienced in this matter, even more so that his own father, that Richard is starting to think deeply about it.

During one idle afternoon, Richard told Ellen that he has been…thinking about this and couldn’t help but be bothered by it. Ellen comforted him and said that it’s fine and that he should take his time to think things through.

Ellen and Paul were already aware of the fact that their son has the tendency to be attracted to more than two people at the same time. Richard has also been very vocal about the fact that he’s been thinking about the possibility of practicing Polyamory and frankly, Ellen and Paul weren’t against it.

Really, Ellen didn’t mind this, neither did Paul. To them, what’s more important is for Richard to live his life to the fullest, this has always been their goal from the very beginning and they have no plans on getting in the way with that.

Richard’s a good child. He’s everything they could ask for; kind, lovable, filial, respectful and an overall gentleman. He’s actually quite famous in the Academy, you see. It’s quite charming to think that the cute and adorable fat boy had grown up to be a respectable gentleman.

To this, Richard owe it to the way he’s brought up by his parents. Which is why he remained close to them.

However, Richard knew that the matters of his heart is something that only he can explore on his own. While he’s comfortable telling his parents about it, in the end, it’ll be up to him to decide what will it be. He can’t burden his parents about this, even they know that.magic

Ellen’s is just worried. It can’t be helped, Richard’s an only son. She’s the only one they have. Really, she doesn’t mind him having multiple lovers, in fact she’s actually rooting for it.

Hell, a bunch of grandchildren for her to play with? Yes, please!

It doesn’t matter whether Richard had more wives…even husbands, so long as they won’t hurt Richard and will give them all the love he deserves, who cares?

In the end, that’s the only thing she’s worried about. Richard being hurt by love.

Things like these are sensitive. Love can complete or destroy someone. Make them happy or turn them insane.

As a mother, Ellen couldn’t be blamed for being worried and protective to her chick. It’s an instinct and Ellen will always be like this for as long as she lives.

Which is makes the main source of her worries even more stressful for her.‘Richard’s a man of his own. I’m afraid that, even if we forbid him, he will find ways to join the upcoming war.’

Yes, this is what mainly worries her. That war and the possibility of her son joining it.

Knowing Richard’s personality, her and her husband knows that they can’t stop him from volunteering and that stresses her a lot already.

But see, Richard’s plenty strong. Hell, he had been washing his marrows since he was three years old. He used to complain a lot but that built his foundations strong and unshakeable. Plus, he had been receiving nothing but the best tutelage.

They trained him a lot, educated him a lot and he had his fair share of his own adventures. To top this all off, he inherited both of their bloodlines – which actually mutated into something unimaginable.

Richard is a young Kun Peng.

A Kun Peng is a Fiend Celestial. A true God Beast which had the overwhelming sovereignty and control over Spacetime. A Kun Peng can turn into a whale or a roc, depending on its mood really. It’s safe to say that Richard’s body holds a frightening potential, one that could prove beneficial to the upcoming war.

Richard had been nurtured with nothing but the best, so when the situation calls for it. He’ll be ready to answer. Well, that time is about to come.


Ellen raised a brow as she flew around, she returned to her human form and took out a badge.

“Yes, Son?”

“What’s up, Son?”

It seems that Paul is on this communication line too. Richard was the one who called both of them.

“Uh, are you two busy?” Richard’s query sounded in their ears shortly after.

“Not really.” Ellen replied.

“I’m not busy either. Why do you ask?”

“Uh…haha, um…” Richard’s nervous. Ellen could tell right away.

“Go on, kid. Take your time.” Paul chuckled.

“Yeah uh…can we meet?” Richard asked, he then cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

“I…haha, want to introduce both of you to my lovers.”


“They’re awesome…and they make me so happy.”

“I’m heading there.” Paul replied.

“Do they? Well, that’s good. I’ll be there in an hour.” Ellen chuckled and immediately used the realm door.

She cut off the communication link with a smile on her face and thought…

“Well, time to meet my in-laws…how exciting.”
