Chapter 907: Anne’s Hopes

The bounty of Nature has always been vast.

As Divine Realm remained as the most suitable place for Humanity to live in, life is rich in here.

Usually, whenever people talk about Nature, their minds will instantly be filled with green; like grass, gardens, trees, forests, mountains or lakes. And while this isn’t entirely wrong, Nature is so much more than that, this is something that Anne learned upon following the path to her own Divinity.

She was once like those people too. Thinking that nature is all about what makes a place habitable for human beings. However, later in her own discoveries, she had met a roadblock that kept her from realizing her very own Divinity.

‘Is Nature really that rigid?’ She thought. ‘Is it really this limited to this one aspect? It cannot be right?’

Upon her own search for enlightenment, she discovered one simple aspect of Nature that she always overlooked.


Nature is life. Yes, this sounds simple enough and in some case, it is. But this words carried a deeper and more profound meaning.

Aren’t animals living beings as well? Aren’t Humans living beings as well?

They are, right? Which means that in the end, they’re a part of Nature. In fact, it’s these sentient beings that contained the richest aspect of Nature…of life itself. They contained the vicissitudes, wisdom and are part of the cycle.

Nature isn’t bound to just trees and flowers, it is bound to every living being that can be found everywhere, even those who’d duty contradicts the very aspect of Nature and Life as well.

Being the Representative of Nature, nobody understands life better than Anne could.

She’s extremely sensitive to the flow of life and the trend of Nature. She can also sense calamities, tribulations, and the cycle that follows afterwards.


It is for this very reason that Anne felt the most affected when the faint killing intent locked on to Divine Realm.

She didn’t need to see them to know what horrible things they plan to do to her home. Raven’s descriptions and her intuition was enough to let her realize what kind of threat they will be facing.

It is stifling, if she’s being honest. She felt very pressured to the point where sometimes, she feels restless. She wants to do something but then again, she’s already doing everything she could.

As the Divine Knight who represents Nature, Anne’s very presence is a boost to it. Even without her conscious effort, the life expectancy on each world was steadily rising thanks to her.

Additionally, she’s also contributing to the depth of its profundity just be existing. Anne is the nexus of Nature itself. Nature flows through her and being filtered slowly to the next level.

She hasn’t been a Divine Knight for long but with her own understand of Nature, she’s already elevating the level of Nature in an astonishing speed.

Because of these, the population on each world showed a spike upwards, the life expectancy also rose up exponentially. The richness and profundity of Nature caused Natural Resources to spring forth, increasing the wealth and Spirituality of each world.

Last but not the least, the base level of every living beings are also steadily increasing because of her.

Suffice to say, Anne’s incredibly important to Divine Realm just by simply existing. In addition to this, Anne may freely mobilize the enormous bounty of Nature fight those who threaten its safety.

Still, even with all of those assurances, Anne still feels that its insufficient to deal with the approaching threat.

This is the reason why she feels like she still needs to do something even though she’s already did everything she could. It is a dilemma that even Raven himself found difficult to solve.

‘This is ridiculous.’ Anne sighed, ‘Raven did so many things just to elevate Divine Realm’s state all there years. He worked so damn hard yet it still feels insufficient.’

‘Is this how he always felt during those days?’ Anne groaned, ‘This burden…it’s too damn heavy!’

Anne truly can’t imagine how Raven managed to keep his cool under all of this pressure. Without their knowledge, their good friend was already shouldering the weight of an entire realm on his shoulders.

While he established himself as Humanity’s pillar of support, this is something that no person could shoulder alone.

What’s even more absurd is that, Raven did just that. He had carried this burden all by himself without anybody knowing for a good amount of time. Everyone knew that was aware of the existence of the Abyssals way earlier than anybody did and had a deeper understanding of what they could do.

Yet even with all of that, he still managed to carry this burden without even letting so much of a grunt. He didn’t whine, didn’t blame anyone for their incompetence, never thought about asking for help and never stumbled. His back remained ramrod straight as he lifted the skies for them.

How the hell did he even do it?

Even when he informed them about their existence and their groundwork for the Divine Realm’s preparations, none of them aside from him, could actually feel the threat. It was only when they discovered that they were coming that they realized everything.

Anne felt it the most.

The killing intent sends a shiver to her spine. It is vile and merciless. She has no doubts that the moment they arrive, the bloodbath will simply be unimaginable.

Hell, she’s having difficulties sleeping at night sometimes because she’s being haunted by her premonitions. It feels so terrible. That being said, Anne knew that they were already doing their best. magic

At this point, every Divine Knight who felt this killing intent was already informed about what’s coming. And just like her, they too are feeling the pressure now.

It’s funny because Raven warned them time and time again. He presented evidences, live evidences. And while most of them never doubted him…feeling this approaching threat and feeling how unprepared they were, it seems like they never treated his words seriously before since it looked like they never did enough.

And frankly, they’re regretting it.

They had so much time to do so much more. Had they felt the same as Raven…had they been even half as paranoid as him, they could’ve done so much for their home.

Now, it seems like all actions are just rough patches to blot out their wounds. It feels like their last minute efforts are just last pathetic attempts of survival.

Anne sighed despite herself, now isn’t really the time to fall into self-blame. Frankly, they can’t afford it anymore.

‘Come on, Anne.’ She slapped her cheeks gently, trying to get her thoughts straight. ‘No time to be down, it’s time to get busy.’

Anne sat down on her chambers and looked over to the horizon. She then muttered;

“Come on, Order. Work with me here, you gotta be stronger.”

After saying that, Anne’s consciousness an Spirit ascended and fused with the heavens itself.

At this point, the flow and vibrancy of Nature was triggered. There were no visible traces of it, in fact only a few people could sense what is actually happening.

What Anne’s doing right now is proactively reinforcing the Natural Order wile also elevating its vibrancy.

The Natural Order, in simple terms, is the Aspect of Nature itself. It is the core fundamentals of life for the Divine Realm.

By reinforcing and elevating it to the next level, she is effectively increasing the sentience of life and the wisdom it imparts to other living beings.

Random enlightenments, the volume of profundities contained all around the realm, resource deposits being born all over the place, the level of intelligence, spirituality and sentience…all of this will also be elevated indirectly due to Anne’s actions.

To put this in an even simpler words, Anne is increasing Divine Realms quality of life.

Typically, this will invoke the wrath of the Heavenly Order as it breaches the natural flow and order of its lifespan, but through Anne’s behest, the Heavenly Order allowed her to do this which means that the situation is really alarming.

Despite this, Anne could only do this once. Any attempts after this will just fail and result into a terrifying backlash. This already upsets the flow and balance, anymore and it will start to have side-effects and those will be catastrophic.

To this, Anne could only hope that the citizens of the Divine Realm do everything they could to take advantage of it as it could only happen once.

She’s hoping that the young geniuses could gain a lot from this, hoping to loosen the bottleneck of those people who had been stuck for so long, hoping that their strength evolves into a whole new level so that when time comes, they could use their efforts to defend their home.

Anne was really determined to do everything she could to protect their home, and it’s not only her.

The fate of the Divine Realm is in their hands. Anne could only really hope that these last minute efforts of their would be enough to survive this upcoming war.
