Chapter 835: Parental Love  

She was seven years old when they left her behind.

She's aware that they didn't want to leave. She could still recall their devastated and hesitant expression when they left her. She knew that their love for her was genuine, something that transcends time and space. She's aware that it killed them just as much as it killed her to be separated from each other.

Alas, it had to be done.

Although she was young, she understood what kind of people her parents were. She knew how lucky she was that they're her parents. They tried their best to give her the perfect childhood. They were respected in their world. Everyone knows who her parents were and what they did for the Empire.

They gave her as much freedom as they could. They always gave her an option and always respected her choice. They never forced their views nor their ways on her, instead they let make decisions for herself, promising to always support her on whatever she wants to do.


They even allowed her to pick her own name.

The following years after they left were agonizing for her. She misses them dearly and wanted to see them so bad. Of course, she's aware that her parents loved her and misses her just as much. If it weren't for the fact that their presence is required wherever they went, they won't hesitate to drop everything and leave everything behind just to be with her.

She knows. But it doesn't make things easier.

That being said, she grew-up well. She was mature and aware of her situation. She never blamed them for leaving her behind. If anything, that made her love them even more. Even though they left her, the love she has for her parents never disappeared. It became stronger instead.

They became and inspiration to her.

At every waking moment, she would look at their portrait first before going-on with her day.


Nobody told her nor even dared to ask her to train. They didn't try to tell her to cultivate or become stronger. She chose to do it on her own. She wanted to make them proud. She trained and worked hard. At the same time, she also enjoyed the little things in life and took it easy since her parents wouldn't want her to overwork herself. magicNow, she's a fine young lady.

Her existence remains quite a mystery for people. In fact, only a handful or people knew she was their child, but it never really bothered her.

She didn't have many friends, only a few since they're all that matters. Those friends understood her better than most. She practically grew-up with them. They've been together through thick and thin.

They travelled the world most of the times. Seeing what it could offer and learning from experience. Her and her friends aren't well known within their world but that's because they chose to keep a low-profile.

That said, if a time ever comes that they need to expose themselves. They will astound everyone with what they could do. After all, they're not their parents' child for nothing.

In all honesty, she could probably beat anybody black and blue without breaking a sweat. That's just a disparity brought by her own upbringing.

Right now, she is with her two friends. They are gathered by the adults, given priority even as they wait for list to be filled. Next to her were her grandparents. They too are waiting for the list to be filled.

She feels anxious for some reason. She told herself that she shouldn't be feeling this way but she can't help her.

After so many years, she's finally meeting them again. Oh, how she waited for this.

There hasn't been a day when she never dreamed of this day. It's either this, her coming to them or the other way – with them coming home to her instead.

She thought of the things she wanted to say. The things the she wanted to do. The things she wanted to express. It's too much that it's making her friends worried, good thing they noticed and managed to calm her down before she faints from excitement.

Soon. It's soon. Oh, she can't wait.

It's different seeing them from afar, it's just really different.

When the Grand Youth Meet began, that's when she saw their faces once more. She nearly cried rivers of tears upon seeing them. The whole event was apparently broadcasted all over Divine Realm.

She watched it from the moment it started, she practically didn't move from her spot since she's afraid of missing even a single moment of their appearance. Her friends were like that too since they're on the same standing.

She knew that what her parents does was big, but her imagination never did justice to what her parents actually meant for the whole Divine Realm.

What the Grand Youth Meet showed was just a fraction of what their responsibilities. It is way bigger than what she expected. Grander than what she thought from her imaginations.

She understood them before all of this but it's only now that she completely gets it. If she's still harboring any trace of resentment for her parents leaving her behind, all of that disappeared the moment she saw their responsibilities. She could truly never blame them. If she's on their shoes, she'd probably do the same.

Now, remembering how much they were willing to leave everything behind just to be with her even just for the briefest of moments, she felt guilty for holding them back. Now she understood just how much her parents loves her.

The fact that they chose to suffer just to keep her safe. The fact that they didn't force anything to her. That they gave her as much freedom as they could. The fact that they endured so much just for the sake of making sure there's a peaceful tomorrow for her, made her realize everything.

Their love truly transcends everything that exists. She has never been so thankful that she has them as her parents instead.

It wasn't just her though. Even her closest friends understood this since their own parents are with her parents, helping them with all this. They choose to prop-up the skies just to make sure there will be a bright tomorrow for everyone.

It's truly something else. She never felt so full of love before. It still hurts that they have to be separated but not as much as before since she finally understand why they need to leave.


The wait was agonizing though.

The adults were deliberating so hard on who to bring. After all, only a 100 people were allowed. Her and her friends' spot were already secured. Their signatures were already imprinted on the ticket so the moment it's ripped in half, they will be transported there personally.

Her grandparents are coming with her, both from her mother side and father side. So does the grandparents of her friends and few youngsters who hold great potential and will benefit from the trip.

The adults are now discussing on who to come with them in order to ensure the safety of the youngsters. Well, in her very biased opinion, they shouldn't stress so much about this since it's not like they'll be in danger when they're there. Her parents will be there, who would dare to hurt them?

Nevertheless, she didn't say anything and just let the adults argue on their own. She already secured her spot and that's what matters to her.

Since the wait was slightly unbearable, she decided to distract herself by talking to her friends. Their discussion was aimless really. Random even.

Admittedly, they are too excited for the trip that they can't concentrate. Their conversation was dry and awkward for the most part. Very unlike them since they could practically spend days talking about the most random things and never run out ideas or opinions. Them being unable to hold a proper conversation to each other proves just how much they're looking forward to this.

The arguments of the adults ended-up spanning for days, eventually the list was filled and they were ready. 100 people were chosen to go. They were gathered in the middle of the plaza, getting ready for the transfer.

They didn't miss the looks of envy thrown their way but they couldn't care less at this point. Right in front of them, the ticket was ripped apart and they all transformed into motes of light that travelled at a blinding speed.

She felt dizzy. Everything was spinning and blurry. She experienced numerous transfers before but nothing like this one. The transfer lasted for what seems like days until they finally feel it stop.

Her senses were going haywire for a bit due to the turbulent transfer but she held on. When she regained control over her senses though, she finally was able to see where they're at.

They're at grand hall, majestic and ancient. But at this current moment, she couldn't be bothered to pay attention to any of that.

Her attention was caught by the two people standing not so far from her.

It was then that all of the repressed emotions bursts from her. She felt tears blurring her vision but she didn't care.

Vanessa ran to their arms and wailed like a child.
