Chapter 834: Prelude To The Final Phase  

"…the first 50 people all woke-up." Raven's voice echoed. "This marks the end of the 2nd Phase."

As he made his announcement, the participants who are still in their deep slumber slowly disappeared from the pseudo-Divine Realm, leaving one the 50 people who qualified for the next round.

"Those who failed will be isolated for the time being. We will monitor their conditions and make sure that they are safe to return so for those who had connections with them, rest assured, we will return them to you eventually." Raven stated.

Raven's face suddenly appeared in front of the remaining participants. At this point, most of them already recovered from their previous state. They could at least, somehow understand what's going on.

"Congratulations for making it to the Final Phase." Raven addressed them directly, "Having gone this far proves that you are the cream of the crop. Geniuses amongst geniuses. You should be proud of yourselves, but never let it get to your head."


"I know some of you still needs to recover from the 2nd Phase. But since you are all awake right now, I might as well tell the contents of the Final Phase."

"The Final Phase will begin two months later. That's enough time to make sure that all of you returns to your peak state. It is also enough time for you to decide, either you continue or not, that depends on you."

"After this message, the peak experts will give you their offers. They will either give you an invitation to attend a lesson or invite you to be their disciples. Their offers will vary depending on your performances so far and if you decide to accept their offer, you are free to withdraw for the Final Phase. Again, it's up to you."

"The peak experts are forbidden from contacting you directly. They can only send an invitation which will go through us to ensure fairness. We don't want to doubt their intentions but this is for the best."

As the participants listened, they understood what Raven was trying to say, still of them dared to interrupt him in his speech, which prompted Raven to continue.

"The Final Phase is what I would like to call: Battle Royale." Raven stated.


He then raised his hand and modified the seal according to his arrangements. The participants within the seal felt their surroundings shifting. They were alarmed at first but their just sensed that the ground beneath them was moving. This went on for a short while until it stopped, that's when Raven's face re-appeared before them and said:

"Right now, the current place you are in would function as a waiting room." Raven stated, "You are not allowed to exit that place until I announced that the Final Phase begins – which will be two months from now."

"The world outside you shifted." He added, "There is a massive plane that will serve as your playground."

"The moment the Final Phase begins, you be sent at a random location. Your task? Defeat everyone and claim the title of Grand Youth Meet Champion."

"The Final Phase will go on indefinitely. It'll only end when the last-man standing appears. Your little playground will shrink smaller and smaller each week. This will force you to confront each other and prevent others from just hiding forever."

"If you die or fail to stay within the zone of battle. You'll be eliminated and your rank will be decided."

"Rewards for the Final Phase will vary depending on your final ranking so good luck."

"The Champion will be elected as an Envoy of the Dawn Council and will be given access to the Divine Land to fetch three treasures. Once again, good luck."

That casual reveal of the Champion's reward shook the Divine Realm and its foundations.

It was unbelievable. Almost too good to be true. The Last Man Standing in this Battle Royale will not only become an Envoy for the Dawn Council but will also given access to the Divine Land? They'll get three treasures directly from there?

Isn't this way too absurd?

Then again, the announcement came from the Young Lord himself. While some were waiting for him to say that he's just joking about this, many people knew better. Raven wasn't kidding, he meant every single word.

What an great opportunity though. For a second there, the remaining participants forgot about the rewards for the 2nd Phase. Offers from the peak experts? Yeah, cool. But becoming an Envoy and getting three treasures directly from the Divine Land? Now that's awesome.

"Well, I'm glad that you kids are excited." Raven said, "But remember, the Final Phase won't start until two month's later. If I were you, I'll focus on my recovery and make sure that I'm at my peak state when the moment arrives."

Raven's reminder calmed the participants down. He's advise were timely. Some of the participants nearly lost it when they heard the rewards that will be given to them if they become the Champion of the Final Phase.

"The Final Phase will continue to the broadcasted all over Divine Realm. For those who wanted to watch everything in person, don't worry, we the Dawn Council got you."

Raven then showed the ticket he was holding.

"A ticket like this will be sent to all worlds. Each ticket is a pass for 100 people only with priorities for the close friends and family of each participants. Those who are in-charge of your world will be the one to decide who comes and who doesn't. Remember, only 100 people for each world."

"Once the 100 people are chosen, imprint their signature on the ticket. After that, tear the ticket in half and you'll be transported here, to the Dawn Council's Headquarters. Here you will witness the Battle Royale in person." Raven smiled and then kept the ticket away. It was then followed by numerous streaks of light piercing through the skies of the Divine Realm.

"The tickets are now sent. Wait for it's arrival before making a decision."

"As for you, remaining participants, the time for you to recover. Your two months of rest starts now."

In remote place, far away from the commotion of the Dawn Council's grand event. A few people gathered around a massive open plaza.

Just like the rest of the world does right now, they two are watching the grand event.

Seeing the action was thrilling for them. It excited them and also caused their bloods to boil, especially the hot-blooded ones. That being said, they also saw the cruelty and difficulty of the challenges they faced.

Honestly, nothing has ever entertained them like this even so far. Even though the event has now spanned for years, they still find themselves driven at the edge of their seats with every nail-biting scenario. They were too absorbed and too invested actually.

The announcement of the Young Lord caused the audience of the erupt into a wild discussion. Every cultivator was interested but the quota was too little.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Did you see! Did you here it!? He said that there will be tickets!" A young, plump boy with a tanned skin and blonde hair looked at his seatmates. His body was trembling in excitement.

"Yes, we know. We heard it loud clear." A raven-haired young lady snorted, however the grin on her lips betrayed her disinterested tone.

"W-we…we should be able to go right? I mean…we know them right? We're close right?" Another young lady said but she sounded scared and hesitant even.

The fat young man and the raven haired young lady looked at her, their expression softened as they saw her hesitation.

"We should be able to. Don't be scared. We fit the requirements anyways. Don't doubt yourself…or them. They would want to see you as much as you longed to see them again."

"I know…" The hesitant young lady nodded but her head hung-low, she looked sad and a bit distressed. "But, what if it's a bad idea? What if…"magic

"Stop it." The raven haired young lady held her hand and admonished. "Instead of being scared like this, why don't we just ask the adults, yeah? I mean, they would know the answer instead of us. Don't worry, if it turns out that we aren't allowed, there's always a next time."

"R-right…" the hesitant young lady nodded. She tightened her hold on the raven haired young lady's hand and stood up with them.

They three of them made way towards the adults. They didn't say anything but they're presence said enough already. The adults saw them and understood what they wanted. One particular pair of old couple looked at them tenderly and nodded to them at the same time.

Nothing was said but that was enough for an assurance. The adults will bring them along.

The three friends were beyond excited. They didn't bother returned to their seats since they were too absorbed in their own thoughts.

In particular, the hesitant young lady doesn't look depressed anymore. Instead, there was a wide-smile on her face as she played with a soft-puff of violet cloud beside her. She looked at the horizon and murmured softly:

"Mom, Dad. I miss you so much.. I'll be seeing you soon."
