Chapter 1290 Cap 1288: You are not a Goddess part 1  

A few days passed, and Vanessa's mother, a Vampire Empress and High Priestess of Blood called Wanda, also exists the fact that she is Elizabeth's daughter.

The conversation with her was somewhat brief, she seems to have come to me looking for my sister, it seems she only entered the tournament to gain visibility as her blood magic using lineage to communicate hadn't been working with Elizabeth since I made my sister reborn.

During the fights of 6 people in the arena, Xagar did very well, having the luck to find Wanda who didn't even fight against him, but Fiona had the bad luck falling into a group focused only on warriors, her group's fight was complete chaos with everyone fighting in the middle of the desert with no place to hide, it was a bloody fight where Fiona won losing an arm and the sight of both eyes, she also revealed her Contracted Spirit, in her arena everyone died except for the last one who admitted defeat before the Fiona's finishing blow.

After an intense fight, days passed for all participants to recover before the individual fights, this time there was only a single Large arena where the field changed randomly for each match, and the 20 competitors were reduced to 10 with Xagar and Fiona being between them.

To be among the top 10 Xagar also had to reveal his Blood Spirit, drawing attention to the rarity of this Spirit, Fiona in turn had to fight against a Wizard specialized in space magic, giving her a lot of problems, she needed to use a focused attack with her Spear to penetrate his defenses by piercing his head, as he had a life-saving Artifact, he is still alive and even so, he was declared defeated due to the fact that he died in the match.

Today was the match between the top 10 and the strength of these two won't take them any further, even using the power they received from me it will still be a defeat depending on their opponent.


"Worried about your competitors?" (Elizabeth)

"Yes, this is the last day of the tournament, this Evil God will act today one way or another." (I)

"But you didn't come here to know this, what do you want?" (I)

"I came to say that the tests are over, I know I may have gone too far last time and you don't need to be tested anymore either." (Elizabeth)

"..." (I)

"If you expected an apology from me, then you are very mistaken, I didn't do anything that serious and you know that if something of real importance had happened I would still tell you." (Elizabeth)


"Elizabeth..." (I)


"You think I don't know? You're still hiding something from me, I feel your eyes on me most of the time since we met, and you also make a point of spending more time with me than Natasha and Caitlyn." (I) "I know you have something planned, your actions speak much more than your words in the long run and I just need to know one thing." (I)

I looked at her, I didn't need to ask my question, I know she won't reveal to me what's going on in her head or her secrets, I also know she wouldn't do anything to harm me, but there's still a question that needs to be answered.

"They were fine... I won't tell you anything, but my tests were not done without reason, not all preparation can be done with training alone, some things need to be experienced to make us grow, and with the right person guiding that growth many future evils can be avoided." (Elizabeth)

Saying this she turns to the arena without looking at me again, her way of doing things is very indirect and I don't like how she has plans about me without telling me anything, but I can only trust that it's for a good reason.


Pov Xagar:

I was now in the arena facing him, the one I once called a friend and loved like a brother, I never expected to one day be facing his eyes with that murderous intent directed at me.

I still remember the night before, Lord Zenos personally came to see me, Targo and I were kneeling in front of him while he spoke.

"(You want to fight that friend of yours, the God of War has already realized this, he is purposely avoiding this encounter in the arena, but I suppose this will end tomorrow, so don't reserve anything and don't regret anything when you leave the arena.)" (Zenos)

I didn't understand how he knew, but I wasn't trying to hide it, I think he noticed how I looked during his fights and how he always looked at me.

"(Ready to fight?)" (Targo)

"(Against him? Yes.)" (I)

I can see now, in his eyes he has murderous intent, but on his lips just the same smile he showed in fights against other Demons, now I'm sure he didn't recognize me.

"Good to see you again, Rael." (I)

"..." (Rael)

He didn't even respond, he disappeared from my front, already appearing on my side with his open hand pointing at my neck.

I just smiled, already expecting this, when he appeared next to me there was already a sword pointing at one of his eyes, he disappeared appearing behind me only to find my foot inches from his face before his body was enveloped by the light in a slow enough for me to see this time revealing his movement in front of me only for me to grab his wrist flinging him to the other side.

These blows were something I trained with him, I noticed that he starts the same way with all his opponents that he tries to torture before killing, I knew he would do the same to me, and knowing him and his habits since I was little, I knew how he would react upon realizing that I am perfectly blocking his attacks.

"Who are you!? How do you know these moves!?" (Rael) "I'm..." (I)

"< Solar Execution: Swords of Light >" (Rael)

I open my wings pushing back as 3 swords of light descend where I was, but before they collide with the ground they turn towards me increasing speed, I just smiled knowing what was going to happen, while the swords were still turning in my direction before they increased their speed, I had already brought my hand to the ground to push to the side, spinning, this made the 3 swords pass by where I was going in a straight line away.

"< Shield Strike >" (I)

Before I finished spinning I had taken my shield out of my storage item before using my foot and wings to stop spinning bumping my shield upwards at a half angle, this made a sword run to the side with force before I kicked Rael in the waist away.

When I get up to stand I see Rael doing a somersault in the air landing on his feet, all these movements that I have predicted so far are much more refined and precise than they were in the past, even though Rael fails at everything, and receives my blow where he always has the failure of his ambush, he still managed to land on his feet in a fighting stance without leaving any gaps.

While I smiled remembering those days of training as a pair, he looked at me with a seriousness that he never showed to anyone else in this tournament.

I was seeing some memories in my mind when looking at him now, back then he could only use 1 of those executioner light swords that were as small as a dagger while expending his entire mana pool, it took months of training for him to add this change of direction at the end of the stroke following my advice.

I was also the one who trained him on this ambush in case an enemy was able to dodge twice, but because of his movement habits he never managed to close that gap around his waist, I remember how he rolled on the ground every time I kicked him in the same place.

He's still the same idiot who refuses to talk to those he considers inferior or monsters, but apparently, he listened to my advice from back then by trying to distract his enemy with conversation before a big attack.

"Will you listen to me now?" (I)

"You damn filthy Demon, how do you know my attacks!? Who are you!!?" (Rael)

He still loses his temper very quickly, at least he has learned how not to throw into a rage and has learned to spin in a more controlled manner even in anger.

"A flower under the pillow to guide the light through the morning." (I)

"..." (Rael)

"..." (I)

This time I stopped smiling as I spoke, Rael's face changing from anger to shock, then becoming confused as his eyes focused on my face before his face became expressionless and his eyes became as cold as a sword's blade, the killing intent emanating from his body was now 100 times greater than before.

"You bastard, you're not him! It can't be him!!!" (Rael)

"Still denying everything you don't accept?" (I)

"You know who I am, you know my name, so say it! What's my name!?" (I)

With my every word, I could see his Aura boiling with rage, his eyes contained a gleam of disbelief looking at me for just a second before once again becoming those murderous eyes from before even more intense, all this while his Aura looked like a forest fire of pure fury as he spoke as if he was spewing every hate-coated lyric.

"XAGAR!!!" (Rael)
