Chapter 1289 Cap 1287: I am Wanda  

This phase of the tournament was very interesting, in each phase they have obvious targets for elimination, from the completely incompetent to those who only have training and no real experience, but now they are making those really strong at the same level of strength fight using everything that has.

Someone's strength is not limited to direct combat ability, the strengths of a truly strong person can be different for each person, some specialize in direct fights, some specialize in dealing just 1 fatal blow, others are good with traps and others use long-range attacks.

The stronger someone becomes, that person learns to perfect their strengths by specializing in a specific field, in my case, I prefer to plan everything I do since I'm not a combat genius like Diana or a magical scholar like érica, even though my instincts are incredible, I also don't hold a candle to Ibuki, where her instincts are almost a Divine ability of her own, even Kira has a level of focus to dig out the opportunities she needs for just 1 blow to work.

Freya doesn't fall behind the others, her abilities are something that even I don't understand, since she became an Ancient Elf she assimilates more and more with nature to the point of being one with Nature, almost like an Incarnation of harmony, even though Larany, who is one of the organizers of the tournament, is an Ancient Elf, she still doesn't reach the level of assimilation with Freya's nature, I always thought it could be due to her race and now I don't know if it's just that.

"Strange..." (Hinata)

"..." (I)


Suddenly Hinata reacts to something by putting her head out of the necklace around my neck, this takes me out of the deep thoughts where I fell without realizing it, so when I looked again guided by Hinata, I saw that the arena where Xagar was fighting, one of the participants was releasing a Strange aura, but that wasn't the only one.

"There is something resonating through the Aura out of the arena, it seems..." (I)

I increased my focus to the maximum using parallel thinking on the same target trying to fully understand what this strangeness was, at the same time I tried to feel it with my Aura and even my Authority, and that's when I realized what this strangeness was.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes as I started to pay attention to other things, the Auras that were resonating throughout the Colosseum, they were all like me, Authority users, I had significantly less than I imagined.

The power of Authority is not something easy to obtain, people capable of it are extremely rare, the most common are those associated with the Gods like me, my sisters, and those linked directly to us like my children, Heroes, Saints, Family members, and Servants Divine.

There may be many capable of using the Power of Authority on my side, but apart from my sisters who have their own Authorities and those who have a direct connection with the Gods like Vanessa, Diana, and Layla as good examples, everyone else has Authority because of me, are derivations of my Authority that awakened thanks to me. In my case I awakened the Blood Authority because of my mother the Goddess of Blood as well as my sisters, I awakened the Dragon Authority by becoming a Primordial Dragon, I partially awakened the Nature Authority because of achieving the trinity of nature and the Chaos Authority was something that I Awakened after almost destroying myself by fusing the power of many different Blessings into an explosion of Divine power, even so, I only achieved it because I already had a high affinity with Chaos resulting in the unique fusion of all previous Authorities in Chaos.


Now I was feeling hundreds of them all over the Colosseum, but half of them were close to where I was, in the private rooms like me.

"The Evil God was basically proclaiming his presence, this is not just Authority power, this is full of Holy Power mixed with Spiritual." (I)

"Master, look, there's a Rogue in the fight." (Nix)

"..." (I)

I looked and saw that others were approaching where that Aura was being emitted, this includes Xagar who took a body, he is killing without any remorse, at least he is not killing just for the sake of it.

When what appeared to be a Magical Engineer entered, shortly after the Rogue entered, she pierced the Magical Engineer's chest from behind in the middle of his battle against the person responsible for this Aura.

Soon she felt herself in a strange battle, clearly she was testing him with a variety of attacks, she could also have ended the fight multiple times, she was irritating the man on purpose.

After what was a long time, the man launched powerful magma attacks, I also saw Xagar's encounter against the man, he handled it well.

Without being present at the scene I hadn't realized that the Rogue was just faking her death until the moment Xagar spoke, but even then I was just watching their conversation while still thinking about the Spirit that the Man had by his side.

There were many things wrong with that Spirit, its Elemental power was in accordance with Nature, and at the same time it seemed distinct, it was like a copy of something real, no matter how well this copy was made it was still empty in essence, it was missing something fundamental that It's exactly the strangeness I was feeling and realizing it was like pieces in a puzzle.

That's when an idea came to my mind, the more I thought about this idea the scarier it was because I realized it was a possible theory just like others I had already thought of, but I lacked Divine level knowledge to be sure.

It was at that moment where I was once again distracted that I was startled by a crack appearing next to me where 2 people came out next to each other, one of these people was Raask who should still be presenting the fights in the arenas while the other person was the Vampire who was fighting Xagar.

It only took me half a second to remember what I saw without paying attention while I was deep in other thoughts, but I didn't understand why I brought this Rogue to me.

"Good afternoon, Lord Zenos." (Raask?) "Stop calling me Sir, just use my name, besides, are you a clone or part of his family?" (I)

"I'm the real one, the one presenting is the clone, so I can act faster in case of unforeseen events, but Larany ale is the real one." (Raask)

"I understand, but I still don't know what you're doing here with her." (I)

I knew that both Raask and Larany were not part of the Religions related to War or combat, they were just assisting by following a request made to them as neutral figures.

I looked at Rogue, but her face was changing as was her entire body, she became taller, and her body became more sensual while her clothes changed from a dress to a suit outlining her elegant silhouette.

Her face was white like white marble, her eyes were blood red, her hair was red with short whitish tips, and her posture became more elegant while even her voice changed as she spoke in a deeper tone.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, Son of Blood."

"She was disqualified for participating in this competition despite being far above the required level of strength and hiding her identity, because of this I owe her to the highest level in charge of the Temple of Blood." (Raask)

"I see..." (I)

Even though I never officially joined the Goddess Selene's religion, as her son and a Demigod of Blood, I am a target of worship for the Temple of Blood, something common between me and my sisters, thus being at the top of the hierarchy of the Temple of Blood.

"(I feel like a man receiving a son he didn't even know he had from the police at the door of his house.)" (I)

"Now I must leave if you will excuse me." (Raask)

He uses both hands to open the space as if he were opening a curtain before entering, the crack created closes right behind him leaving only me and Rogue in the room along with my hidden Familiars.

As soon as the rift in space closed, the tall Rogue kneels on the ground lowering her head until her forehead touches the ground before raising her head once again speaking in a calm and deep voice.

"A pleasure to be in your presence, Great Zenos, I apologize that our meeting was so sudden."

"Get up, I don't think we've had time to exchange names yet, my name is Zenos and I would like you to just call me by my name." (I)

"I am Wanda, the High Priestess of the Blood and mother of the Blood Saint, thank you for helping my daughter thus far and accepting her into her lineage." (Wanda)

"Are you Vanessa's mother!?" (I)

This woman doesn't look like the description Vanessa gave me of her mother, if I'm not mistaken she was the Vampire who saved Vanessa when she fled the Church of Light and turned her into a Vampire, she must also be the person who sent her towards me.
