Pov Hades:

It's been a long time and Master Zenos still hasn't shown up, I know he will come back since I can't see a scenario where he will fail in his training, but every night I can hear his noises of pain and even during the When I concentrate I can feel your suffering.

Many times I went to Mrs. Elizabeth who waits next to the gate of Hell, but she always says the same thing, always says that everything depends only on Master Zenos.

After days, everyone managed to master the changes in their powers and bodies, for the 3 of us who are Divine Servants it was easier since this power is a fundamental part of us as a basic instinct, but the Master's Familiars had to understand their powers.

Today I was seeing those that Magnus trained, all those who chose someone to serve are now inside blood cocoons, whether those who joined one of the children or one of the Familiars, they are all in blood cocoons having their power Awakened within of the Communal Temple.

"They're almost ready, the first one should be out today and I believe the last one should be out by tomorrow night." (I)


"Are you sure you don't want my help? Using my Authority will increase the chances of transformations." (Haku)

"We won't interfere too much, its power can affect the body and mind, but it doesn't affect the Soul like Master Zenos, it can cause problems later." (I)

"That was before, but thanks to the Stellar Flames my Authority became more natural, it became a true evolution." (Haku)

"How many times can it be used?" (I)

"Only once per individual, tested on some Dungeon and non-Dungeon monsters, it works as a single-use Blessing and marks the individual as a believer." (Haku)

"So it works on anyone?" (I)


"The monsters I've tried don't have intelligence and I haven't tried it on a person yet, but I feel like it wouldn't work on someone with no belief in me or Master Zenos." (Haku)

"As for whether it works on someone against Master Zenos, that would be something interesting to test." (Haku)

"Stop thinking about these things for now, we have to wait for them to wake up to train, we have 2 weeks before the war starts." (I)

"Cinthia must be coming back, I can feel her closer." (I)

"You should go, if she's coming then let's start moving, you, Alice, Vanessa, and Ivan should meet with the Saint of Life before then." (Haku)

"No need, everything that needs to be discussed has already been said, now all we need is the path to our destination, everyone must be prepared by then." (I)

I look at the sky, I can't help but wonder if Master Zenos will be present at that moment.

"You know we've been getting some questions." (Haku)

"What is it this time?" (I)

"The Bug Empresses, especially the one you saved." (Haku)

"..." (I)

"They've all been to the Communal Temple at some point, but the one you saved goes there every night when it's empty." (Haku)

"Do you know why she does that?" (Haku)

"..." (I)

"Why don't you say anything?" (Haku)

Of all the Insect Empresses, this was the strangest, they all wanted to abandon the Swarm that was corrupted by the Apostles of Truth by turning into aberrations seeking more power.

Those who are here were rescued by me, but my initial intention was just one of them, they were all being subjected to torture and experiments, but only this one said a prayer that managed to reach Master Zenos.

Master Zenos almost ignores prayers when he is awake, only during his sleep he listens, deciding what to do almost instinctively, but as His first Divine Servant I always listen to the prayers addressed to him and that is why I approached him that day about the subject of this specific prayer asking for your permission to act to save this Insect Empress, I later went to rescue the others, but only this first one remained in my mind.

I listen to her prayers every night and I know what she wants, I have also met her many times and her body seems to change a lot from what it was in the past, her Faith in Master Zenos is already in a very high state to the point of being comparable to Faith of Alice and Karina by Master Zenos.

"Leave her alone, we can't do anything without Master Zenos here in this specific case, it's not up to us to make decisions in her place." (I)

"But you can't tell me? For some reason it keeps appearing in my mind." (Haku)

"Then stay away, I can't reveal the reason, but know that if she asks you for something, then deny it." (I)

"Okay, but I still want to hear about it later." (Haku)

"(What this Insect Empress asks for is a bit much, she is obsessed to the point of fanaticism and I can't say if that's a good thing, her presence sometimes feels like Miss Lilith, which worries me a lot.)" (I)


Pov Irina's:

I was sitting with a bottle of blood in my hand while using my other hand to wipe the sweat from my face when another person appeared next to me.I think you should take a look at

"Lady Irina, the Saint of Life asked to speak to you, it seems that new information has arrived." (Lilian)

"I'm coming, thanks for the warning." (I)

"(I would like a real bath, but better than nothing.)" (I)

I take a potion of liquid soap all over myself cleaning all the dirt from my body as I change out of these training clothes to change into something more suitable for a meeting.


minutes later.

I was now outside the Dungeon walking down a forest path leading to a simple hut where Yaramaki was sitting on a tree trunk waiting next to her was Natasha drinking from her bottle of blood liquor.

"Sorry for the delay Saint of Life and Miss Natasha..." (I)

I suddenly move my hand to grab the empty bottle that stuck to my barrier before looking at whoever threw it at me."If you call me Miss or Ma'am again, I guarantee you won't like where I put that bottle next time." (Natasha)

"Don't say such rude things, Natasha, she's your little brother's daughter." (Yaramaki)

"Besides, depending on her tastes, this might not even be a punishment..." (Yaramaki)

"Please, let's stop this topic here, I thought something important had happened." (I)

"It's happened, the Dragons have arrived, but most of them are getting ready to leave again and we have our target." (Natasha)

"This time I'm going to participate too, they're going too far." (Yaramaki)

When Saint Yaramaki spoke her eyes lit up briefly, it was only for a fraction of a second and even then it was enough to make my heart race with fear.

"Don't scare her and tell her what she needs, it's going to take time for us to get there and I want to squish some bugs." (Natasha)

"Young people are so impatient, they're not going anywhere, and the people of Zenos need time, so I'm not going at full speed." (Yaramaki)

"I accept 1 week, I need someone to test my power and you don't want them to do that here." (Natasha)

"I was thinking of 3 weeks, but I'll cut it down to two, you should know that just 1 week is not enough time for young people who have just gone through the Awakening Ceremony." (Yaramaki)

"Okay, but who will command the battle?" (Natasha)

"I'm only going to fight 1 opponent there, don't ask me for help with anything else." (Yaramaki)

"I'll be on the front lines, leading an army is horrible, I'll let you guys handle it Irina." (Natasha)

"I guess I'm not following the conversation." (I)

The two talking are acting like it's obvious, but their conversation is skipping several parts, I can understand it from the context, but there seems to be a part of the information missing.

"I'm sorry young lady, I may have gotten a little distracted, it's been a while since I've been so irritated." (Yaramaki)

"The Dragons gave us a lot of information when they arrived, complementing what their sister Elsaris brought us, with that we marked a specific Planet to attack, it was taken over by the Swarm and signals from the Apostles of Truth." (Yaramaki)

"You wanted a war, it looks like you're going to get one." (Natasha)

"I like your bravery and quick thinking, waiting so long for Zenos is a big waste, attacking them first is something you shouldn't wait for." (Natasha)

It looks like Magnus is going to have the war he wants sooner than expected, I know he's not wrong, but I don't like leaving my Father aside, I know this is for the best, but I still feel restless.

"So shall we leave now?" (I)

"Nicole's rover hasn't yet..." (I)

"No need to worry about transportation, we'll use my Familiar for that." (Yaramaki)

I see the Saint of Life bend down placing her hand on the ground to caress, then the ground seemed to shake around us.

"Come on baby, you know where to go." (Yaramaki)

"Is there something underground? Could that be your Familiar?" (I)

"There seems to be a misunderstanding, I don't think we ever explained it to you, but this is not a Planet, we are on a Planet-sized creature, a Divine Beast that will be our transport this time." (Natasha)

"..." (I)
