Pov Ragnar's:

In front of me were two unconscious people lying on the ground, one was a teenage White Elf and the other a young Demon, above them an image of what was going on in their minds.

The images above the Demon show him fighting in a ruined city against monstrous creatures with human-like shapes wearing white armor.

"He really hates the Church of Light." (I)

"Yes, the enemy he fights wears the armor of the Church of Light, but his appearance only mimics that of Humans, a reference to how he views the Church of Light." (Haku)

"At least he's in control, his anger and hatred are directed, he's fighting well." (I)


"What worries me is not his enemies, but the ruins around them, what does that mean?" (Freya)

"I'm not sure, it could be a memory that left a deep impression on him or it could be a representation of how everything he believed in fell apart." (Haku)

"Hades may have pushed his transformation into a Demon, but this was clearly something that came from him." (I)

"For a Light Templar to turn into a Demon like that, it must have been something serious." (Freya)

"I still think Athena should train him, their history is very similar." (I)

"He needs someone opposite to what he once was, someone like you who is also a Demon will be better, he doesn't want someone who understands what he is going through." (Haku)


"You know I've only been awake for a few days, I don't even fully understand my power at the moment." (I)

"I know there will be a way, but the question is what to do with that girl." (Freya)

When I looked at the images above of the girl there was nothing but a training camp, her hands bleeding from swinging her spear, it was just that and nothing more.

"Was this also chosen by Hades?" (I)

"Yes, it seems like she is restricting herself, what we see is not what we want, she thinks she is weak and desperately seeks strength, I don't think even she knows exactly what she wants after obtaining that strength." (Haku)

"Now I understand why I'm the one chosen to train her." (Freya)

"You are one of the few people in this place with the ability to guide someone lost." (I)

"She seems to have lost her family, so another Elf like you will be a comfort she doesn't know she needs." (Haku)I think I'll have an easier time than Freya, my training for this Xagar will be more practical and direct while Freya will need more than just increasing this girl's combat capacity, sometimes it can be difficult to find a new path to follow.

"Thanks for your help Haku, you can cancel your magic." (I)

"This isn't magic, I cast a curse with a duration, it should last another 12 or 13 minutes." (Haku)


Pov Diana's:

I walked through the forest on my four paws, always paying attention to the surroundings, in my heart the murderous intent and my heart the endless hunger, a primal instinct possessed by all living beings, but for a Wolf hunger and will are the same thing.

The will exists to satisfy hunger, but the opposite is also true, hunger exists to strengthen the will.

Hunger for food.

Power hunger.

Hunger for revenge.

Hunger for pleasure.

Hunger for slaughter.

Combat hunger.

Hunger is something that needs to be satisfied, an inner void that needs to be filled for the completeness of a Wolf, there are no restrictions on hunger, there is only the will guiding the hunger.I think you should take a look at

With each fight and each piece of meat going down my throat makes my heart throb, the hunt is the act of seeking satiety and seeking to be complete.

Suddenly I stop as the wind changes direction bringing the scent of more meat approaching, there were many this time and I waited.

In a few seconds, its red eyes appeared everywhere, the current of wind bringing a trace of electricity.

I just get into position and wait, a killing intent coming from them was surrounding me but it just made my heart beat faster, the thrill of hunting and being hunted.

Soon everyone attacked at the same time, their bodies increased in speed as sparks of energy shot out from their bodies.

Every muscle in my body fills with power as my claws grow and my mind sharpens.

"< Incarnation of the Wind >" (I)

The air begins to circulate my body merging with me, thanks to this I overtake them in speed and run towards 5 Wolves, I was bigger than them and yet they didn't retreat, they tried to attack my neck and my paws at the same time, knowing their objectives, I ripped the jaws of two off with my claws while the third had its head crushed in my mouth, even so, one of them bit my paw in its mouth while the other missed my body when I hit it with my tail, making it change direction.

I ran the whole time without stopping, attracting the Wolves to follow me, I tried to use my claws to knock down trees on them, but I was only able to make a few scratches, everything in this damn Territory is very resistant.

Running through the trees I managed to take them to a better hunting ground, now they are gathered in one place instead of surrounding me.

The hunt had begun, they were fast but had little defense, the lightning of their attacks never hit me, but their claws and teeth penetrated my body many times.

For hours I fought through the forest painting this place red, after the Lightning Wolves many other types came after me, my body is covered in wounds while my claws became more and more bloody.

With no time to eat those I killed, I had to tear off pieces as I fought, even when night came the howls and roars never stopped.


days later.

Many days have passed, my body is now 5 times its previous size, and my fur has turned white with some silver streaks when it is not covered in blood.

Combat management lost its meaning after so many hunts, my mind now reacts faster during combat.

Now I was fighting between mountains against golden Wolves even bigger than me, their bodies being as strong and resilient as Dragons.

"< Aura Relic: Fangs of the Moon >" (I)

There were dozens of them and I changed my body for the first time in a long time, but I didn't return to my normal appearance but rather remained in an intermediate state while my Aura disappeared becoming two swords in my hands.

"< Incarnation of the Winter Wind >" (I)

I incarnated Wind and Ice Ki into my body making ice scales cover my body like armor while a current of wind surrounds my swords.

I run towards the first Wolf who welcomes me with his jaws open, I accept his gift by taking his life by crossing my arm over his head from his mouth.

I use my other arm to fend off another Wolf that tried to get closer, but instead of missing me, the Wolf threw himself at me, sacrificing one of his paws to bite my shoulder, which I reciprocated by biting his neck to tear off pieces of his flesh that I swallowed.

With that I find everyone attacking me at the same time, I use a gust of wind created by my swords to push everyone away, giving me an opening to start my attack.

I create an Aura blade increasing the length of my Swords and with two cuts I left two of these Wolves blind For the rest of the fight I used these two wolves to leave their companions scattered and using them as a shield when it was not possible to dodge.

My mind was blank with my body being guided only by instinct, with each kill my killing intent increased, my sword danced around clashing with teeth and claws, their bodies becoming more resilient the more time passed.

Hours later I was panting tearing off body parts to eat when a Silver Wolf appeared in front of me, its golden eyes left me paralyzed before falling to my knees with meat still in my mouth.

His presence seemed to resonate with this territory and with the power within me, I knew who it was as my body shrank back to my normal body while still kneeling before him.

"May my power become your teeth and claws, awaken daughter of Wolves, may the blood spilled during these 100 days wash your body and be completely reborn as my Champion." (God Fenrir)

Suddenly a column of light surrounded my body, the Wolf in front of me disappeared as more energy gathered into the silver column of light around me, all while the territory I had been in all this time was cracking around me with its gradients Gathering into the column of light where I stood, I could feel my body fill with power.

Suddenly I felt my consciousness falling into darkness, but I had a smile on my face knowing that I had completed what I needed to do.
