Pov Vanessa's:

I had already heard what happened with Irina's group and what Magnus has done teaching the children we rescued, but I can't believe what Hela and Elsaris' group did.

"You are all crazy to split up when we are being sought by 2 strong enemies." (I)

"I must agree, spreading our forces and participating in such large events draws attention, remember that Baldr is a God and there is little I can escape from him." (Magnus)

"From my research, the Gods do not interfere with the world and are not capable of maintaining lasting contact with people, the Demigods will be the real problem." (Nicole)

"Our father's 3 sisters can help with this, but it will be in a limited way, they are all far from their prime." (Irius)


"But what we must do now is preparation." (I)

"We are doing this all the time, we are investigating the enemy, training our troops, and seeking more allies." (Samira)

"Sorry to say this, but only Hela and Magnus have done something that contributes to our situation." (I)

"Vanessa is right, helping the rebirth of a planet after massacring its population does not affect us or the upcoming battle." (Nicole)

"The information is also little and does not help." (Nicole)

"But what did you do, Vanessa?" (Lilith)


"I took care of the people of the city and kept a watch on our Father's wives, with more than half of the Dungeon's leadership missing it was difficult to organize everything." (I)

"Excellent work with the equipment, Anton was radiant with all those materials." (Irius)

"Our coffers are now empty and we are in debt as we borrowed a lot of things." (I)

"Who do we owe? Just don't pay." (Lilith)

"Lady Elizabeth." (I)

"I think it's better to pay, that woman is not someone to provoke." (Elsaris)

"We shouldn't deviate from the topic, we have to discuss what we are going to do, continuing as is is a waste of time." (Magnus)

"Clearly the Apostles of Truth's plans are going smoothly and we don't know when the Church of Light will decide to cause trouble." (Elsaris)

"We're basically hiding here because of the Saint of Life, but it's hurting us over time." (Silvia)

"We must begin to make more active combat preparations and move together." (Magnus)

"Moving alone is bad, we have to wait for the Elder Dragons to return and at least Father's Familiars are ready." (I)

"Where are they?" (Hala)

"Training to get used to the changes, it will take more than a week to be able to fight at full strength." (I)

"We can do one thing, the Swarm is part of the forces of the Apostles of Truth and they have their forces divided at some points." (Elsaris)

"We can choose one of the locations to attack, but how did you find out?" (Magnus)

"The Swarm is not discreet in what they do, but they are only the enemy's external force." (Elsaris)

"We can't stand around waiting any longer, we don't know how long our Father will take in his training." (Irius)

This conversation is taking a long time and I'm still not sure if leaving the Dungeon is the best option before the Elder Dragons return, but they're right, continuing to wait won't solve anything.

"What can we do..." (I)


Pov Xagar:

I woke up once again covered in sweat and with the blood in my body circulating like a raging river.

"That dream again..." (I)

I shake my head to clear my mind before getting ready, today would be my first time meeting another Demon, and I need your guidance to understand this power contrary to everything I learned in the Church of Light.

The village where I live together with others was already busy, as every day people are on their way to train, and it seems that no one wants to give up.I think you should take a look at

"Xagar, he asked me to call you." (Fiona)

"Is Lady Freya with him?" (I)

"Yes, they want both of us." (Fiona)

Fiona is someone I knew before she was a Demon and knows everything she needs from me, once enemies and now I consider her the closest thing to family I have.

I follow behind her to where we were called, it was a plain far from the village where we live, and a barrier exists around this area for us to use as a training ground.

Arriving there I find only 3 people waiting for us, the first was Mrs. Freya who teaches Fiona the way of the Elves, the other two people are Mr. Ragnar, a Demonic creature who became a Divine Beast as far as I was told and the one next to him side was Mrs. Haku.

"To start!" (Ragnar)Suddenly a large magic circle forms around us, activating before we can think about what was happening.

When I opened my eyes the world was different, I was in a city in ruins, I could hear metallic noises everywhere at the same time and the smell of blood brought back memories that I would rather forget forever.

"What's going on? Where am I??" (I)

"..." (I)

I didn't understand what was happening, we may have been magically transported to a different area.


Suddenly soldiers wearing white armor that I know very well appear, but they weren't Human, their skin was purple and they didn't have a face, just a mouth full of sharp teeth.

They run at me wildly and without any of the training from the Church of Light, I grab my sword while smiling.

I run straight towards the first one holding him by the neck before pushing forward with my wings, while pushing the others with my body, I used my sword to decapitate 3 of them.

After that, I abandon the half-crushed body I was holding before and cut to the side, dividing a wall that falls on top of the enemies, I take advantage of this gap to get closer, cutting two in half and the last one I go through their chest, leaving a large hole in the middle.

I couldn't lose momentum and ran in the direction I felt the movement, when I arrived they were the same enemy, but their numbers were larger and they seemed capable of moving in a coordinated way.

"(These aren't savages like the others.)" (I)

I tightened my grip on the handle of my sword as I headed towards them, 4 of them placed themselves in front of me, setting up a shield wall while the others used their long spears to attack taking advantage of the distance, a trick I knew very well and it was taught to everyone in the past.

I ran towards them stopping inches short of their weapons range before stopping running putting momentum back, this created a gust of wind reinforced by my Aura forward making the shield wall shake.

I hold the top of a shield pulling it forward before using it to strike others from the open side.

In the end, I was sitting on top of a mountain of corpses wearing white armor, their strength was just a little below mine, but this is all strange.

"(The first ones were savages unable to use their power to the fullest, but these now were the opposite being rigid in their movement.)" (I)

"(There's one more.)" (I)

As soon as he appeared behind me I felt his gaze and turned, this time the soldier was twice as big, and instead of a large mouth with sharp teeth, he has a vertical eye taking up his entire face and wings on his back.

His movements were natural and his line of sight was locked on me, clearly, he doesn't bear the flaws of those who came before.

This time I didn't attack first, I waited to attack, his speed was greater than mine, but our strength was equal, as soon as his sword came down towards me I defended with my sword at a tilted angle before using my elbow to push him towards him back.

I use my Aura on my wings before sending two pressures of Aura making him slow down where I take the opportunity to run towards him, piercing his armor from the side.

I thought I had won, but I was too confident when 3 punches to the chest and 1 punch to the head sent my body backwards.

I ran to get away from him knowing he was coming after me, so it was all just waiting for him to get closer as I prepared my attack, my Aura concentrated in my fingers.

As soon as he got in range it was too late to run away, I kicked a big leg at his knee hard making him miss, and then I used my fingers to cross his body.

When I did this, cracks formed in his chest as the center and spread throughout the rest of his body, it was at that moment that the cracks expanded beyond his body, the cracks were destroying the world around him to reveal the same plains where he was before, Fiona was on the my side still with my eyes closed.

"(Was this a test?)" (I)

I should have known it was a test, this happened in front of them, and yet no one moved, was this training or a way to test someone?
