The energy entering me was horrible and I'm not even sure it can be called energy.

I was in my Dragon form wearing armor made with my Aura Relic and using my Sacred Power to drive this invading energy to the Blood Core in my chest where the Starfire is depleting my Authority, all of this and yet the suffering What I was feeling was indescribable.

I hear a multitude of voices, an endless stream of horrible memories and I feel so many bad emotions that I almost can't tell what my real emotions are.

"(I can't... lose concentration...)" (I)

My body is being invaded in an endless flow, parts of my body are being eroded while my Soul seems to be in the middle of a raging storm and my mind is on the verge of erasing.

I felt myself going deeper and deeper, but there was little I could do, even moving my body was a futility I couldn't handle at the moment.


It was like acid was coursing through my body at the same time I'm trying to heal, my vitality is arguing because of my Holy Power and it won't last forever.

I had to keep my mind focused on multitasking all the time without making a single mistake in this delicate balance it would only lead to my death if I was lucky, but even that I can't allow, I don't know what an entity like Callidora would do if I failed, no I can leave Niryna in your hands, I have to do it.


Pov Magnus:

"How do you feel sir?" (Mavel)

"My body and Soul are stronger, my Authority also shows strange changes." (I)


"Do you think this is due to Master Zenos?" (Mabel)

"It can only be him, Starfire also managed to refine my bloodline and my Authority came from him." (I)

"I have to talk to my other brothers about this." (I)

"(I also have to talk about last night's dream, better not to talk to Mabel about it, I don't want to worry her before she understands what's happening.)" (I)

"I can call everyone to the Crystal Palace, but I don't know if I can call Miss Nicole." (Mabel)

"Talk to Vanessa to bring her, that should be enough." (I)

"I will do that now." (Mabel)

I see Mabel leaving and my mind wanders again to the last dream just like all the other dreams I've been having over the last few weeks.

"I hope he's not doing anything reckless, Irius said that our Father has this bad habit of causing strange problems." (I)

I never thought that so many things could happen at the same time, you never have a calm day in this damn place and I can't help but find it fun.

"Let's see how the Heroes are doing until Mabel gets back." (I)


That night, Crystal Palace.

I was entering alone into a room very different from the rest of the Crystal Palace, this room was like a large cabin with wood forming the walls and floor while the ceiling was opened revealing the stars outside. Inside the room I see everyone except Lilith and Nicole, so I sit down on one of the sofas before Irius throws a bottle of wine at me.

"Couldn't bring Nicole?" (I)

"No, that idiot is still testing your body, so I made Lilith fetch her more convincingly." (Vanessa)

"In other words, one will arrive covered in blood and the other in pieces." (Elsaris)

"Don't say that, Lilith is very good at playing dirty, it won't be any problem using a curse on Nicole before bringing her." (Irina)

"Why does everyone think it's going to be a battle? It could just be a conversation." (I)

"I bet half the floor is going to be destroyed." (Samira)

"Sister, the entire floor is already destroyed by Nicole's experiments." (Elsaris)

"I think we're wasting time, we all have too many responsibilities to stay here all night." (Irius)

"You just want to get back to Jade, you think I don't know about your date?" (Irina)

"What's wrong, we spent a long time on that damn Planet dealing with horrible people, I just want to forget that in my wife's arms." (Irius)

"They arrived." (Silvia)

Everyone looked at the door at the same time as Lilith walked in with tattered clothes and Nicole walked in naked with red energy surrounding her.

"Get this thing away from me quickly, it's disturbing my energy circulation, we're here and I'm not running away." (Nicole)

"You said that before and locked me in a box." (Lilith)

"Why did you rip my Golem's head off." (Nicole)

"I didn't know that thing could come off so easily." (Lilith)

"Lilith put on new clothes, here." (Hela) I think you should take a look at

"Nicole don't walk around the Dungeon naked, how many times do I have to say that?" (Vanessa)

After a few minutes, everyone was seated and we could start the meeting, the people in this family are very strange, always making it a strange process to keep everyone on the topic under discussion.

"Magnus called everyone, so I imagine he has something to say." (Silvia)

"Yes, I have a lot of things to talk about, but most importantly, how have you guys been sleeping the last few weeks?" (I)

"..." (all)

When I said this, everyone looked at me before exchanging looks, I think everyone understood what I was saying based on the reaction that others showed.

"It seems like everyone had strange dreams." (I)

"The path of stars..." (Hela)

"Starfire spreading..." (Irina)

"The roar of pain..." (Samira) "..." (all)

It seems that it was the same dream for everyone as I thought, so there is no doubt that it was because of the Father.

"We've had dreams like this before, whenever Father goes through an Evolution, there's no need to worry about it now." (Irina)

"What everyone is thinking about is not the rest of the dream, but the roar." (Vanessa)

"He is in Hell, that place is not one of the most pleasant places, his suffering should be expected." (Silvia)

"To cause that kind of thing, it must be something that shook him to the core, that's the real problem." (Hela)

"There's no problem, that idiot wouldn't die easily, you all must have felt how much stronger we are and how we are no longer hurt by that damn Star Flame." (Elsaris)

"The progress in strength was something broad, it affected everyone in their bodies, lineages, Auras, Authorities and Souls." (Nicole)

"Yes, I needed the power of the Blood Goddess to resist that." (Vanessa)

"I heard Hades had a problem with that." (I)

"But let's not divert the topic, what do you want to talk about, Magnus?" (silvia)

"Why schedule this meeting?" (Silvia)

"I want to talk about..." (I)

I start to say what I've been thinking and then use myself as an example before asking about their situation, we all exchange information and then talk about what each one has been doing.


Pov Athena's:

I was running in front of a large shield, my bad sword is once blocked regardless of the angle at which I swing my sword, so I spin kicking the shield which makes me go backwards while my opponent stays still in the same place, at least I gained distance before his sword advanced towards me.

I use my wing to make the attack go to the side while my blade slides past her sword and hits her hand as she refuses to let go of her weapon.

It was at that moment that I noticed the shield advancing on my head, with no time to react, I use my elbow to stop the shield only to realize that it had moved to my side before I felt two fingers on my neck.

"You fight well, but you focus a lot on attack, your defense depends a lot on items or skills when you should be using techniques for that." (Veronica)

"Can we go one more time?" (I)

"No, you need to rest, forcing training won't help any of us." (Veronica)

"I rest after another match, I still need to improve my fighting technique, relying solely on raw power will only lead to death." (I)

"All good." (Veronica)

Veronica throws her shield and sword aside holding only a spear in her hands, as she was a Goddess of War in the past, there is no weapon that she cannot master.

She runs towards me and I pull out a second sword attacking from two different angles, she continues straight stopping inches away from my swords and using her greater reach with the spear to land her blow.

I smile as I push forward with my wings, closing the distance as I spin and she spins the Spear away from my swords before using the hilt to strike one of my wings, this small imbalance gave time for her spear to pierce my leg.

I wouldn't be able to dodge it in time and I used my wings to attack, hardening my feathers like razors while making a diagonal cut on her chest making her move away.

I grab my sword and return to my position before she can get closer again, the wound on my leg already almost healed as well as the wound on Veronica's chest.

"Stop you two, you've been fighting like this for days now, we have more things to do besides training." (Lock)

"Alright, I still have to take a look at the people trained by Magnus." (Veronica)

"Yes, he asked for it, I think I have to go too." (I)
