Chapter 5547  , Can’t Run Anymore?

“They’re heading towards the Universe Cave Heaven!” One of the Territory Lords quickly figured out Yang Kai’s intentions.

The two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters were heading towards the location of a Universe Cave Heaven in Acacia Territory. It was also the place where the other Human refugees in Acacia Territory were hiding at the moment.

The Black Ink Clan only came across this place by accident. The main reason was that the Human Race Masters left the Universe Cave Heaven to investigate the situation in Acacia Territory and accidentally revealed their whereabouts. That was how they were targeted by the Black Ink Clan.


A Universe Cave Heaven was generally hidden in the Void, so if one did not know its precise location and the method to open its portal, it was very difficult for an ordinary person to discover. Even a Territory Lord was no exception to this rule.

Back on the Black Ink Battlefield, there were numerous Universe Paradises and Universe Cave Heavens scattered around each Great Pass thanks to the innumerable Human Race Masters who died in battle. It was a pity that nobody could open these Universe Paradises and Universe Cave Heavens.

In the end, Yang Kai took matters into his own hands and opened these portals. His actions allowed various Great Passes such as Blue Sky Pass and Yin-Yang Pass to set up traps and ambushes in these locations. It was thanks to this method that they massacred large numbers of Black Ink Clansmen. magic

At present, a Black Ink Clan Army was standing guard outside the Universe Cave Heaven. They had no intention of attacking, only forming a siege around the trapped Humans inside to lure out Hunters who came here to rescue them.

The Humans hiding in the Universe Cave Heaven did not dare to emerge carelessly; after all, there was no particularly strong Master among their ranks. Now that they were besieged by the Black Ink Clan, they could only wait for their deaths; thus, they passed each day in fear and anxiety.

If the location of the Universe Cave Heaven had not been exposed, then they would not have faced any trouble whatsoever. No matter how many Black Ink Clansmen there were, the enemy would not be able to figure out the location of the Universe Cave Heaven if they were not proficient in the Dao of Space. Unfortunately, the location of the portal had been exposed, so it was now very easy for the Black Ink Clan to attack them. They only needed enough Black Ink Clansmen to unleash a fierce onslaught in the direction of the portal to shatter the Void and force it open.


There was no need for too many Black Ink Clansmen. In fact, if two Innate Territory Lords joined forces, it would only take them about half a day to forcefully break open the portal. At that time, none of the Humans hiding within would survive. It was only because the Black Ink Clan wanted to use these Humans here as bait to lure out as many Hunters as possible that those inside the Universe Cave Heaven hadn’t been wiped out a long time ago.

The Black Ink Clan Army was heavily guarding all five Territory Gates in Acacia Territory at the moment. In addition, there were Six Territory Lords doggedly chasing after Yang Kai and Feng Ying.

For Yang Kai, there was only one place they could go to seek shelter under these circumstances.

He knew about the location of this Universe Cave Heaven as, before departing for Acacia Territory, he had already gathered all the necessary information regarding the situation here.

However, he only knew the general position and not the exact location of the Universe Cave Heaven. That was not a problem though for he was a master of the Dao of Space.

Besides, if his guess was right, there would be a Black Ink Clan Army standing guard outside the portal. He only needed to find the location of that Black Ink Clan Army to find the location of the portal. Right now, he could only hope that there were not many enemy troops stationed outside the Universe Cave Heaven. If the Black Ink Clan had another army of a million troops waiting there, he would be in trouble.

Regardless, Yang Kai had no time to consider these matters. His greatest priority was figuring out a method to create some distance from their pursuers. He would need some time to open the portal when he arrived there, so if the Territory Lords chasing him were too close, he would not have enough time to work.

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, an idea formed in Yang Kai’s heart. He excelled at shaking off pursuers. Back when he caused such a huge commotion at the No-Return Pass, even a Royal Lord could not do anything to him, so what were a few Innate Territory Lords worth? It was just that his injuries made manipulating Space Principles difficult. Otherwise, with only Feng Ying travelling with him, he could have flung off his pursuers a long time ago.

A short while later, Yang Kai and Feng Ying abruptly split up and fled in two different directions. The six Territory Lords chasing behind them were momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events before Mo Na Ye gave a low roar, “Split up and chase them!”

The two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters were heavily wounded, so Mo Na Ye refused to let a single one escape alive.

You Gong suddenly noticed that the scene in front of him felt very familiar, and upon further consideration, he realised something. [Isn’t this the same situation I encountered when I was travelling with the five Territory Lords who came here as reinforcements?]

At the time, the two Warships abruptly separated and escaped in different directions. The five Territory Lords responded by dividing their forces and giving chase. In the end, Yang Kai hid in the shadows and took the opportunity to ambush them.

[It’s the same thing all over again! This must be part of that Human’s schemes!]

After suffering a terrible loss earlier, You Gong was very wary of Yang Kai; thus, he immediately objected, “We must not split up! We will be defeated by that Human one by one if we do so!”

Mo Na Ye glanced over at You Gong coldly, disdain overflowing from his eyes. [How dare he question my decision at such a critical juncture!?]

“Split up and give chase! Protect your Soul so that you don’t end up being ambushed by him!”

Time was running out, so Mo Na Ye had no time to waste on You Gong and simply repeated his orders with greater emphasis. Yang Kai’s strength was terrifying indeed, but even he had his limits. As long as they took the necessary precautions, it would not be difficult to deal with him.

As soon as the words left his mouth, the six Territory Lords divided into two groups. One group chased after Yang Kai while the other pursued Feng Ying.

You Gong stuck tightly to Mo Na Ye’s side. Among all the Territory Lords present, Mo Na Ye was the strongest. If any unexpected situations were to occur, he was certain that staying by Mo Na Ye’s side would be the safest option.

How could Mo Na Ye fail to realise what You Gong was thinking? The very thought enraged him. [Has You Gong been scared out of his wits!? How is he also considered an Innate Territory Lord!? How embarrassing!]

However, now was not the time for internal squabbles. Their top priority was to eliminate the two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters. As for You Gong… He would be sent back to the No-Return Pass to receive his punishment after this incident. Territory Lords were also needed to oversee the Black Ink Clan’s new conquests, so with You Gong being heavily injured, it would be just right for him to be stuck with such a tedious mission.

Observing the figure that flickered around from time to time in a frantic attempt to escape, Mo Na Ye’s expression turned gloomy. How could he fail to see that Yang Kai was heavily injured?

That might be the reason why Yang Kai could not completely escape their pursuit; after all, according to the information from the No-Return Pass, he was perfectly capable of escaping the pursuit of the Royal Lord. There was no reason why he would have such a hard time with the pursuit of mere Territory Lords.

[This time… We might have the chance to eliminate him once and for all! No, we must get rid of him now! If we miss this opportunity, then we will never have such a good opportunity again!] Mo Na Ye made a swift decision and put more effort into chasing Yang Kai.

breaths later, both parties travelled several hundred thousand kilometres when all of a sudden, Yang Kai’s fleeing figure distorted and disappeared without any warning. This situation had already been repeated many times, so Mo Na Ye did not panic. He immediately released his Divine Sense and investigated his surroundings. It didn’t take long before he found Yang Kai’s whereabouts, but frowning, he turned to look in a certain direction and discovered that Yang Kai had joined up with that woman again.

[What the Hell is he doing? If he wants to flee separately, then why did he meet back up with her? Unable to understand Yang Kai’s intentions, he could only lead You Gong and the other Territory Lords in that direction.

Mo Na Ye could not understand Yang Kai’s intentions, but for Yang Kai, the truth was simply that he could not remain separated any longer. Feng Ying would be in danger if he did not return.

He could make use of Space Principles which allowed him to swiftly escape, but Feng Ying could not. Her strength was inferior in the first place, and her speed could not compare with the three Territory Lords pursuing her.

In just a few breaths of time, the distance between Feng Ying and the three Territory Lords chasing behind her was already at the limits. If Yang Kai did not return, she would have been in trouble by now.

When Yang Kai returned to Feng Ying’s side, he immediately surged his World Force to wrap around her; then, he continued running forward with her. After running together for some time, they separated again. This time around, the three Territory Lords chasing behind them were dumbfounded.

When Yang Kai and Feng Ying separated for the first time, the six Territory Lords had no trouble splitting up to give chase; however, there were only three of them here right now. How were they supposed to divide their forces? Faced with an opponent like Yang Kai who could cut down a Territory Lord as though he was reaping wheat, who would dare to act alone? Whoever dared to move alone was bound to die.

They finally figured out Yang Kai’s plan at this moment. Even Mo Na Ye, who was rushing over in a hurry, realised what Yang Kai was aiming for and shouted from afar, “Forget Yang Kai! Chase the woman!”

There were two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters, but while Yang Kai was difficult to handle, could the same be said for the Human woman? They only needed to keep a close watch on the woman; after all, Yang Kai would never choose to escape alone. As long as they caught up to her, then she was as good as dead!

The three Territory Lords stopped hesitating and immediately chased after Feng Ying; meanwhile, Mo Na Ye changed directions and went after Yang Kai instead.

A short while later, Yang Kai joined up with Feng Ying again and desperately escaped with her, but it was not long before they went their separate ways once more.

“Paltry tricks!” Mo Na Ye coldly snorted. He firmly believed that Yang Kai was doing this in an attempt to separate them. Under these circumstances, there was no need to bother about Yang Kai though, it was enough for them to just pursue the woman.

[Yang Kai must be out of tricks. How can he keep repeating such obvious and childish tactics? It’s not like I’m a fool. How could I fail to notice what he was up to?]

The same situation repeated a few more times. Be that as it may, the two groups of Territory Lords maintained their targets without wavering. One group of three chased after Feng Ying while the other chased after Yang Kai.

An hour later, Yang Kai suddenly stopped and turned to look back at his pursuers after repeatedly separating from and meeting back up with Feng Ying over a dozen times.

[Is he not escaping anymore? He must be unable to run any further!] The Territory Lords were overjoyed. If they had to be honest, it was extremely exhausting for them to chase after somebody like Yang Kai, who was so excellent at escaping. The most important point was that they couldn’t even catch him, which was an extremely annoying and vexing situation.

However, Yang Kai was no longer trying to run. What did that mean? That meant that he no longer had the strength to flee and was preparing to fight to the death.

Were the Territory Lords afraid of him? If they were alone, then they had to admit that they were scared of him; after all, it only took a moment for Yang Kai to slaughter a Territory Lord. His explosive power was terrifying. ????????????.???

But now, there were six Territory Lords in two groups of three. What was there to fear? As long as they guarded their Souls carefully, then Yang Kai was no match for them whatsoever. Compared to the endless cat-and-mouse chase, they preferred to fight Yang Kai face to face!

The distance between both parties closed swiftly, but be that as it may, Mo Na Ye did not relax his vigilance. While gathering his power, he sent a Divine Sense transmission to the other Territory Lords, “Remain cautious! We should attack in unison. It would be best if we could kill him in one blow!”

The rest of the Territory Lords nodded in agreement and quietly prepared themselves.

In the void up ahead, Yang Kai looked at the two groups of Territory Lords approaching him from both sides and snickered, “See you later!”

After saying that, the space around him warped.

[Is he running again?] Furious, Mo Na Ye roared, “Attack!”

Six mighty attacks blasted towards Yang Kai from two different directions. Black Ink Strength surged as it reached its target, erupting with a violent explosion.

Without waiting for the dust to settle, Mo Na Ye spread out his Divine Sense and investigated the surroundings, but found nothing at all. He had previously been able to locate the other party’s whereabouts almost immediately after Yang Kai escaped, but this time, there was no trace of him or his female companion at all. freewebnov(e)l

Mo Na Ye looked up again and saw that the Void in the direction they had attacked had collapsed. The destructive power of the joint strike of six Territory Lords was overwhelming. Even a Ninth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master would not choose to take such an attack directly. It was not that an Old Ancestor could not withstand such a blow, but that they did not need to do such things. As for an Eighth-Order Human, this impact was more than enough to destroy their body.
