Chapter 5546  , How Can He Be So Strong

Two other Warships did not resemble ordinary Warships. On the contrary, they seemed to be the incarnation of a Divine Spirit with extremely thick skin. Thanks to their strong defence, most of the attacks from the Territory Lord were successfully blocked by these two Warships.

As the saying went, ‘A cornered beast will undoubtedly fight back’. That was the best portrayal of the Territory Lord in his current situation. His numerous attempts to break free had been stopped by the forces surrounding him; hence, he was feeling very vexed. He initially rushed here in high spirits as reinforcements only to fall into such a miserable state not long after he arrived at Acacia Territory.

It would have been one thing if his opponent was a Human Race Master he could not defeat. There was nothing much to complain about if his skills were inferior to the enemy. However, the key point was that these people were not such opponents. He could easily kill any one of them in a single blow if they were on their own, but they were extremely hard to handle when they teamed up against him. At this moment, he truly understood the meaning behind the Human saying, ‘Two fists cannot not block four strikes’.


While he was fighting, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. It felt as though his Soul had been sliced open by a mysterious force. The agony was not something he had ever experienced in his life and for a time, he lost control of his strength entirely.

[Shit!] The Territory Lord was panicking now. Any careless mistake could lead to eternal doom in a life and death battle, what more a sudden loss of strength due to damage to his Soul. He knew that he had been ambushed, but he could not figure out how.

In the next moment, countless attacks rained down on him from all directions, and under the violent and chaotic storm, his aura abruptly vanished without a trace! The fourth Territory Lord was dead!

Only a cup of tea’s time had passed since Yang Kai began his assault, but in that short span, the fallout caused by the death of four Territory Lords had already spread throughout Acacia Territory. magic

“Damn!” Mo Na Ye, who was pursuing Yang Kai, nearly went mad with rage. He had requested five Territory Lords as reinforcements, confident that 10 of them would be enough to defeat Yang Kai. However, he never imagined that You Gong would be the only survivor out of the five sent in such a short time.

For a time, he couldn’t help feeling vexed. If he had known earlier, he would have brought the other Territory Lords to meet their reinforcements immediately. He had not expected Yang Kai to arrive so quickly, or for the five Territory Lords he invited to die so easily.


You Gong also had an ugly expression on his face, but a greater part of him was filled with relief. If not for his swift escape just now, the one being killed right now would have been him instead.

[That Human… How can he be so strong?]

All the current Innate Territory Lords came directly from the Primordial Heavens Source Grand Restriction. Seeing as every one of them was exceedingly powerful, they were confident and arrogant about their strength. They did not think highly of the Eighth-Order Human Masters, so only the Ninth-Order Old Ancestors could frighten them.

It was not until today that You Gong finally learned something new. The Ninth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters were not the only ones who could kill them. There was also an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master whose strength was beyond imagination!

“Let’s go!” On the battlefield ahead, Yang Kai’s complexion was deathly pale. He gave a low roar and activated Space Principles to envelope a large part of the void before hurriedly bringing the others with him in a quick escape. They had to flee now; otherwise, the tides would turn on them and the situation would be reversed.

Although they had not suffered any casualties so far, every single one of them had been wounded in the battle and they could no longer exert their full strength. It was mostly thanks to fortuitous timing that they managed to slaughter four Territory Lords in a row, with the other reason being that these five Territory Lords had been overly careless. If they had not split up to chase after Dawning Light and the Bi Xi Battleship, Yang Kai would not have had the opportunity to make a move.

With the deaths of four Territory Lords serving as an example, the other six would no longer be so easy to handle. If those six Territory Lords caught up to Yang Kai and the others, Yang Kai was the only one with the confidence to escape alive. The others would most likely lose their lives here; therefore, they had to escape immediately. The faster they fled, the better!

Yang Kai’s head was aching after unleashing three Soul Rending Thorns in a row and fighting four Territory Lords to varying degrees, so it was very difficult for him to perform consecutive Instantaneous Movements with three whole Squads in tow. Not to mention, the Dawn was a Special Operations Squad, so instead of a dozen members, they had 50. The more people there were, the greater Yang Kai’s burden. If not for the time constraints, he would have preferred to open his Small Universe for the rest to enter as that would have made things more convenient for him to escape.

Fortunately, he was not the only person who was proficient in the Dao of Space in this group.

Zhao Ye Bai was Yang Kai’s First Disciple. Having been born in Void World, he boasted an inherently high affinity with the Dao of Space. Now that he was in the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm, his attainments in the Dao of Space were considered extraordinary even if he could not compare with his Honoured Master. .c(o)m

With Zhao Ye Bai’s support, Yang Kai’s burden was reduced significantly.

Even though it was a long-awaited reunion between Master and Disciple, they were forced to flee for their lives before they could even reminisce about the past. In addition, Yang Kai was severely wounded in the previous battle, so it was only natural for Zhao Ye Bai to step up and contribute under such circumstances. Thus, he mustered all his strength and pushed his Space Principles to the limit.

During the cat-and-mouse chase, they travelled across several tens of millions of kilometres.

Behind them, Mo Na Ye and the other Territory Lords were furious! They initially assumed that it would be easy for them to hunt down the weakened and injured Humans, but who could have known that they would be left behind in the dust of their opponents instead?

The Royal Lord was right. Yang Kai’s ability to escape was unparalleled. It was no wonder that the Royal Lord himself was helpless against Yang Kai at the No-Return Pass.

“They are trying to escape from the Great Territory!” One of the Territory Lords shouted.

The direction in which Yang Kai and the others were escaping was obvious. They were heading towards one of the Territory Gates in Acacia Territory, and their intentions were as clear as day.

This was the most logical choice. With so many injured and six powerful Territory Lords chasing them from behind, it was only natural for Yang Kai’s group to find a quiet place to reorganise themselves as soon as possible. Leaving the Great Territory was the best option as it would not be too late for them to return for revenge after they had recovered.

Seeing as Yang Kai managed to kill four Territory Lords this time, he would surely have another opportunity to kill a few more once he was back at his peak. How many more Territory Lords in the Black Ink Clan would he kill after that? By the time he finished terrorising the Black Ink Clan, the situation in Acacia Territory would fall apart on its own.

“In your dreams!” Mo Na Ye coldly snorted and hurriedly sent out a message.

A short while later, a Feudal Lord with an impressive aura stood in front of the Territory Gate and shouted at the top of his voice, “Sir Mo Na Ye has issued a command! Several Human Race Masters are heading in this direction, and we must stop them at all costs!”

The Black Ink Clan Army of a million troops responded fervently and swiftly got into formation.

This Territory Gate was the same one that Bi Xi’s Soul Clone had wanted to escape with the little ones through, but what none of them knew was that the Black Ink Clan had swiftly deployed an army of a million troops to block this Territory Gate after Yang Kai entered Acacia Territory.

An hour later, a group of people swiftly approached the Territory Gate. Yang Kai looked up and saw a sea of Black Ink Clansmen spreading out into the horizon. The Black Ink Clan Army stood strong outside the Territory Gate, forming a tight barricade around it. Looking at the scale, Yang Kai judged there to be at least a million troops.

Yang Kai could not help cursing at the sight as he wondered why there were so many Black Ink Clansmen here.

An army of a million was certainly not small. Even if he did not detect the aura of a Territory Lord coming from that direction, it would not be easy for him to break through such a blockade. Besides, the Black Ink Clan Army was practically burning with fighting spirit. It was obvious that they had prepared themselves for an intense battle. The Territory Lords chasing from behind must have given them an order to fight to the death to stop them.

[We can’t head this way anymore.]

Under normal circumstances, it would not have been difficult for Yang Kai to break through the Black Ink Clan Army’s barricade, even if they had a million troops on their side. He had the confidence to succeed, eventually, but the circumstances this time were different. Six Territory Lords were chasing after him, so even a slight delay would lead to a disastrous end.

[Damn it, why are there so many Black Ink Clansmen in Acacia Territory instead of on the front lines of the war!?] Helpless, Yang Kai could only change direction and speed towards the next nearest Territory Gate. One day later, Yang Kai nearly thought that he had gone back to the same Territory Gate when he arrived at the second one and saw another million-strong Black Ink Clan Army.

[What’s going on? It’s just Acacia Territory. Isn’t this an insignificant place? Even if there are Human Race survivors trapped here, is there a need for the Black Ink Clan to mobilise so much manpower? Or, could it be because of me?]

At this moment, Yang Kai had the vague realization that the unexpected incidents in Acacia Territory were related to him, and he was correct.

In the beginning, the Black Ink Clan only planned to use the Human refugees trapped in Acacia Territory to lure out some Hunters and did not deploy many troops or Masters here. After all, 100,000 troops was more than enough to block a Territory Gate as the Human Masters they were expecting to face weren’t that strong or united.

After receiving the news from Profound Nether Territory though, Mo Na Ye deduced that Yang Kai would most likely appear in Acacia Territory. Hence, he hastily mobilised the armies from the nearby Great Territories and invited five additional Territory Lords over as reinforcements. That was how the current line-up was formed.

It would now seem that he indeed had great foresight. With a million troops guarding each Territory Gate, even Yang Kai would not dare to force his way through under the current circumstances.

There were five Territory Gates in Acacia Territory, but based on the situation at the two consecutive Territory Gates he visited, Yang Kai felt there was no need to check the situation at the three other Territory Gates. It was almost a given that the Black Ink Clan would also have heavy defences around those Territory Gates.

At this point, Yang Kai was barely holding on, while Zhao Ye Bai was about to reach his limits. He was wounded in the first place, so after supporting Yang Kai for so long, the burden was too much for him. It was just that he had a stubborn personality, so even though he was as pale as a sheet, he did not utter a single complaint.

“Hurry up and enter my Small Universe!” In the middle of their escape, Yang Kai shouted and opened the portal to his Small Universe.

At this point, he had no choice but to gamble. Once Zhao Ye Bai became exhausted, he would have to facilitate the escape of so many people with his strength alone. Under those circumstances, it would only be a matter of time before their enemies caught up to them.

When Yang Kai opened the portal to his Small Universe, the others did not hesitate and quickly poured inside.

During this brief delay, the six Territory Lords pursuing them quickly closed the distance with Mo Na Ye looking overjoyed as he roared, “Humans! Today you die!”

Immediately after that, the six Territory Lords joined forces and attacked in unison.

The surging Black Ink Strength caused both Yang Kai and Feng Ying to cough up blood. Even Yang Kai’s Small Universe was shaken by the aftermath because he failed to close the portal in time.

Fortunately for him, nothing serious happened since there was a World Tree clone in his Small Universe to shelter it from external forces. Otherwise, the impact would have been enough to put his Small Universe at risk of destruction.

The others, including Bi Xi’s Soul Clone, could enter Yang Kai’s Small Universe to hide, but Feng Ying could not. That was because she was also in the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm, the same as Yang Kai.

Yang Kai and Feng Ying’s injuries became increasingly severe, but before the six Territory Lords arrived, Yang Kai grabbed Feng Ying and vanished from the spot with a flash. It was a pity they could not run very far before the Territory Lords would track down their location and pursue them again.

Yang Kai swore fiercely in his heart, [Just you wait. I will definitely pay you back for this humiliation one day!]

Seeing as the Black Ink Clan Army had blockaded two Territory Gates, the same was most likely true for the remaining three. In other words, there was no way for them to leave Acacia Territory. In addition to the pursuit of the six Territory Lords, they were in a desperate situation indeed.

At this moment, there was only one place left for them to go.

Upon making his decision, Yang Kai focused on making his escape. Compared to how mighty he seemed earlier when he slaughtered those Territory Lords, he was now fleeing with his tail between his legs. It truly was the perfect example of karmic retribution. Now that the tides of fortune had turned on him, he was helpless.
