Of course, Bai Zemin had no idea what happened in the home of the Feng family.

Exactly one day after the Sky Destroyer landed and the subway hatches closed completely covering the terrifying intergalactic warship, Bai Zemin's only unconscious Loyal Follower finally woke up after so long.

In the Collector's Pocket World, Bai Zemin observed with a faint joyful smile the large 3-meter tall ant man standing as firm as a steel tower in front of him.

"Kong Jun, it's good to see that you have fully recovered."

Kong Jun's voice sounded as robotic as ever, "Lord Bai Zemin, apologies for my incompetence."

Hearing his words, Bai Zemin sighed and shook his head, "Not only do you not need to apologize for anything but you are also not incompetent at all. No one expected that bastard Thao Zhi would suddenly pull out such a powerful ace up his sleeve. Not even in my worst calculations did I expect the appearance of such a lethal weapon like that."

Had it not been for the fact that Bai Zemin had acquired the ability to create small white holes to absorb and then release enemy energy in the opposite direction he would have been dead long ago. Precisely because he had tasted first hand the power of that crimson beam, he understood how miraculous and amazing it was that Kong Jun had survived after being hit full on by that thing.


"Lord Bai Zemin, the princess? How is the princess?"

"Straight to the important thing uh?" Bai Zemin chuckled. "Don't worry, Shilin is perfectly healthy and sound. She'll probably take a while to break through the barrier separating the Second from the Third Order, but she's on her way to making a perfect breakthrough."

"Princess Shilin will become much stronger than most soul evolvers with each Order advancement. She is destined to become a formidable existence, and someday her name will become known throughout the world." Kong Jun nodded.

The pride and reverence in Kong Jun's voice as he spoke of Bai Shilin were so high that they practically crept from every fiber of his existence.

"I'm sure it will be like that, but not only throughout the world, Kong Jun. " Bai Zemin nodded and as the image of the beautiful girl, of his daughter, flashed in his memories he could not help but feel warmth and pride.

Bai Shilin was an existence that had been born from the records of three soul evolvers that could be considered anomalies; some more than others, but anomalies nonetheless.action


Physical strength, magical power, learning ability, even future vision... Bai Shilin had everything it took to become one of the most powerful existences in the history of the universe.

She just needed time to grow up, and Bai Zemin would make sure to take all the hardest and worst shots to give his daughter that time.

* * *

Two days later, Bai Zemin held an important meeting about the faction's next course.

The top commanders who were at distant bases could only be part of the meeting via video call, because with the size of the Earth greatly amplifying the travel time for normal vehicles, even helicopters, was just too great.

"I think the best idea is to wait." Wu Yijun pointed out.

She was sitting on the left side of the main seat; a seat naturally occupied by Bai Zemin.

Wu Yijun ignored everyone's eyes, her only focus was the man younger than her sitting next to her, "Earth just went through its third evolution, and it was definitely worse than the second. The gravitational surge of the world not only killed millions but also destroyed many structures that were not prepared to withstand that much pressure. It's been about 1 and a half months since then, too little time to recover and prepare."

"Leader, I think Miss Wu Yijun is right." Kang Lan remarked from a slightly lower seat in terms of status. "Mobilizing the army to conduct a major operation now? I'm afraid it could be a big problem in several respects."

Several more people expressed their support at Wu Yijun's words, among them were her parents; Sun Ling and Wu Keqian.

Bai Zemin listened to everyone and accepted their arguments, but after an hour he lowered his head and gently tapped his finger on the tabletop without agreeing immediately.

Seeing this, everyone remained silent with some apprehension in their hearts.

Everyone present was fully aware that Bai Zemin wanted to attack Russia to take revenge on the northern army. After all, it was the Russians who had supplied Liang Peng and his faction with heavy weaponry.

Had it not been for the Russians, the Transcendent faction would not have suffered so many casualties during the war in Inner Mongolia and many lives could have been saved. Thousands of families might be smiling happily instead of crying inconsolably at the loss of their loved ones.

After several minutes, Bai Zemin looked at one of the few people who had so far said nothing.

"Evangeline, what is your personal opinion on this matter?" Bai Zemin's black eyes met the emerald green eyes of the beautiful blonde-haired assassin, and after a brief pause, he added, "Should we attack the Russian territory as soon as possible or wait?"

Evangeline stared at Bai Zemin for more than a full minute, then, she lowered her head and slowly said, "From the faction's overall point of view.... And in terms of stability... What Wu Yijun and the others put forward is the wisest and probably the best option to follow."

She rarely spoke, and among those present most of them had only heard her voice two or three times at most. However, Evangeline's voice was very beautiful; soft as a delicate baby's, elegant as a lady's.... but thick with coldness.

"I didn't ask for the best for the faction." Bai Zemin said indifferently. "I asked what your personal opinion is."

Evangeline kept her eyes on the table for several seconds, but finally looked Bai Zemin straight in the eye and said with bloodlust that sent shivers down the souls of the bravest and cruelest, "My personal opinion is that we should crush all of Russia. If it were up to me I would move the army right now for the sole purpose of causing a massacre that will make them think ten million times before opposing us."

As Bai Zemin stared at her with indifferent eyes, several soul evolvers began to mutter among themselves.

"Does she have some kind of feud with Russia?"

"I don't know."

"I think she has Russian blood in her veins."

"Could it be related to her past? I heard she was a professional assassin even before the world evolved..."


Approximately 30 seconds later during which Bai Zemin and Evangeline stared at each other as the voices inside the room became louder and louder.


Bai Zemin struck softly enough not to destroy the table but loud enough for the sound to suppress the rising voices.

Everyone quieted immediately.

He took his eyes off Evangeline and as he looked at everyone he began, "As 90% of you pointed out, mobilizing the army to attack Russia at this time would be completely absurd. We're not even completely sure what things are like on foreign soil except for the few images our satellite managed to pick up faintly."

Most of those present, including Wu Yijun and Shangguan Bing Xue, sighed in relief.

Evangeline, on the other hand, had no apparent reaction... but if he were looking at her he would have seen the disappointment shining in her beautiful now slightly dimmer eyes.

"Therefore, I will attack Russia myself along with a small team that will be available to few people in case you want to accompany me."

Bai Zemin's words came too abruptly, without any forewarning and therefore everyone was taken by surprise; particularly those who thought the conversation was over.

"Wha-" Bai Delan looked at his son with wide eyes, and although he had many things to say his words got stuck in his throat choking him like a chicken captured by the neck.


A loud but melodious and beautiful laugh broke all decorum and echoed in high definition in the silent room, completely breaking the silence that had developed because of Bai Zemin's words just like a porcelain vase crashing to the floor.

Everyone looked at Shangguan Xinyue in shock.

"Mo- Shangguan Xinyue!" Shangguan Bing Xue slammed the table with wide eyes.

'This shameless woman!' Shangguan Bing Xue gritted her teeth, and if looks could create holes her mother's body would already have several.

"But!" Shangguan Xinyue wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. A big smile showing her white teeth shaped on her face at the same time as her tear moistened blue eyes shone focused on Bai Zemin, "Bing Xue, our Little King is really interesting don't you think? He doesn't even spare his father and directly almost killed him with just one or two lines- Hahahaha!"

Bai Zemin looked at Shangguan Bing Xue's mother, the corner of his mouth trembled as he slowly said, "Shangguan Xinyue, you've finally gone completely crazy out of your mind haven't you?"

"You are so mean!" Shangguan Xinyue immediately stood up and like a disheartened woman crossed the distance between her and Bai Zemin in an instant.

Under the wide eyes of everyone present, particularly a small group of people, Shangguan Xinyue threw her small but charming body on Bai Zemin.

Shangguan Bing Xue: "Mom, you!"

Wu Yijun: "A- Aunt..."

Sun Ling: "... I thought I was bold enough but this Bing Xue girl's mother is even worse... I should behave a little more like her?"

Wu Keqian: "L-Ling, you... What do you mean by that?"

Sun Ling: "What? I also have interest in the boy."

Wu Keqian: "You..."

Wu Yijun: "Mom!"


As the room immediately turned into a mess, Shangguan Xinyue wrapped her slender arms around Bai Zemin's neck and looked closely at him with seductive puppy eyes, "Little King... You'll let this little sister of yours join the assault team won't you?"

The corner of Bai Zemin's mouth began to twitch far harder, and it took all of him to control the Jony between his legs as he felt the woman's small yet charming body on his lap.

"...You can join in if you want."


Shangguan Xinyue leaned forward and as a token of appreciation pursed her pink lips, but before her soft mouth reached its destination a strong tug by her ear stopped her.

"Ouch- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Bing Xue, is this how you treat your mother?!"

"I'm just dealing with a pervert." Shangguan Bing Xue coldly snorted as she pulled her mother away.

As it turned out, Bai Zemin had to wait more than half an hour for things to calm down a bit thanks to the scandal Shangguan Xinyue had caused. However, thirty minutes later, things finally calmed down enough and exactly twenty minutes after that the assault team that would attack Russia had been completed.

"So... Shangguan Xinyue, Shangguan Bing Xue, Nangong Yi, Bai Delan, Jiang Lian, Sun Ling and... Evangeline." Bai Zemin looked at the golden-haired assassin for a moment before continuing, "The seven previously named will attack Russia together with me. In addition, Wen Yun and Wen Yan will join us; both sisters will be very helpful in stealing the enemy's technological equipment and weaponry away for us."

And just like that was how the assault team that would plunge Russia into chaos was formed.

However, there were two things that Bai Zemin did not expect to happen, and one of them would force him to change his plans abruptly.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: Guys, chapters will arrive somewhat irregularly for maybe 2-3 days as I am flying from South America to Asia, which takes time considering the stops. Sorry and thank you for your support >.<

We have been in the top 1 GT for 10 months in a row, and it means a lot to me to see that my effort pays off. Many thanks to you, who still donate your golden tickets and support Blood Warlock <3
