After arriving on Earth, Bai Zemin arranged for Feng Tian Wu to be taken to her parents' home; Wu Yijun herself took the mission into her own hands.

The one who received her was Feng Tian Wu's mother, Xian Shufen.

Feng Tian Wu's mother was a beautiful woman who looked to be about 30-35 years old. Her hair was auburn and her eyes were honey-colored while her white skin as smooth as silk; privileges that she was able to sustain through eating food of the highest quality, including Third Order mutant beast meat on some occasions.

Her level was no big deal, only 24. In fact, the only reason she had managed to reach that level was because both her husband and daughter repeatedly insisted on it or else there was no way she would go anywhere near a bloody and smelly battlefield.

"Oh my god, Miss Yijun!" Xian Shufen opened her eyes in surprise when she found Wu Yijun standing outside her house. She gestured as she stepped aside and shouted towards the inside of the house, "Please come in, come in and let me attend to you as you deserve. Emily! Get me those Spiritual Relief Leaves!"

Xian Shufen was a kind-hearted woman, but her problem was that she was a very snobbish person. She treated people depending on their position in society, and in this new society Wu Yijun was basically the third most powerful person in all of new China; in terms of politics she even surpassed Shangguan Bing Xue.

Wu Yijun looked at her with indifference but still maintained the decorum she needed to maintain: "Mrs. Xian, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay and drink tea with you. I only came here following orders from the Leader."


"Leader?" Xian Shufen first stared confused, but when the word 'Leader' settled in her brain her eyes twitched and her voice became cautious and respectful, "H-His Majesty...? W-What could His Majesty possibly need from a humble woman like me?"

Xian Shufen's family was one of the most prestigious and powerful families in all of new China, this could be seen by the fact that even Wu Yijun needed to maintain a certain degree of respect in the face of a woman with seemingly no real ability.

Feng Hong was an extremely powerful mage of level 119 and was currently being eyed for an important position as one of the leading mages of the new kingdom.

As for Feng Tian Wu... Last time it was known she was already a soul evolver above level 130 whose destructive power was definitely among the highest in the entire faction. Many even compared her to Shangguan Xinyue in terms of magical ability even though Shangguan Xinyue was practically 40 levels above her.

Given that her husband and daughter held practically absolute positions of prestige, even the parents of the King himself had to smile even if it was only out of politeness when standing next to Xian Shufen.

However, the King was a different matter.


Bai Zemin didn't need to smile at anyone he didn't like... because he had the power to overwhelm them all!

In fact, Xian Shufen had only met the young King a few times but she knew from what she had heard that he did not like people who abused their power and was not a fan of "leeches" either. As for Xian Shufen...she knew deep in her heart that she was a leech who enjoyed the benefits her husband and daughter brought to the household.

Wu Yijun took a step back and pulled out a green seed from her pocket. She threw the seed on the ground, and under Xian Shufen's astonished eyes a beautiful yellow flower as thick as a door and about a meter tall grew from the earth.

A few seconds later, the flower's petals opened, revealing a beautiful woman appropriately dressed in a white robe resting inside with her eyes closed.action

"Tian Wu!"

Xian Shufen immediately lunged forward at the sight of her daughter and began to sob.

She knew that her daughter's condition was not good after using some kind of strange skill, but her husband refused to tell her more so she had no idea how serious it was.

Seeing her daughter with her eyes closed in front of her and coupled with Wu Yijun's presence made Xian Shufen mistakenly think that something bad had happened.

"Mrs. Xian, Lady Feng Tian Wu is now out of danger." Wu Yijun was a kind-hearted woman to begin with, so seeing a mother crying like this in front of her unconscious daughter made her voice soften.

She continued, "According to the words of our healing mages and even the Leader, Feng Tian Wu should wake up sometime within the next 100 hours."

Xian Shufen no longer felt like talking too much and Wu Yijun had certainly not come to make friends so after explaining things a bit the two women said their goodbyes.

Exactly 70 hours later, Feng Tian Wu opened her eyes.

Her vision was somewhat blurry for the first five to ten seconds, and it took her about half a minute to understand that this was her room in her parents' house.

"Changping District..."

It was the first time Feng Tian Wu had heard her own voice in a long time, and despite feeling a little strange her voice was still as beautiful as ever.

She slowly sat up and immediately felt a slight dizziness along with a mild twinge of pain that disappeared as soon as it appeared.

As she gently held onto her head, a few messages flashed in Feng Tian Wu's eyes.

[Thanks to the effect of the Rank 5 consumable fruit 'Divine Daydream Pomegranate' you can now use the power of Domain of the Fire God Agni once without suffering backlash for up to 30 minutes].

[Magical power +8500 permanently].

[Fire resistance +20% permanently].

[The effect of ice-cold type skills becomes less effective against you].

Just at that moment, the door to the room opened and when Feng Tian Wu looked up she saw her mother standing frozen staring at her with wide eyes.

"T- Tian Wu!"

Feng Tian Wu sighed as her mother threw herself directly over her, and as she stroked her back she calmly said, "Mother, if I were a critically injured patient you would have killed me just now."

Her words had only fallen when Feng Hong appeared in the room.

The moment Sky Destroyer returned to Earth, Feng Hong immediately requested a short leave of absence from his duties.

In normal times such a thing would naturally be refused, there was no time to rest after all. However, it was Bai Zemin who personally granted the man some time to see his daughter.

"Father." Feng Tian Wu nodded gently as she tried to calm her mother down.

"...You seem to be perfectly fine?" Feng Hong said with some hesitation.

The man was quite tough so his expression was calm, but the dark circles under his eyes made it more than clear that he had not been resting well at all for the past while.

"... It seems so." Feng Tian Wu whispered after scanning her body. She looked at Feng Hong and asked softly, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Approximately 2 months, probably a little longer."

"More than two months..." Feng Tian Wu whispered at the same time as she lowered her head and plunged into her own thoughts.

After a few seconds, she looked at her father and calmly asked, "The last thing I remember was seeing that powerful enemy mage running away after fighting against... Against the Leader. Did we win?"

"China got united again, and we are now recognized as a worthy kingdom by the Soul Record." Feng Hong nodded deeply before adding, "That powerful mage had a second clash against the Leader and almost killed him and the others, but after being MIA for two weeks everyone returned safely."

"... I see." Feng Tian Wu nodded. She surveyed her surroundings for a moment as she softly said, "The mana in the world seems to be denser and purer than before... Did it...?"

"Earth evolved again." Feng Hong sighed. "The evolution was too abrupt and the gravity increased too much... Millions of survivors lost their lives."

After her father's words settled in her head, Feng Tian Wu nodded slowly without saying anything.

"... Tian Wu, what skill did you use?" Feng Hong sighed. He sat on the edge of the bed and caressed his daughter's legs above the blanket covering her body as he said with some trepidation, "Your condition had worsened so much that you had to be locked up over 200 meters deep in an ice chamber. It got to a point where even the strongest soul evolvers couldn't get near there."

Feng Tian Wu frowned slightly as she listened to her father's words, finally realizing how strange the situation was.

She... Why was she alive?

Feng Tian Wu was fully aware of how terrifying the power of the Domain of the God of Fire Agni was. She could feel it deep in her soul, like a coiled legendary dragon, sleeping and waiting for the moment when someone would decide to wake it up to wipe out the entire world.

At that moment, Feng Tian Wu felt the slight hopelessness in Bai Zemin's ever steadfast eyes when he asked for her help for the first time. She knew that unless he had no choice he would definitely not come to her, even if she did not want to admit it was the truth.

When Feng Tian Wu looked into his tired eyes back then and saw the slight hesitation in those ever-steadfast eyes she felt something strange in her heart. She liked Bai Zemin's eyes; unwavering, never faltering, and sparkling with unconquerable courage.

Therefore, when he came to her she did what she believed she had to do; she activated the one skill that could help him overcome the looming crisis ever closer.

"I... I thought I would never open my eyes again." Feng Tian Wu frowned as she whispered to herself.

"And you probably wouldn't have opened them again." Feng Hong said in a deep voice, drawing her attention.

Feng Tian Wu hesitated for a moment before quietly asking, "... What happened?"

Feng Hong stared into his daughter's slightly reddish eyes fixedly for a full minute, and the more he looked at her the more his own eyes moistened as he recalled all the things that had happened.

"Tian Wu, even Miss Kang and Miss Xia couldn't do anything to help with your condition at that time." Feng Hong explained in a choked voice. "You know what that means don't you?"

"... I do."

Feng Tian Wu was not surprised.

The fact that the two mages with the most powerful healing skills in the entire faction couldn't help her meant that she was destined to die, but this was something she already knew.

"But, Lead-... Bai Zemin, he didn't give up." Feng Hong sighed. The gratitude in his voice practically overflowed as he slowly said, "Bai Zemin kept looking for ways to help you, and fortunately he managed to find one."

Feng Hong noticed the change in his daughter's expression, as well as in her aura, and although she quickly seemed to return to her usual indifference she failed to deceive him.

He continued as if he hadn't noticed anything: "No one knows how, and those who do know have their mouths shut tight. Somehow, Bai Zemin learned about the existence of a high-ranking treasure capable of helping you... He planned a big operation and with a small but powerful team used the Sky Destroyer to head for the sun."

"To the sun?" Feng Tian Wu's eyes widened wide, and even her mother was startled as this was the first time she heard something like this.

"This treasure was a fruit and it can only grow in extremely hot places once every million years. Hence, the sun." Feng Hong nodded firmly. "Bai Zemin immersed himself in the flames of the sun for almost a whole hour to obtain that fruit and save your life, Tian Wu... and from what I could hear, it seems he was very very close to dying."

Hearing her father's words, Feng Tian Wu lowered her head and bit her lips so hard that she drew blood from them.

Feng Hong stared at his daughter calmly as she clenched her fists tightly, and in the silent room, her voice was clear to him and his wife.

"That person... Does he perhaps want to make guilt and regret consume me for the rest of my life... I thought... I thought we would be square if I managed to survive... But now...!"

"T-... Tian Wu you..." Xian Shufen covered her mouth as she looked at her daughter in shock.

This was the first time in MANY years that they had seen Feng Tian Wu shed tears.

But the person in question didn't seem to notice, and as she stared at her hands on her knees clenched into fists her tears tinkled softly, leaving small wet specks on the snow-white sheet.

Those were sorrowful tears.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We have been in the top 1 GT for 10 months in a row, and it means a lot to me to see that my effort pays off. Many thanks to you, who still donate your golden tickets and support Blood Warlock <3
