Bai Zemin's group had planned to sneak into the building to ambush the Zombie Leader, and by killing it the zombies would immediately lose the only intelligent being who gave them orders and could organize them as a real army.

By accomplishing this, the Transcendent faction's assault team would not have to worry about missiles from the warships and could rest easy in the fact that the Zombie Leader would no longer have the capacity to launch a nuclear missile in the midst of his desperation.

Those in charge of killing the Zombie Leader were Sun Ling, Bai Shilin, and Luo Ning. With the strength of these three ladies, even a level 180-190 soul evolver would succumb.

On the other hand, while the three of them suppressed and took the life of the Zombie Leader, Wen Yun and Wen Yan would head to the midpoint between all the warships focusing mainly on the American aircraft carrier with Liang Jiang acting as the guardian. This was because the twin sisters had a rather unusual class that made them very precious stocks for this particular type of circumstance.

However, the fact that the Zombie Leader turned out to be a human, a little kid who appeared to be no more than 7 years old, was something that Bai Zemin and the others did not count on at all.

"Sun Ling, are you sure that the spiritual wave that controls the zombies is being released by that little kid?" Bai Zemin asked in a deep voice.

One needed to remember that apart from there being an army of over 200.000 zombies there were also a dozen Second Order zombies!


Although a Second Order powerhouse meant nothing in Bai Zemin's eyes as one slap was enough to make them explode into a bloody mist, this did not mean that they were insignificant; in fact, they were second to the Third Order pillars that kept the faction standing.

"It's definitely this girl." Sun Ling's voice came from one of the commander's ring runes, and as Bai Zemin looked at the image of the girl trembling in fear with eyes filled with wariness and panic as she looked at the unknown people in front of her he couldn't help but sigh.

"Life really is mysterious." He shook his head.

"...Bai Zemin, we can't let that little girl fall into someone else's hands." Shangguan Bing Xue frowned and said in a serious voice, "Her ability to control zombies is too dangerous. If someone with evil intentions somehow gets her trust through the use of sweet words it would be a catastrophe for the whole world."

"...I know." He nodded. "Even though we managed to expel and kill the zombies from China practically for the most part, most of the world is overflowing with them."

Besides... Since the other party was just such a young girl, Bai Zemin doubted with all his heart that she could have any evil thoughts. She was probably just doing what she was doing out of fear and used what she could as her only method of defense to survive after experiencing who knows how many horrifying things for who knows how long.


"Wait, if the Zombie Leader is that girl then how is it possible for her to know the workings of the warships and order them to fire?" Bai Zemin suddenly pointed out.

"Hai hai, big brother, this is Wen Yun!"

A sweet and pleasant but somewhat mischievous voice came from the commander's ring just at that moment.

"Yan and I are with Grandpa Jiang at the designated point. Can you see us?"

Bai Zemin looked toward a certain part of the base that was dangerously close to the shore, and amidst thousands of crabs and lobsters, he managed to faintly make out two little girls in a clearing made by enemy corpses.action

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Wen Yun- Cough! Cough! Cough! I am only 25! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

That was Liang Jiang who was currently swinging his dagger nonstop, wiping out hundreds of enemies per second with ease and not allowing the Wen twin sisters to be attacked.

The Wen twins had very similar jobs, and although under normal circumstances they might not be very useful the reality was that whenever the conditions presented they could both become lethal war machines; especially when they were together.

Both sisters were soul evolvers above level 70 at the moment, and while Wen Yan was able to control virtually any technology from the past Wen Yun's ability was to control any heat weapon below the Annihilation level.

"Wen Yun, was it you who fired those missiles?" Bai Zemin asked in astonishment.

"Hehe! Pretty amazing isn't it?" Wen Yun sounded excited despite the situation.

Just at that moment, a deep and angry voice sounded from several kilometers further down the coast.

"Human King, stay back. This is a battle between my Sea Clan and the Zombie Race. There is no room for your Human Race!"

The voice echoed and thundered like lightning, and as this being spoke dozens of waves over 50 meters high rose up at the same time as a great pressure was released from the distance."Ah!"

"B- Big brother-"


"Bai Zemin, it's that monster from the image!"

"L-Leader, I can't move..."

"Neither can I..."



The frightened and slightly pained voices of Bai Zemin's team rang out at the same time as Shangguan Bing Xue's expression changed for the worse and her features turned slightly pale.

"... That monster seems to be even stronger than Thao Zhi." She said with concern as she inadvertently glanced at Bai Zemin waiting to see his reaction.

"... And I am far stronger than I was when I fought Thao Zhi." Bai Zemin snorted coldly and for the first time since he learned it activated Shadow Control.

"Shadow Wings."

At the same time as Bai Zemin's cold voice fell, his shadow that was projected on Little Snow's back suddenly twisted strangely and under Shangguan Bing Xue's wide eyes crawled across his legs, thighs, lower back, and finally stopped at the shoulder blade area.

In less than two seconds, Bai Zemin's shadow had become a physical thing that could be touched. From both sides of his back, two ash-gray wings, each over two meters long, stretched out and opened wide to the sides.

"Little Snow, support Bing Xue. Bing Xue, I leave the orders to you. Taking control over the American carrier along with that girl are the highest priority right after your lives!"

Bai Zemin didn't wait for a reply, but at the same time as he jumped off Little Snow's back, he caught a hint of Shangguan Bing Xue's worried voice.

"Be careful, make sure you get back at any cost!"

Again using Shadow Control, Bai Zemin made the gray wings on his back give a powerful flap and his plummeting body suddenly gained momentum, shooting forward like a missile and reaching the shore in a jiffy.

'Hey... this is really impressive.' Bai Zemin's eyes flashed and his heart pounded as he looked at the world beneath his feet in awe.

This was completely different from when he used the muscles in his body to create tremors that solidified steps of air around him, this was true flying!

Although Bai Zemin was relying on a skill to accomplish this, he was actually flying like a bird!

Flying through the skies was always one of the greatest desires of every human being, but the most that could be achieved was using planes or zeppelins; never at the level of birds that could move with total freedom while feeling the wind howling in their ears and caressing their faces.

Yet he was doing just that at this moment!

The strangest thing of all was that in the past Bai Zemin had tried to do the same thing with Blood Manipulation, but for some strange reason, it didn't work. The accumulated blood weighed too much to keep him in the sky floating, but his shadow didn't weigh at all!

"I don't care if you're King or if you're Cub, you think you can simply order me to retreat from my own territory and do as you please?"

Although Bai Zemin's voice was not loud, the power commanded by his tone, aura, and words was in no way inferior to that of the creature hidden in the depths far from the sea shore."Retreat or die! Anyone who dares to invade my territory will be mercilessly slain!"


Just Bai Zemin's last bellow was enough to make the sea more than 4000 meters below rumble and the clouds in the sky exploded outward as if they were fleeing in fright.

After a few seconds of silence, the angry but confident voice of the sea creature from before rang out again, this time much clearer and more imposing than before.

"Such arrogance... You're just a Second Order soul evolver but you dare to threaten me? Awesome, let the sea be your eternal resting place!"


At the same time as the sea water began to churn more violently than ever and colossal-sized waves were rising uncontrollably everywhere, Bai Zemin saw in the distance what appeared to be a wave that completely dwarfed the already terrifying waves that were forming near the shore and slamming into each other creating terrifying bangs.

... 2... 3... 4... 5 seconds.

Bai Zemin's expression turned into one of surprise when even after five seconds the creature still did not reveal its full body, and the wave in the distance had already grown more than 2000 meters high!


Bai Zemin quickly looked down as he heard a huge explosion, and amidst extremely hot yellow flames he spotted Feng Hong facing the terrifying electric jellyfish while the Third Order sea beast's little brothers charged towards the mainland to fight against the zombies and human troops.

On the other battlefield, Shangguan Bing Xue riding Little Snow held the other two Third Order sea beasts in check with relative ease, but it was clear that most of her focus was set on the distance as her eyes stared with growing shock at the yet-to-be-revealed beast.

"My God..."

"God preserve us..."

"Y- Yun..."

"Ya- Yan, don't cry!"

"W- What is- What is this creature?!"


At the same time as large amounts of water finally fell back into the ocean in the form of waterfalls drawn back by the Earth's gravity, Bai Zemin stared in amazement at what had to be the largest body he had ever seen in his entire life.

Ignoring how much more was hidden beneath the ocean, the beast before Bai Zemin towered by at least 5.000 meters into the sky. Its still-wet body was covered by a thick armor of aqua-green scales with terrifying spines on the sides and back that were as big as skyscrapers. Its wide open mouth revealing sharp and extremely large teeth by itself was huge enough to devour the Third Order sea snake that was about 1000 meters long.

The creature looked even more terrifying than a true dragon, and its appearance was at least 80% similar to that of the legendary Leviathan.

"Now that His Majesty has been released... I am free too."

The beast's voice was a lot more powerful and clear now that he was on the surface, and just from hearing him speak Bai Zemin felt his ears booming.

"My idea was to take this base only... but now changed my mind."

The beast's green eyes glowed as it stared at Bai Zemin who was no different than a speck of dust compared to his massive size.

"I'll eat your records to start the day!"

The Leviathan's words sounded in the form of a roar, and despite the distance of at least 20 kilometers, Bai Zemin could feel his body being pressed back as his hair flapped fiercely.

This was by far the most powerful enemy Bai Zemin had faced to date.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We have been in the top 1 GT for 10 months in a row, and it means a lot to me to see that my effort pays off. Many thanks to you, who still donate your golden tickets and support Blood Warlock <3
