Riding on Little Snow's back at over 5000 meters above sea level, Bai Zemin looked at the view below him and couldn't help but whistle in admiration.

"Those sea beasts sure are gambling big this time."

On the ground, surrounding the entire naval base, what appeared to be tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of sea creatures were facing off against hundreds of thousands of uniformed zombies.

"Even more surprising... Those zombies are learning to use human weapons." Shangguan Bing Xue pointed from behind him.

Little Snow was very large so she had no problem fitting several people on her back.

"Mhm..." Bai Zemin looked at the surroundings as he slowly said, "It's probably the work of whoever is leading them."

Previously, the reason why the Transcendent faction did not attack this naval base was precisely because there was suspicion of nuclear weaponry on one of the ships.


But now that Bai Zemin evolved into the Second Order, Shangguan Bing Xue went ahead and planned everything to regain control of the naval base and take over the American aircraft carrier.

She really was his best partner when it came to understanding what he needed and anticipating his future moves.


On the ground, zombies dressed in military uniforms belonging to China's nautical forces raised their guns and opened fire on the countless crabs the size of a human face and lobsters the size of a table crawling seemingly with no end in sight towards them.

The smaller caliber bullets simply bounced off as they struck the shells of the crabs and mutant lobsters, however, the medium and large caliber bullets took care of turning thousands of sea creatures per second into sieves.

Even though thousands of crabs and mutant lobsters writhed on the ground shrieking in pain if they did not die immediately, their bloodshot-eyed comrades took it upon themselves to continue forward, and using the numerical advantage they had pressed the zombie troops back step by step.


The pincers and tongs of the mutant lobsters and crabs were lethal weapons, and although these creatures were not particularly strong in general their physical attack power and ability to penetrate armor were frighteningly high even being comparable to those of level 30 soul evolvers.

Fortunately for the low-level zombies, they did not know the meaning let alone the feeling of pain. Although their legs were cut in half by the tongs and pincers of the sea beasts, the zombies that fell to the ground continued to pull the trigger of their weapons until they ran out of ammunition or until they were finally cut into dozens of pieces and killed after being tackled by dozens of crabs and lobsters.

At the same time that the Unclassified mutant creatures were fighting each other, the Agility-type and Strength-type First Order zombies were making use of their significantly more advanced bodies to take on giant black-scaled fish with eight legs in a seemingly desperate attempt to stop their advance.

The most terrifying were naturally the Second Order zombies that already had enough intelligence to understand and speak a few words.

A dozen Second Order zombies with rustic swords and spears made of white bones activated potent skills as they faced off the more than twenty sharks and swordfish, all of them Second Order with powerful physical abilities.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere along with bone fragments and broken limbs making not only the smell unpleasant but the sight even worse.

The sound of gunfire along with attacks from the powerhouses on both sides echoed noisily for over two hours before the first major change on the battlefield finally occurred.


In the sky.

"Look over there, they seem to be getting more serious now." Shangguan Bing Xue leaned forward and extended her hand to point in the direction of the sea, but she seemed not to notice that her movement caused the front of her body to press on Bai Zemin's wide back.He didn't seem to notice either, or rather just ignored it as it was impossible not to feel the softness caressing the muscles under his shoulder blades.

After what happened while playing Dark Room that day, many physical barriers seemed to have gotten a lot thinner between the two of them and now they no longer bothered about seemingly insignificant things.

Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes and looked off into the distance where three large waves rose practically at the same time, towering over 200 meters each.

Soon, three Third Order creatures revealed themselves, and when they appeared the zombies froze as if whoever was controlling it felt fear.

One of them was a large sea snake over 700 meters long. The beast was covered in a thick layer of viscous liquid running over its blue scales and it looked extremely intimidating with its giant teeth coated in fresh blood.

The second sea beast turned out to be a blue-ringed octopus over 200 meters tall. The creature's tentacles resembled breathing as if alive as they repeatedly twitched and the blue-colored rings around its body glowed brightly in a particularly menacing manner.

The third beast was a huge jellyfish over 500 meters tall. The beast was surrounded by thick armor of blue lightning, and behind it were at least 100,000 mutant jellyfish awaiting its command to advance and join the war on the mainland.

As the three mutant Third Order beasts appeared, Bai Zemin noticed that the Leader of these zombie troops was clearly scared since for an instant it seemed as if the connection of the unknown Leader with the zombie army was severed.

Seeing him getting up on Little Snow's back, Shangguan Bing Xue slightly moved backwards and asked in puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

"No, I think something is not right." Bai Zemin took out a Rank 2 heavy chest plate from his storage ring and while equipping it quickly explained, "Bing Xue, it seems that the Leader is the only Third Order zombie here. If that's the case I'm afraid it will be impossible to stop that giant monster that was spotted by our satellite."

Shangguan Bing Xue's expression changed slightly upon hearing this as she soon understood what he meant.

"That means that if the Zombie Leader is cornered there is a possibility that it will fire one or even more nuclear missiles."

"That's how it is." Bai Zemin nodded.

The terror of nuclear weapons was no longer their powerful detonation nor their terrifying shockwave, the real fear of Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue was in the radiation that would spread later and make it impossible to approach the affected area for at least 100 years.

Even Fourth Order soul evolvers could do nothing against the radiation that weakened and subsequently consumed records. Of course, a Third or Fourth Order soul evolver would not die from a few hours out in the open exposed radioactive zone, but they certainly could not stay long or they would begin to get weaker and weaker quickly.

Suddenly, the giant sea snake lunged forward with its keen eyes fixed on the large central building that surprisingly was still standing even though the world had evolved repeatedly.

"Why doesn't the Zombie Leader fire the torpedoes and missiles from the warships?" Bai Zemin was surprised as he watched the sea split in two and churned at the abrupt but fast movements of the sea creature.

Just then and as if responding to Bai Zemin, three whistles sounded from the distance, and in an instant three flashes of light shot out from one of the warships.

"It's opening fire."

The speed of the giant sea snake was truly astonishing as it slithered through the water with agility while the missiles were only slightly slower in comparison.

The beast could clearly sense danger as at the first glimpse of the three missiles it opened its mouth and discharged three large green orbs.


Two of the missiles exploded immediately after being hit in mid-flight, but the third managed to continue its track only slightly disturbed by the superimposed shockwave of the two previous explosions.BOOM!!!

The giant sea snake let out a sharp hiss of pain and its head tilted back after being hit in the neck by the missile, and after the cloud of smoke was blown away by the strong winds a car-sized hole was revealed just below the monster's mouth.

Although the hole was insignificant compared to its large size, the pain the sea snake felt was evident by the sight of scorched flesh and red blood running between the broken scales.

The giant sea snake was not stopped by the pain, quite the contrary. Its movement speed skyrocketed and using the power of the giant waves to its advantage it managed to counter the next shots coming from the shore.

At this rate, it wouldn't take more than five seconds to close the total distance and reach the building!action

It was right at that moment when Bai Zemin's commander's ring lit up and Sun Ling's anxious voice rang out, "Bai Zemin, don't let that beast destroy the building! We have a change of situation here!"

Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue's expressions changed noticeably when they heard Sun Ling's urgent tone of voice, and they both realized that there was no time to ask questions and wait for answers as the sea snake was simply too fast!

Bai Zemin knew that a normal attack would not be able to close the distance before the giant snake reached the shore so without hesitation he struck at lightning speed the space in front of him a hundred times!

"Void Fist!"

Void Fist was not Bai Zemin's most powerful skill in terms of damage, but it was certainly the one that traveled the fastest as it literally seemed to cut space in two and avoid every obstacle until it reached its target.


The atmosphere rumbled, and just a second before the sea creature slammed its giant tail into the building its body was sent flying backwards with blood and flesh splattering everywhere.


The beast roared in pain as 1/4 of its tail was completely destroyed at the same time as it struck the water violently after flying over 2000 meters, raising a huge wave that shook the surroundings mercilessly.

The intervention of a third party was undoubtedly not foreseen by either the zombies or the sea beasts as for a few seconds the battle came to a pause while each side assimilated what had just happened.

"Sun Ling, report." Bai Zemin ordered in a deep voice as this was not in their plans.

"We made a mistake. There is no Zombie Leader at all." Sun Ling's voice sounded as surprised as Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue were to hear her words.

"What? That's impossible." Shangguan Bing Xue approached Bai Zemin's ring and said in a cold voice, "If there is no Zombie Leader then how can it be possible for those unintelligent zombies to be able to raise modern weapons and fight as a team?"

"... You'd better see for yourselves." Sun Ling seemed to sigh on the other side, and an instant later Bai Zemin felt that someone was trying to share an image directly to him from the black ring from which he could control all the communications of his faction.

He accepted it without hesitation, and without delay, a holographic image shot forward from one of the golden runes of the commander's ring.

What Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue saw shocked them to the core of their bones, because if what they were thinking was true then they had just found probably one of the greatest treasures that could exist in the entire world.

With Sun Ling, Bai Shilin, and Luo Ning locking her in a triangle so that they could attack immediately if necessary, a very little girl who couldn't have been more than 7 years old was looking at them with her eyes as wide as spotlights and her body trembling like that of a scared little baby bunny.

"This little kid seems to have trouble with speech, it's probably the side effect of whatever it is she's seen and lived through all this time. But, she's definitely human."

As Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue looked at each other in shock, Sun Ling sighed.

"The spiritual wave that controls the army of over two hundred thousand zombies is being released by this girl... She is the true leader of the zombie army."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We have been in the top 1 GT for 10 months in a row, and it means a lot to me to see that my effort pays off. Many thanks to you, who still donate your golden tickets and support Blood Warlock <3
