
After a while, Aidan finally got on the train and headed to Magnolia.

"Already very little is left ..." - looking at the views quickly passing outside the window, the guy smiled a little:

"I wonder how they are there?" - grinning wryly, he sighed:

"In any case, I will not be long ... According to Mavis's calculations, the Moon Drop will print Deliora for about three years, even if I calculated the time close to the eighty-first year, I cannot risk it, this year has already begun, I will leave as soon as possible, otherwise no way ... I have no more than three months "

Outside the window of the carriage, endless forests and huge mountain ranges swept by. In the spring Fiore blossomed. Trees and flowers were spread all over the place. Unwittingly, this beauty caused a smile. There is very little left, and he will reach the goal.

A couple of hours later, Aidan finally made it to Magnolia.


Leaving the train, he got out and smiled happily:

- Finally I'm back! - Magnolia was still beautiful. Time was already drawing to a close, but this made the city look even more beautiful. Even the air seemed much nicer here than in Hargeon.

"Well, let's see if they've razed this place to the ground ... I think Laxus has definitely become the elder of the wizards, maybe Elsa too. Fairy Tail has entered the era of powerful wizards. I can't believe that I've been in this world for so many years ... I'm already sixteen ... "

Walking calmly down the main street, Aidan looked around and smiled contentedly.

"Just three more years and finally the times of great changes will come. Acnologia and Zeref ... What else do I have to face? Yes, I wonder, I ... "- suddenly Aidan stopped, blinked in surprise and stared at the girl in front. She appeared as suddenly as she turned her beautiful face towards him.

- Erza?


The girl's eyes trembled:

- E-aidan ... - suddenly she jumped from her place and instantly appeared in front of him:- Aidan! - Before the guy had time to do at least something, he was enclosed in a soft, unusually strong embrace. Losing her balance, Erza fell flat with him. A crash echoed across the street and cracked stone tiles.

`` You're back ... '' Erza whispered softly, without losing the strength of her hug.

- Why so long?

Her red hair completely blocked his view, and a delicious feminine scent hit straight in the nose. All this, together with such a tight hug, is an indescribable strange feeling. Aidan was holding Erza by the waist, hugging her to him, while her slender leg touched a rather embarrassing place. From such a sixteen-year-old guy, even with the mind of an adult man, he could not help but react.

He replied, slightly embarrassed:

- I'm stuck somewhere ...

- Stuck? Erza pulled away worriedly, hovering over his face.

"Damn ..." - the guy swallowed as soon as he saw her so close. In the past, Erza, although she was amazingly beautiful, but she still retained some childish features and at the same time, in fact, was a little girl. But now, in front of him was an adult and incredibly beautiful girl!

- Um, p-sorry ... - suddenly a quiet voice broke the whole embarrassing situation. Erza turned calmly to reveal Aidan's view. That's just, he could not tear himself away from her beautiful face.

"We should have expected ..." - he smiled a little. Erza grew up in every sense, even the armor could not hide her true beauty, her luxurious figure. Dark boots and a short skirt gave her a cute charm, especially when you consider her stunning face, fair and beautiful skin, and lovely scarlet hair, braided in a high ponytail. A straight nose and a perfect face, many times superior to any beauties from the past world of Aidan. Attractive brown eyes, thin eyebrows and small dimples on her cheeks adorned an already amazing girl.

"People are looking at you," said a short girl of about fourteen, embarrassed. She turned out to be Levi, still the same sweet - she almost did not grow up since the last meeting.

- So what? Erza asked discontentedly.

Looking around at the shocked crowd, she said menacingly:

- Go where you went! Don't you see we're busy ?!

- Eh? - Levy didn't even know how to react from such actions. She just met Erza, and here it is! People around, on the contrary, quickly began to disperse. They all knew firsthand about these wild Fairy Tail wizards.

Erza started to ignore them again and pressed herself to Aidan's chest.- I missed...

"Um," at the moment, he wasn't just arriving in a surprised state, he was shocked! Previously, this little girl was embarrassed and generally tried not to express her intentions, but now she absolutely does not care about others. She did whatever she wanted and paid absolutely no attention to anyone. Amazing ... She didn't even ask Aidan about anything, but just pressed her beautiful face against his hard chest, closing her eyes. There was a feeling that she was going to sit here until the very night! However, he was not against it, if only without this cold armor ...

- Listen ... - after a couple of minutes, Levi's voice was again heard:

"You'll catch a cold and I, well, I'll probably go ..." Without waiting for an answer, the girl quickly left.

- Erza ... - the guy whispered quietly, gently brushing before the scarlet hair. The diamond-shaped earring swayed slightly, revealing a great view of the girl's beautiful ear.

- I think if you so want ... We could go to my house, at least there is not such a hard floor.

Erza blushed slightly and looked up.

- Are you serious?

- Of course, your armor is crushing ... I would like to ... - Before he could finish, Erza's steel outfit lit up with a bright flash, immediately replaced by a beautiful short purple dress. The hardness of the armor immediately disappeared and the very soft body began to feel completely different.

- How luxurious, - Aidan could not resist continuing to hug Erza around the perfect waist. The girl was more and more embarrassed:

- W-wait ... I read about it, b-but ... Maybe we won't be in such a hurry ... - hiding her face, she blushed like her scarlet hair. It's amazing how quickly she changed her mind after losing her armor, and even after such courage.

"I don't understand ... Was she always like this? It seemed to me that it was not in her nature to do so. If you think so, there is a reason, but ... "

Suddenly, Aidan tried to get up, grabbing the girl differently, he sat her down on him, and then gently hugged her and grabbed her legs. Having risen, he was already comfortably holding Erza and with a warm smile did not take his eyes from her face:

- I admire your courage, even though it is strange ... Let's go to the guild!

Realizing his words, the girl shuddered and jumped abruptly:

- W-wait! I myself can ...

Smiling, Aidan threw on his backpack and grabbed his suitcase.

- Well, then let's go.

In his mind, he doubted a little. He remembered well how, in fact, Erza was not at all embarrassed by the other guys, except, perhaps, Jellal. But, all this concerned only the story that he read about. The world is different here, and he influenced it. It's just that Erza's situation is painfully suspicious. In the past, he thought about it, now he began to think more seriously.
