
A mounth later. Fiore, Hargeon port city.

On this warm and windy day, a white-sailing merchant galleon docked in the port. Workers and ordinary residents looked around with interest at the arriving sailboat, but quickly turned away when they noticed the flag of the famous merchants.

The ship had not yet been properly secured, when a guy in a black robe jumped off the side and took off his dark hood. At the same moment, his pale skin, short purple hair and scarlet eyes lit up in the sun:

- Ha! Finally! - Looking around, Aidan shouted: - Old man, where are my clothes ?!

- Don't be in a hurry! Everything will be right now! - I heard from the deck. The fat bearded man straightened his rich purple robes and grinned.

- Everything is here buddy! - fingers, filled with fingers, grabbed a suitcase, which then flew at Aidan.


- Hey, be careful ... - the guy quickly caught him and swore in displeasure, followed by a backpack.

- Derek! I will sink your vessel next time!

The fat man straightened his dark glasses and laughed.

- Do not thank if you will be in Bosco, looking to me! I have a couple of lovely daughters, I will introduce you! - burst out laughing at the sight of the gloomy Aidan, the old man waved his hand:

- Happen! Good luck guy! Do not forget about our agreement, in a week everything will be brought. The main thing is to appear there!- Necessarily ... - Aidan returned to his former mood and waved his hand: - And good luck to you! If anything happens, you know where to look!

- Definitely!


Saying goodbye to a new, or rather now an old friend, Aidan threw his backpack over his shoulder, grabbed a suitcase and headed further into the city.

An unbuttoned black vest was hidden under a dark robe. Sunglasses, purple sandals and dark gold-patterned breeches. The vest can be called pretentious because of the gold patterns and multiple chains around the waist. Moreover, he now wore a blade behind his back, fastened on a black chain to his vest. Over the months, Aidan has changed even more. Meeting with traders from Bosco influenced his image. This country was famous for its style, so they quickly found the right outfit for him. Well, he received the blade from that ill-fated cave with three deadly statues. The rest of the weapons he simply kept in his space for Rearmament. He wore this sword solely as a good trophy, yet such a beautiful weapon is not often found. Plus, he did a bit of practice with it - training with a weapon would definitely not hurt.

With a suitcase full of money, Aidan headed to the station and bought a ticket to Magnolia. He was anxious to return to the guild as soon as possible and relax in the company of close friends.

- Why should I do two more hours? - bored at the station, he sighed with displeasure and decided to walk around the city with a light march:

"I'll go to the magic shop, maybe I'll buy something ..."

After dinner at a restaurant, Aidan inquired about the magic equipment merchants and quickly found one. It turned out to be the same old man who sold Lucy the key of Little Dog, or rather, will sell it to the future.

"Greetings," he smiled, greeting Aidan politely. The guy nodded slightly and began to look around:

- Do you have the Golden Keys?

- Oh, what are you, sir, we have a very small shop, such rare things do not appear with us. But, I have a silver key, quite good spirit. If you are a spirit spellcaster ...

"No," Aidan stopped him. "Just a little hobby.In fact, he only used the Star Keys a few times. He summoned Crow about five times, and in total he spent no more than an hour with him. As for the Virgin, even less with her. Aidan did not even have time to sign a contract with her after that affair with Everly. There was no time at all, after that robbery, the guy spent a lot of time with friends, and then spent two years in a trap. In those days, he had a desire to summon the Virgo and even a talkative bird, but, unfortunately, the barrier blocked the calls. Probably all this concerned any spatial magic. Therefore, Aidan spoke with Virgo only twice. On the island, Mavis happened just the second time.

After examining the small shop, the guy finally spoke:

"I don't need your key. Rather, I am looking for three types of lacrim: dispels, ice-charged, and dragon-like. Do you have any of this?

- Uh ... - Starkey embarrassedly scratched his bald head and nodded: - There is one charged with the magic of ice. The rest, unfortunately, is not ...

"That's enough," Aidan nodded. "Give me some more Observing and Communication Lacrima and a few empty ones made of blue magic mineral.

- ABOUT! - the old man's eyes sparkled, and he quickly nodded: - Good! Okay!

With a small smile, Aidan admired the various trinkets, then quickly collected the purchases. All this was needed for extreme situations. Dispel lacrimas can be used to suddenly dispel the enemy's magic, icy ones can be used to replenish their magic, but he asked about the dragon ones just out of curiosity. What ordinary shop in a city with ten percent of wizards can have such a rarity? Mavis taught Aidana a lot, including her understanding of magic items. If even in her time such lacrimas were considered the rarest, then what can we say about the current era, when there are only legends about dragons ...

After purchasing, Aidan left the magic shop, heading to the train station.

In the past, he missed a lot about magic equipment - after meeting Mavis, everything changed. In the past, he did not even think about long-distance communication, but in fact, in fact, he could so easily communicate with people from the guild and keep in touch. A really nasty omission. Concentrating on books, he paid no attention to everyday things at all.

The streets of Hargeon vaguely resembled Magnolia. The style of architecture was definitely very similar. It is not surprising that this city was one of the oldest in Fiore, even if it did not have such riches as many other cities, it kept its ancient history.

Mavis talked about the old days when legal guilds fought bloody wars. There was also one strong guild in Hargeon. Fairy Tail rivaled them for a while back then. This did not last long, under the leadership of Mavis, they quickly surrendered and capitulated. Although, about why this guild now does not exist in Hargeon, she did not tell. So many years have passed, since then there are too few strong guilds. Those times of war created many powerful magicians, now everything is different. Without battles and battles, without blood and death, someone really strong is rarely born.

Fairy Tail was perhaps the exception in part, since they often won in an unknown way with the help of feelings and the power of friendship. Aidan, of course, did not share the belief in such incomprehensible things. He understood about the power of feelings and their effect on magic, but no matter how strong the magician's emotions were, they definitely would not allow one to overcome a truly terrifying enemy.

Even if Aidan liked the guild's honesty, their dedication, innocence and solidarity, he understood perfectly well that you should not rely on this and believe in victory simply because you are surrounded by comrades.

Of course, constant battles will temper the guild, but at the last moment the power of friendship was always accomplished. Partly because Aidan wanted to become stronger, he wanted at an important moment not to allow them to rely on this luck mixed with some kind of heavenly providence, since he was not sure if it would work as well as it should.

Perhaps, if he was born in this world, everything could be different, but he is different. Many things surprised him, and even with that, he still acted in his own way. Especially well aware of the danger of their presence. Any wrong step can harm loved ones, he knew this, but still could not leave. He didn't want to leave Fairy Tail at all. This also requires strength, this is the world ...

Remembering his friends, he moved forward with a satisfied smile.
